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-# tello-gesture-control
+# DJI Tello Hand Gesture control
+The main goal of this project is to control the drone using hand gestures without any gloves or additional equipment.
+Just camera on the drone or your smartphone(soon), laptop and human hand.
+## Index
+1. [Introduction](#Introduction)
+2. [Setup](#Setup)
+ 1. [Install pip packages](#1.-Installing-pip-packages)
+ 2. [Connect and test Tello](#2.-Connect-Tello)
+3. [Usage](#Usage)
+ * [Keyboard control](##Keyboard-control)
+ * [Gesture control](#Gesture-control)
+4. [Adding new gestures](#Adding-new-gestures)
+ * [Technical description](#Technical-details-of-gesture-detector)
+ * [Creating dataset](#Creating-dataset-with-new-gestures)
+ * [Retrain model](#Notebook-for-retraining-model)
+5. [Repository structure](#Repository-structure)
+## Introduction
+This project relies on two main parts - DJI Tello drone and Mediapipe fast hand keypoints recognition.
+DJI Tello is a perfect drone for any kind of programming experiments. It has a rich Python API (also Swift is available) which helps to almost fully control a drone, create drone swarms and utilise its camera for Computer vision.
+Mediapipe is an amazing ML platform with many robust solutions like Face mesh, Hand Keypoints detection and Objectron. Moreover, their model can be used on the mobile platforms with on-device acceleration.
+Here is a starter-pack that you need:
+## Setup
+### 1. Installing pip packages
+First, we need to install python dependencies. Make sure you that you are using `python3.7`
+List of packages
+ConfigArgParse == 1.2.3
+djitellopy == 1.5
+numpy == 1.19.3
+opencv_python ==
+tensorflow == 2.4.1
+mediapipe == 0.8.2
+pip3 install -r requirements.txt
+### 2. Connect Tello
+Turn on drone and connect computer to its WiFi
+Next, run the following code to verify connectivity
+python3 tests/test_connection.py
+On successful connection
+1. Connection test:
+Send command: command
+Response: b'ok'
+2. Video stream test:
+Send command: streamon
+Response: b'ok'
+If you get such output, you may need to check your connection with the drone
+1. Connection test:
+Send command: command
+Timeout exceed on command command
+Command command was unsuccessful. Message: False
+2. Video stream test:
+Send command: streamon
+Timeout exceed on command streamon
+Command streamon was unsuccessful. Message: False
+## Usage
+The most interesting part is demo. There are 2 types of control: keyboard and gesture. You can change between control types during the flight. Below is a complete description of both types.
+Run the following command to start the tello control :
+python3 main.py
+This script will start the python window with visualization like this:
+### Keyboard control
+(To control the drone with your keyboard, first press the `Left Shift` key.)
+The following is a list of keys and action description -
+* `k` -> Toggle Keyboard controls
+* `g` -> Toggle Gesture controls
+* `Left Shift` -> Take off drone #TODO
+* `Space` -> Land drone
+* `w` -> Move forward
+* `s` -> Move back
+* `a` -> Move left
+* `d` -> Move right
+* `e` -> Rotate clockwise
+* `q` -> Rotate counter-clockwise
+* `r` -> Move up
+* `f` -> Move down
+* `Esc` -> End program and land the drone
+### Gesture control
+By pressing `g` you activate gesture control mode. Here is a full list of gestures that are available now.
+## Adding new gestures
+Hand recognition detector can add and change training data to retrain the model on the own gestures. But before this,
+there are technical details of the detector to understand how it works and how it can be improved
+### Technical details of gesture detector
+Mediapipe Hand keypoints recognition is returning 3D coordinated of 20 hand landmarks. For our
+model we will use only 2D coordinates.
+Then, these points are preprocessed for training the model in the following way.
+After that, we can use data to train our model. Keypoint classifier is a simple Neural network with such
+_check [here](#Grid-Search) to understand how the architecture was selected_
+### Creating dataset with new gestures
+First, pull datasets from Git LFS. [Here](https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/wiki/Installation) is the instruction of how
+to install LFS. Then, run the command to pull default csv files
+git lfs install
+git lfs pull
+After that, run `main.py` and press "n" to enter the mode to save key points
+(displayed as **MODE:Logging Key Point**)
+If you press "0" to "9", the key points will be added to [model/keypoint_classifier/keypoint.csv](model/keypoint_classifier/keypoint.csv) as shown below.
+1st column: Pressed number (class ID), 2nd and subsequent columns: Keypoint coordinates
+In the initial state, 7 types of learning data are included as was shown [here](#Gesture-control). If necessary, add 3 or later, or delete the existing data of csv to prepare the training data.
+### Notebook for retraining model
+[![Open In Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg)](https://colab.research.google.com/github/kinivi/tello-gesture-control/blob/main/Keypoint_model_training.ipynb)
+Open [Keypoint_model_training.ipynb](Keypoint_model_training.ipynb) in Jupyter Notebook or Google Colab.
+Change the number of training data classes,the value of **NUM_CLASSES = 3**, and path to the dataset. Then, execute all cells
+and download `.tflite` model
+Do not forget to modify or add labels in `"model/keypoint_classifier/keypoint_classifier_label.csv"`
+#### Grid Search
+❗️ Important ❗️ The last part of the notebook is an experimental part of the notebook which main functionality is to test hyperparameters of the model structure. In a nutshell: grid search using TensorBoard visualization. Feel free to use it for your experiments.
+## Repository structure
+│ main.py +│ Keypoint_model_training.ipynb +│ config.txt +│ requirements.txt +│ +├─model +│ └─keypoint_classifier +│ │ keypoint.csv +│ │ keypoint_classifier.hdf5 +│ │ keypoint_classifier.py +│ │ keypoint_classifier.tflite +│ └─ keypoint_classifier_label.csv +│ +├─gestures +│ │ gesture_recognition.py +│ │ tello_gesture_controller.py +│ └─ tello_keyboard_controller.py +│ +├─tests +│ └─connection_test.py +│ +└─utils + └─cvfpscalc.py ++### app.py +Main app which controls the functionality of drone control and gesture recognition