- send-synthdef: byte-string -> void
- instantiate a synth: "string", [(arg val) ...] -> synth-obj
- synth funcs:
- synth-play
- synth-stop
- synth-run: bool -> void
- synth-param [("arg" val) ...]
- use global control busses to control synths (/n_map and /mapn)
- find a synthdef binary
- How could I write a synthdef to a file?
- use writeDefFile, an instance method of a SynthDef
- created basic_sin.scsyndef
Need to:
generate a synthdef in racket.
- look at how overtone does it
- where is it in the code?
- overtone has command metadata, and uses it for determining the args (e.g. default args)
- look at how overtone does it
send the blob to the server using an osc command.