Run all of these as instance user
> For AIX On pscalep74008c: cd /hao/workload/dtw/aixsetup
> For Linux: On coralm228: cd /home/haoqi/dtw/setup
db2 -tvf createdatabase.ddl
db2 -tvf createtablespace.ddl
db2 -tvf crtb.ddl
db2 -tvf cridx.ddl
db2set DB2RSHCMD=/usr/bin/ssh
db2 -tvf dbcfg.ddl
db2 -tvf dbm_setcfg.ddl
db2 update dbm cfg using SVCENAME 65000
> For linux: db2 update dbm cfg using SVCENAME 24598
db2stop force && db2start
db2 backup db dtw to /dev/null
db2 -tvf drop.ddl
db2 -tvf runstat.ddl
db2 -tvf setintegrity.ddl
Run DTW clients:
ssh into the client machine: [email protected]
pass: nine9xml
cd /home/svtdbm/dtw
> Makes changes to run_dtw and run it
Run db2idrop (db2idrop might say it failed because it cannot remove gpfs but in the log file it will say that instance was dropped successfully)
Remove gpfs
Run db2_deinstall -a (on all nodes including tiebreaker)
Stress, Member soft kill, CF soft kill, TB Reboot, Member and CF Reboot are trivial. Please follow any guidances provided for regular purescale
Automated: a. Cross Site Link Failure b. vLAG ISL (aka Single Site Failure) c. Double failure in vLANG ISLs (aka Double Site Failure)
For any of the Automated testing, they can be found in
a. Private Ethernet Failures
b. Storage Failures on site A, B
c. Site Failures
d. Public network (en0) Failure
e. Single switch failure
f. Two switch faiulres - one switch from Site A & one from Site B
g. Both switches from single site failure
h. 3 switch failures
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Please note that this is an image to drive the concept; it is one of the examples. As you can see from the image, the connection has not been completely cut off. Thereby, they should still behave normally without failing.
(f) Please note that this is an image to drive the concept; it is one of the examples. Though there is a disconnection, the sub connections are still active. Therefore, 8a and 8c are not dead. It should operate as normal.
(g) Please note that this is an image to drive the concept; it is one of the examples. In this particular case, 8a and 8c will both stop. One site will be completely down.
(h) This testing