diff --git a/.github/workflows/pylint-checks.yml b/.github/workflows/pylint-checks.yml
index 9a654e09e711..1afa032b6ad1 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/pylint-checks.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/pylint-checks.yml
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ jobs:
           - module-name: openedx-2
             path: "openedx/core/djangoapps/geoinfo/ openedx/core/djangoapps/header_control/ openedx/core/djangoapps/heartbeat/ openedx/core/djangoapps/lang_pref/ openedx/core/djangoapps/models/ openedx/core/djangoapps/monkey_patch/ openedx/core/djangoapps/oauth_dispatch/ openedx/core/djangoapps/olx_rest_api/ openedx/core/djangoapps/password_policy/ openedx/core/djangoapps/plugin_api/ openedx/core/djangoapps/plugins/ openedx/core/djangoapps/profile_images/ openedx/core/djangoapps/programs/ openedx/core/djangoapps/safe_sessions/ openedx/core/djangoapps/schedules/ openedx/core/djangoapps/service_status/ openedx/core/djangoapps/session_inactivity_timeout/ openedx/core/djangoapps/signals/ openedx/core/djangoapps/site_configuration/ openedx/core/djangoapps/system_wide_roles/ openedx/core/djangoapps/theming/ openedx/core/djangoapps/user_api/ openedx/core/djangoapps/user_authn/ openedx/core/djangoapps/util/ openedx/core/djangoapps/verified_track_content/ openedx/core/djangoapps/video_config/ openedx/core/djangoapps/video_pipeline/ openedx/core/djangoapps/waffle_utils/ openedx/core/djangoapps/xblock/ openedx/core/djangoapps/xmodule_django/ openedx/core/tests/ openedx/features/ openedx/testing/ openedx/tests/ openedx/core/djangoapps/notifications/ openedx/core/djangoapps/staticfiles/ openedx/core/djangoapps/content_tagging/"
           - module-name: common
-            path: "common pavelib"
+            path: "common"
           - module-name: cms
             path: "cms"
           - module-name: xmodule
diff --git a/.github/workflows/unit-test-shards.json b/.github/workflows/unit-test-shards.json
index 1af8af814254..4709930493ce 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/unit-test-shards.json
+++ b/.github/workflows/unit-test-shards.json
@@ -255,15 +255,13 @@
   "common-with-lms": {
     "settings": "lms.envs.test",
     "paths": [
-      "common/djangoapps/",
-      "pavelib/"
+      "common/djangoapps/"
   "common-with-cms": {
     "settings": "cms.envs.test",
     "paths": [
-      "common/djangoapps/",
-      "pavelib/"
+      "common/djangoapps/"
   "xmodule-with-lms": {
diff --git a/.github/workflows/unit-tests.yml b/.github/workflows/unit-tests.yml
index e691e16e47f1..063a8779941e 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/unit-tests.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/unit-tests.yml
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ jobs:
         shell: bash
         run: |
           echo "root_cms_unit_tests_count=$(pytest --disable-warnings --collect-only --ds=cms.envs.test cms/ -q | head -n -2 | wc -l)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
-          echo "root_lms_unit_tests_count=$(pytest --disable-warnings --collect-only --ds=lms.envs.test lms/ openedx/ common/djangoapps/ xmodule/ pavelib/ -q | head -n -2 | wc -l)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+          echo "root_lms_unit_tests_count=$(pytest --disable-warnings --collect-only --ds=lms.envs.test lms/ openedx/ common/djangoapps/ xmodule/ -q | head -n -2 | wc -l)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
       - name: get GHA unit test paths
         shell: bash
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 62681f6f3711..717409d4f9e0 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ shell: ## launch a bash shell in a Docker container with all edx-platform depend
 # Order is very important in this list: files must appear after everything they include!
 	requirements/edx/coverage \
-	requirements/edx/paver \
 	requirements/edx-sandbox/base \
 	requirements/edx/base \
 	requirements/edx/doc \
@@ -211,7 +210,7 @@ xsslint: ## check xss for quality issuest
 	--config=scripts.xsslint_config \
-pycodestyle: ## check python files for quality issues 
+pycodestyle: ## check python files for quality issues
 	pycodestyle .
