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N.B. the content of this repository only runs on Linux and OSX.

TCM experiments

Systems and graphs

This readme should come with the following folders and files:

  • graphs: contains the graphs of reachable modes for the main components in different folders under ./reachable_modes/. Several graphs are provided for each component, the most readable being usually dot.pdf.

  • kind2: Kind 2 binaries for linux and OSX.

  • logic: a running example ml.lus showcasing mode-based contracts, along with its graph of reachable modes graph.pdf. It is a simplified version of the mode logic component of the TCM.

  • scripts: scripts used by the Makefile.

  • systems: contains the TCM lustre files:

    • helpers.lus: nodes used for the specification of the system, and the abstraction of its non-linear expressions.

    • spec.lus: contracts specifying the components of the TCM.

    • original_system.lus: the TCM system as we got them from the Simulink to Lustre translator.

    • cocospec_comp_system.lus: the TCM system fully specified in cocospec.

    • cocospec_mono_system.lus: the TCM system with only the top node specified and the non-linear expressions wrapped in contract-equipped nodes.

Kind 2 repository

The implementation reported in the paper is in the develop branch of the Kind 2 official repository:

Makefile commands

  • graphs-osx/graphs-linux: generates the graph of reachable modes for the systems in cocospec_comp_system.lus. Requires Kind 2 and standard graphviz commands.

  • verif-osx/verif-linux: runs Kind 2 on cocospec_comp_system.lus in modular/compositional mode. Expected runtime is less than 100 seconds on a recent machine.

  • monolithic-osx/monolithic-linux: runs Kind 2 on cocospec_mono_system.lus in compositional mode with a timeout of 600 seconds.

You can pass custom options to Kind 2:

make args="<options>" <cmd>
# For instance, run "verif-osx" with verbose output.
make args="-v" verif-osx

Kind 2 options

To run your own experiments, generate your own graphs, or customize the run commands, the relevant Kind 2 options are

  • --output_dir <dir> specifies where Kind 2 should write the files it produces. Default is ./kind2/.

  • --lus_main <node_id> to analyze node <node_id>. Otherwise, the last node is analyzed.

  • -v verbose output.

  • --smt_solver [Z3|CVC4] which solver to use.

  • --z3_bin <z3_cmd>, --cvc4_bin <cvc4_cmd> the command to call the actual solver.

  • --timeout <int> specifies a timeout in seconds.

  • For verification:

    • --compositional true to activate the abstraction-by-contract mechanism.

    • --modular true to analyze all nodes of the system bottom-up. Beware that will also analyze the non-linear nodes in the systems provided. It is recommended to use --smt_check_sat_assume false to deactivate the use of a feature in the SMT solver that is known to perform poorly on non-linear problems.

    • --check_implem false deactivates the verification of nodes. Contracts still be checked for mode exhaustivity. This option is useful if you just want to generate the graph of reachable modes without (re-)verifying the node itself.

  • For graph generation:

    • --testgen true to run test generation, the feature that generates the graph of reachable modes.

    • --testgen_graph_only true to prevent Kind 2 for logging the witnesses for each mode path.

    • --testgen_len <int> to generate the graph up to depth <int>.

    • A file will be generated in a folder named after the node's identifier <node_id>/testgen/tests. You can use ./scripts/ to generate the graphs in PDF format by giving it the path to the <node_id> folder. For instance ./scripts/ my_graphs/MODE_LOGIC/testgen/tests.

      Complete example:

      > ./kind2/kind2-osx -v --testgen true --testgen_graph_only true --testgen_len 5 --output_dir logic_analysis logic/logic.lus
      > ./scripts/ logic_analysis/ml/testgen/tests
      > ls logic_analysis/ml/testgen/tests
      circo.pdf dot.pdf   neato.pdf sfdp.pdf  twopi.pdf unit

      N.B. script scripts/ relies on dot and its variants (neato, twopi, sdfp and circo). It will not work if they are not installed on your machine.


CoCoSpec experiments on the TCM







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