#SYNOPSIS AdDestoryer is last resort ad blocker. It supposed to be used system-wide when all other blocking methods fails (i.e. filtering proxies cannot filter dynamic content).
#INSTALLATION Installation must be performed in two not-so-simple steps:
- Deploy www folder to any accessible HTTP server. Do not forget to update hostname/virtual path in master.js:2.
- Use any injection method to inject master.js into all pages.
Injection can be performed using one of the following methods:
- Easy-install Use greasemonkey/tampermonkey userscript
// ==UserScript==
// @name Ad destroyer HTTPS injector
// @namespace http://tempuri.org/ad-destroyer
// @include *
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var hostScript=document.createElement('script');
hostScript.setAttribute('src',window.location.protocol+'//<your host for adDestroyer goes here>/master.js');
- Recomended Use system-wide filtering proxy (like Privoxy). Configuration file examples are supplied in proxy-configs folder.