 ## Re-enable --lint flag when this issue https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/issues/35775 is resolved
@@ -222,13 +221,13 @@ pii_check: ## check django models for pii annotations
 		--app_name cms \
 		--coverage \
 	DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=lms.envs.test \
 	code_annotations django_find_annotations \
 		--config_file .pii_annotations.yml \
 		--app_name lms \
 		--coverage \
-		--lint	
+		--lint
 check_keywords: ## check django models for reserve keywords
 	DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=cms.envs.test \
diff --git a/openedx/core/djangoapps/theming/management/commands/compile_sass.py b/openedx/core/djangoapps/theming/management/commands/compile_sass.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fbfdd2f222a4..000000000000
--- a/openedx/core/djangoapps/theming/management/commands/compile_sass.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-Management command for compiling sass.
-DEPRECATED in favor of `npm run compile-sass`.
-import shlex
-from django.core.management import BaseCommand
-from django.conf import settings
-from pavelib.assets import run_deprecated_command_wrapper
-class Command(BaseCommand):
-    """
-    Compile theme sass and collect theme assets.
-    """
-    help = "DEPRECATED. Use 'npm run compile-sass' instead."
-    # NOTE (CCB): This allows us to compile static assets in Docker containers without database access.
-    requires_system_checks = []
-    def add_arguments(self, parser):
-        """
-            Add arguments for compile_sass command.
-            Args:
-                parser (django.core.management.base.CommandParser): parsed for parsing command line arguments.
-        """
-        parser.add_argument(
-            'system', type=str, nargs='*', default=["lms", "cms"],
-            help="lms or studio",
-        )
-        # Named (optional) arguments
-        parser.add_argument(
-            '--theme-dirs',
-            dest='theme_dirs',
-            type=str,
-            nargs='+',
-            default=None,
-            help="List of dirs where given themes would be looked.",
-        )
-        parser.add_argument(
-            '--themes',
-            type=str,
-            nargs='+',
-            default=["all"],
-            help="List of themes whose sass need to compiled. Or 'no'/'all' to compile for no/all themes.",
-        )
-        # Named (optional) arguments
-        parser.add_argument(
-            '--force',
-            action='store_true',
-            default=False,
-            help="DEPRECATED. Full recompilation is now always forced.",
-        )
-        parser.add_argument(
-            '--debug',
-            action='store_true',
-            default=False,
-            help="Disable Sass compression",
-        )
-    def handle(self, *args, **options):
-        """
-        Handle compile_sass command.
-        """
-        systems = set(
-            {"lms": "lms", "cms": "cms", "studio": "cms"}[sys]
-            for sys in options.get("system", ["lms", "cms"])
-        )
-        theme_dirs = options.get("theme_dirs") or settings.COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS or []
-        themes_option = options.get("themes") or []  # '[]' means 'all'
-        if not settings.ENABLE_COMPREHENSIVE_THEMING:
-            compile_themes = False
-            themes = []
-        elif "no" in themes_option:
-            compile_themes = False
-            themes = []
-        elif "all" in themes_option:
-            compile_themes = True
-            themes = []
-        else:
-            compile_themes = True
-            themes = themes_option
-        run_deprecated_command_wrapper(
-            old_command="./manage.py [lms|cms] compile_sass",
-            ignored_old_flags=list(set(["force"]) & set(options)),
-            new_command=shlex.join([
-                "npm",
-                "run",
-                ("compile-sass-dev" if options.get("debug") else "compile-sass"),
-                "--",
-                *(["--skip-lms"] if "lms" not in systems else []),
-                *(["--skip-cms"] if "cms" not in systems else []),
-                *(["--skip-themes"] if not compile_themes else []),
-                *(
-                    arg
-                    for theme_dir in theme_dirs
-                    for arg in ["--theme-dir", str(theme_dir)]
-                ),
-                *(
-                    arg
-                    for theme in themes
-                    for arg in ["--theme", theme]
-                ),
-            ]),
-        )
diff --git a/openedx/core/djangoapps/util/management/commands/print_setting.py b/openedx/core/djangoapps/util/management/commands/print_setting.py
index d90a17b9eb42..c53f49d23a19 100644
--- a/openedx/core/djangoapps/util/management/commands/print_setting.py
+++ b/openedx/core/djangoapps/util/management/commands/print_setting.py
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
 Django command to output a single Django setting.
-Useful when paver or a shell script needs such a value.
+Originally used by "paver" scripts before we removed them.
+Still useful when a shell script needs such a value.
+Keep in mind that the LMS/CMS startup time is slow, so if you invoke this
+Django management multiple times in a command that gets run often, you are
+going to be sad.
