The Config
component is a a component that is used to configure the current screen and navigation
bar. The component itself does not result in any UI being rendered in the current react view hierarchy,
but instead is used as a declarative interface for the screen.
The Config
component can be rendered at any point in the react view hierarchy, and multiple instances
of the component can be rendered in the same hierarchy, with the props of each getting merged together
with the preference being given to the instances in the order that they mount.
import React from 'react';
import Navigator from 'native-navigation';
export default class Screen extends React.Component {
render() {
const {
} = this.props;
return (
onBackPress={() => console.log('onBackPress')}
onLeftPress={() => console.log('onLeftPress')}
onRightPress={(index) => console.log('onRightPress', index)}
onAppear={() => console.log('onAppear')}
If children
are passed into the component, the Config
's render
method will return the result of
. Otherwise, render
will just return null
The title of the screen. This shows up in the center of the navigation bar by default.
The text color of the title.
The subtitle of the screen. This shows up as a string below the title of the screen.
The text color of the subtitle.
The opacity of the navigation bar. Should be between 0
and 1
The background color of the entire screen. If the color is translucent, the old screen will be kept below this one (to use it like a modal, for instance).
Defaults to #FFFFFF
hidden: boolean
If true, the navigation bar will not be visible.
Defaults to false
statusBarHidden: boolean
If true, the status bar will not be visible.
Defaults to false
Configures how the status bar should animate between configurations.
Defaults to 'fade'
type Image = {
uri: string;
width: number;
height: number;
type Button = {
// shared
title: string;
image: Image;
// ios-only-but-should-share
enabled: boolean;
tintColor: boolean;
fontName: string;
fontSize: number;
// ios-only
style: 'plain' | 'default';
systemItem: 'done' | 'cancel' | 'edit' | 'save' | 'add' | 'flexibleSpace' | 'compose' | 'reply' | 'action' | 'organize' | 'bookmarks' | 'search' | 'refresh' | 'stop' | 'camera' | 'trash' | 'play' | 'pause' | 'rewind' | 'fastForward' | 'undo' | 'redo' | 'pageCurl';
// android-only
type NavigatorConfigProps = {
// shared
title: string;
titleColor: Color;
subtitle: string;
subtitleColor: Color;
alpha: number;
rightTitle: string;
rightImage: Image;
rightButtons: Array<Button>;
screenColor: Color;
hidden: boolean;
backgroundColor: Color;
foregroundColor: Color;
statusBarHidden: boolean;
statusBarAnimation: 'slide' | 'none' | 'fade'; // 'fade' is default
statusBarStyle: 'light' | 'default';
// ios-only-but-should-share
backIndicatorImage: Image;
titleFontName: string;
titleFontSize: number;
subtitleFontName: string;
subtitleFontSize: number;
// android-only-but-should-share
navIcon: Image;
logo: Image;
textAlign: 'left' | 'center' | 'right';
leftButtons: Array<Button>;
// ios-only
prompt: string;
hidesBackButton: boolean;
hidesBarsOnTap: boolean;
hidesBarsOnSwipe: boolean;
hidesBarsWhenKeyboardAppears: boolean;
isToolbarHidden: boolean;
backIndicatorTransitionMaskImage: Image;
translucent: boolean;
// android-only
statusBarColor: Color;
statusBarTranslucent: boolean;
windowTitle: string;
elevation: number;
overflowIcon: Image;
displayHomeAsUp: boolean;
homeButtonEnabled: boolean;
showHome: boolean;
showTitle: boolean;
showCustom: boolean;
useLogo: boolean;
useShowHideAnimation: boolean;
hideOnScroll: boolean;
hideOffset: number;