- Always add tests
- Update documentation if needed
- Do not commit build artifacts in the
Always add a test for the bug in a separate commit so we can easily cherry pick it for verification.
It's recommended to open an issue before sending a pull request to avoid unnecessary work. There are quite few areas we consider to be out of scope for this library. Idea is to add few generic string helpers for Javascript. For example anything related to internationalization or is too language specific is out of scope.
(for maintainers)
- Upgrade version number
gulp bump --semver <version>
- Build the library
gulp build
- Commit build artifacts in
- Write a changelog entry to
- Use Github compare to see what has changed from previous tag. Ex https://github.com/epeli/underscore.string/compare/3.0.0...master
- Add git tag
git tag -a 3.2.1 -m "3.2.1" && git push origin --tags
- Draft a new Github release for the tag
- Push new release to npm
- Update the gh-pages branch
gulp bump --semver <version> && gulp site
- You need global installation of bower for this to work
- Local workaround:
npm install bower
export PATH=$(pwd)/node_modules/.bin/:$PATH