 This handles the one specific use case of the "print_settings" command from
 django-extensions that we were actually using.
diff --git a/pavelib/__init__.py b/pavelib/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 24f05618bdd7..000000000000
--- a/pavelib/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-"""  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=django-not-configured
-paver commands
-from . import assets
diff --git a/pavelib/assets.py b/pavelib/assets.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f437b6427f93..000000000000
--- a/pavelib/assets.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,506 +0,0 @@
-Asset compilation and collection.
-This entire module is DEPRECATED. In Redwood, it exists just as a collection of temporary compatibility wrappers.
-In Sumac, this module will be deleted. To migrate, follow the advice in the printed warnings and/or read the
-instructions on the DEPR ticket: https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/issues/31895
-import argparse
-import glob
-import json
-import shlex
-import traceback
-from functools import wraps
-from threading import Timer
-from paver import tasks
-from paver.easy import call_task, cmdopts, consume_args, needs, no_help, sh, task
-from watchdog.events import PatternMatchingEventHandler
-from watchdog.observers import Observer  # pylint: disable=unused-import  # Used by Tutor. Remove after Sumac cut.
-from .utils.cmd import django_cmd
-from .utils.envs import Env
-from .utils.timer import timed
-    'lms': 'lms',
-    'cms': 'cms',
-    'studio': 'cms',
-WARNING_SYMBOLS = "⚠️ " * 50  # A row of 'warning' emoji to catch CLI users' attention
-def run_deprecated_command_wrapper(*, old_command, ignored_old_flags, new_command):
-    """
-    Run the new version of shell command, plus a warning that the old version is deprecated.
-    """
-    depr_warning = (
-        "\n" +
-        f"{WARNING_SYMBOLS}\n" +
-        "\n" +
-        f"WARNING: '{old_command}' is DEPRECATED! It will be removed before Sumac.\n" +
-        "The command you ran is now just a temporary wrapper around a new,\n" +
-        "supported command, which you should use instead:\n" +
-        "\n" +
-        f"\t{new_command}\n" +
-        "\n" +
-        "Details: https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/issues/31895\n" +
-        "".join(
-            f" WARNING: ignored deprecated paver flag '{flag}'\n"
-            for flag in ignored_old_flags
-        ) +
-        f"{WARNING_SYMBOLS}\n" +
-        "\n"
-    )
-    # Print deprecation warning twice so that it's more likely to be seen in the logs.
-    print(depr_warning)
-    sh(new_command)
-    print(depr_warning)
-def debounce(seconds=1):
-    """
-    Prevents the decorated function from being called more than every `seconds`
-    seconds. Waits until calls stop coming in before calling the decorated
-    function.
-    This is DEPRECATED. It exists in Redwood just to ease the transition for Tutor.
-    """
-    def decorator(func):
-        func.timer = None
-        @wraps(func)
-        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
-            def call():
-                func(*args, **kwargs)
-                func.timer = None
-            if func.timer:
-                func.timer.cancel()
-            func.timer = Timer(seconds, call)
-            func.timer.start()
-        return wrapper
-    return decorator
-class SassWatcher(PatternMatchingEventHandler):
-    """
-    Watches for sass file changes
-    This is DEPRECATED. It exists in Redwood just to ease the transition for Tutor.
-    """
-    ignore_directories = True
-    patterns = ['*.scss']
-    def register(self, observer, directories):
-        """
-        register files with observer
-        Arguments:
-            observer (watchdog.observers.Observer): sass file observer
-            directories (list): list of directories to be register for sass watcher.
-        """
-        for dirname in directories:
-            paths = []
-            if '*' in dirname:
-                paths.extend(glob.glob(dirname))
-            else:
-                paths.append(dirname)
-            for obs_dirname in paths:
-                observer.schedule(self, obs_dirname, recursive=True)
-    @debounce()
-    def on_any_event(self, event):
-        print('\tCHANGED:', event.src_path)
-        try:
-            compile_sass()      # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
-        except Exception:       # pylint: disable=broad-except
-            traceback.print_exc()
-    ('system=', 's', 'The system to compile sass for (defaults to all)'),
-    ('theme-dirs=', '-td', 'Theme dirs containing all themes (defaults to None)'),
-    ('themes=', '-t', 'The theme to compile sass for (defaults to None)'),
-    ('debug', 'd', 'Whether to use development settings'),
-    ('force', '', 'DEPRECATED. Full recompilation is now always forced.'),
-def compile_sass(options):
-    """
-    Compile Sass to CSS. If command is called without any arguments, it will
-    only compile lms, cms sass for the open source theme. And none of the comprehensive theme's sass would be compiled.
-    If you want to compile sass for all comprehensive themes you will have to run compile_sass
-    specifying all the themes that need to be compiled..
-    The following is a list of some possible ways to use this command.
-    Command:
-        paver compile_sass
-    Description:
-        compile sass files for both lms and cms. If command is called like above (i.e. without any arguments) it will
-        only compile lms, cms sass for the open source theme. None of the theme's sass will be compiled.
-    Command:
-        paver compile_sass --theme-dirs /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/themes --themes=red-theme
-    Description:
-        compile sass files for both lms and cms for 'red-theme' present in '/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/themes'
-    Command:
-        paver compile_sass --theme-dirs=/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/themes --themes red-theme stanford-style
-    Description:
-        compile sass files for both lms and cms for 'red-theme' and 'stanford-style' present in
-        '/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/themes'.
-    Command:
-        paver compile_sass --system=cms
-            --theme-dirs /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/themes /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/common/test/
-            --themes red-theme stanford-style test-theme
-    Description:
-        compile sass files for cms only for 'red-theme', 'stanford-style' and 'test-theme' present in
-        '/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/themes' and '/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/common/test/'.
-    This is a DEPRECATED COMPATIBILITY WRAPPER. Use `npm run compile-sass` instead.
-    """
-    systems = [SYSTEMS[sys] for sys in get_parsed_option(options, 'system', ['lms', 'cms'])]  # normalize studio->cms
-    run_deprecated_command_wrapper(
-        old_command="paver compile_sass",
-        ignored_old_flags=(set(["--force"]) & set(options)),
-        new_command=shlex.join([
-            "npm",
-            "run",
-            ("compile-sass-dev" if options.get("debug") else "compile-sass"),
-            "--",
-            *(["--dry"] if tasks.environment.dry_run else []),
-            *(["--skip-lms"] if "lms" not in systems else []),
-            *(["--skip-cms"] if "cms" not in systems else []),
-            *(
-                arg
-                for theme_dir in get_parsed_option(options, 'theme_dirs', [])
-                for arg in ["--theme-dir", str(theme_dir)]
-            ),
-            *(
-                arg
-                for theme in get_parsed_option(options, "themes", [])
-                for arg in ["--theme", theme]
-            ),
-        ]),
-    )
-def _compile_sass(system, theme, debug, force, _timing_info):
-    """
-    It exists to ease the transition for Tutor in Redwood, which directly imported and used this function.
-    """
-    run_deprecated_command_wrapper(
-        old_command="pavelib.assets:_compile_sass",
-        ignored_old_flags=(set(["--force"]) if force else set()),
-        new_command=[
-            "npm",
-            "run",
-            ("compile-sass-dev" if debug else "compile-sass"),
-            "--",
-            *(["--dry"] if tasks.environment.dry_run else []),
-            *(
-                ["--skip-default", "--theme-dir", str(theme.parent), "--theme", str(theme.name)]
-                if theme
-                else []
-            ),
-            ("--skip-cms" if system == "lms" else "--skip-lms"),
-        ]
-    )
-def process_npm_assets():
-    """
-    Process vendor libraries installed via NPM.
-    This is a DEPRECATED COMPATIBILITY WRAPPER. It is now handled as part of `npm clean-install`.
-    If you need to invoke it explicitly, you can run `npm run postinstall`.
-    """
-    run_deprecated_command_wrapper(
-        old_command="pavelib.assets:process_npm_assets",
-        ignored_old_flags=[],
-        new_command=shlex.join(["npm", "run", "postinstall"]),
-    )
-def process_xmodule_assets():
-    """
-    Process XModule static assets.
-    This is a DEPRECATED COMPATIBILITY STUB. Refrences to it should be deleted.
-    """
-    print(
-        "\n" +
-        f"{WARNING_SYMBOLS}",
-        "\n" +
-        "WARNING: 'paver process_xmodule_assets' is DEPRECATED! It will be removed before Sumac.\n" +
-        "\n" +
-        "Starting with Quince, it is no longer necessary to post-process XModule assets, so \n" +
-        "'paver process_xmodule_assets' is a no-op. Please simply remove it from your build scripts.\n" +
-        "\n" +
-        "Details: https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/issues/31895\n" +
-        f"{WARNING_SYMBOLS}",
-    )
-def collect_assets(systems, settings, **kwargs):
-    """
-    Collect static assets, including Django pipeline processing.
-    `systems` is a list of systems (e.g. 'lms' or 'studio' or both)
-    `settings` is the Django settings module to use.
-    `**kwargs` include arguments for using a log directory for collectstatic output. Defaults to /dev/null.
-    It exists to ease the transition for Tutor in Redwood, which directly imported and used this function.
-    """
-    run_deprecated_command_wrapper(
-        old_command="pavelib.asset:collect_assets",
-        ignored_old_flags=[],
-        new_command=" && ".join(
-            "( " +
-            shlex.join(
-                ["./manage.py", SYSTEMS[sys], f"--settings={settings}", "collectstatic", "--noinput"]
-            ) + (
-                ""
-                if "collect_log_dir" not in kwargs else
-                " > /dev/null"
-                if kwargs["collect_log_dir"] is None else
-                f"> {kwargs['collect_log_dir']}/{SYSTEMS[sys]}-collectstatic.out"
-            ) +
-            " )"
-            for sys in systems
-        ),
-    )
-def execute_compile_sass(args):
-    """
-    Construct django management command compile_sass (defined in theming app) and execute it.
-    Args:
-        args: command line argument passed via update_assets command
-    This is a DEPRECATED COMPATIBILITY WRAPPER. Use `npm run compile-sass` instead.
-    """
-    for sys in args.system:
-        options = ""
-        options += " --theme-dirs " + " ".join(args.theme_dirs) if args.theme_dirs else ""
-        options += " --themes " + " ".join(args.themes) if args.themes else ""
-        options += " --debug" if args.debug else ""
-        sh(
-            django_cmd(
-                sys,
-                args.settings,
-                "compile_sass {system} {options}".format(
-                    system='cms' if sys == 'studio' else sys,
-                    options=options,
-                ),
-            ),
-        )
-    ('settings=', 's', "Django settings (defaults to devstack)"),
-    ('watch', 'w', "DEPRECATED. This flag never did anything anyway."),
-def webpack(options):
-    """
-    Run a Webpack build.
-    This is a DEPRECATED COMPATIBILITY WRAPPER. Use `npm run webpack` instead.
-    """
-    settings = getattr(options, 'settings', Env.DEVSTACK_SETTINGS)
-    result = Env.get_django_settings(['STATIC_ROOT', 'WEBPACK_CONFIG_PATH'], "lms", settings=settings)
-    static_root_lms, config_path = result
-    static_root_cms, = Env.get_django_settings(["STATIC_ROOT"], "cms", settings=settings)
-    js_env_extra_config_setting, = Env.get_django_json_settings(["JS_ENV_EXTRA_CONFIG"], "cms", settings=settings)
-    js_env_extra_config = json.dumps(js_env_extra_config_setting or "{}")
-    node_env = "development" if config_path == 'webpack.dev.config.js' else "production"
-    run_deprecated_command_wrapper(
-        old_command="paver webpack",
-        ignored_old_flags=(set(["watch"]) & set(options)),
-        new_command=' '.join([
-            f"WEBPACK_CONFIG_PATH={config_path}",
-            f"NODE_ENV={node_env}",
-            f"STATIC_ROOT_LMS={static_root_lms}",
-            f"STATIC_ROOT_CMS={static_root_cms}",
-            f"JS_ENV_EXTRA_CONFIG={js_env_extra_config}",
-            "npm",
-            "run",
-            "webpack",
-        ]),
-    )
-def get_parsed_option(command_opts, opt_key, default=None):
-    """
-    Extract user command option and parse it.
-    Arguments:
-        command_opts: Command line arguments passed via paver command.
-        opt_key: name of option to get and parse
-        default: if `command_opt_value` not in `command_opts`, `command_opt_value` will be set to default.
-    Returns:
-         list or None
-    """
-    command_opt_value = getattr(command_opts, opt_key, default)
-    if command_opt_value:
-        command_opt_value = listfy(command_opt_value)
-    return command_opt_value
-def listfy(data):
-    """
-    Check and convert data to list.
-    Arguments:
-        data: data structure to be converted.
-    """
-    if isinstance(data, str):
-        data = data.split(',')
-    elif not isinstance(data, list):
-        data = [data]
-    return data
-    ('background', 'b', 'DEPRECATED. Use shell tools like & to run in background if needed.'),
-    ('settings=', 's', "DEPRECATED. Django is not longer invoked to compile JS/Sass."),
-    ('theme-dirs=', '-td', 'The themes dir containing all themes (defaults to None)'),
-    ('themes=', '-t', 'DEPRECATED. All themes in --theme-dirs are now watched.'),
-    ('wait=', '-w', 'DEPRECATED. Watchdog\'s default wait time is now used.'),
-def watch_assets(options):
-    """
-    Watch for changes to asset files, and regenerate js/css
-    This is a DEPRECATED COMPATIBILITY WRAPPER. Use `npm run watch` instead.
-    """
-    # Don't watch assets when performing a dry run
-    if tasks.environment.dry_run:
-        return
-    theme_dirs = ':'.join(get_parsed_option(options, 'theme_dirs', []))
-    run_deprecated_command_wrapper(
-        old_command="paver watch_assets",
-        ignored_old_flags=(set(["debug", "themes", "settings", "background"]) & set(options)),
-        new_command=shlex.join([
-            *(
-                ["env", f"COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS={theme_dirs}"]
-                if theme_dirs else []
-            ),
-            "npm",
-            "run",
-            "watch",
-        ]),
-    )
-    'pavelib.prereqs.install_node_prereqs',
-    'pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs',
-def update_assets(args):
-    """
-    Compile Sass, then collect static assets.
-    The aggregate affect of this command can be achieved with this sequence of commands instead:
-    * pip install -r requirements/edx/assets.txt   # replaces install_python_prereqs
-    * npm clean-install                            # replaces install_node_prereqs
-    * npm run build                                # replaces execute_compile_sass and webpack
-    * ./manage.py lms collectstatic --noinput      # replaces collect_assets (for LMS)
-    * ./manage.py cms collectstatic --noinput      # replaces collect_assets (for CMS)
-    """
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='paver update_assets')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        'system', type=str, nargs='*', default=["lms", "studio"],
-        help="lms or studio",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--settings', type=str, default=Env.DEVSTACK_SETTINGS,
-        help="Django settings module",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--debug', action='store_true', default=False,
-        help="Enable all debugging",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--debug-collect', action='store_true', default=False,
-        help="Disable collect static",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--skip-collect', dest='collect', action='store_false', default=True,
-        help="Skip collection of static assets",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--watch', action='store_true', default=False,
-        help="Watch files for changes",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--theme-dirs', dest='theme_dirs', type=str, nargs='+', default=None,
-        help="base directories where themes are placed",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--themes', type=str, nargs='+', default=None,
-        help="list of themes to compile sass for. ignored when --watch is used; all themes are watched.",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--collect-log', dest="collect_log_dir", default=None,
-        help="When running collectstatic, direct output to specified log directory",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--wait', type=float, default=0.0,
-        help="DEPRECATED. Watchdog's default wait time is now used.",
-    )
-    args = parser.parse_args(args)
-    # Build Webpack
-    call_task('pavelib.assets.webpack', options={'settings': args.settings})
-    # Compile sass for themes and system
-    execute_compile_sass(args)
-    if args.collect:
-        if args.collect_log_dir:
-            collect_log_args = {"collect_log_dir": args.collect_log_dir}
-        elif args.debug or args.debug_collect:
-            collect_log_args = {"collect_log_dir": None}
-        else:
-            collect_log_args = {}
-        collect_assets(args.system, args.settings, **collect_log_args)
-    if args.watch:
-        call_task(
-            'pavelib.assets.watch_assets',
-            options={
-                'background': not args.debug,
-                'settings': args.settings,
-                'theme_dirs': args.theme_dirs,
-                'themes': args.themes,
-                'wait': [float(args.wait)]
-            },
-        )
diff --git a/pavelib/paver_tests/__init__.py b/pavelib/paver_tests/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1..000000000000
diff --git a/pavelib/paver_tests/pylint_test_list.json b/pavelib/paver_tests/pylint_test_list.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d0e8b43aa93d..000000000000
--- a/pavelib/paver_tests/pylint_test_list.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-    "foo/bar.py:192: [C0111(missing-docstring), Bliptv] Missing docstring",
-    "foo/bar/test.py:74: [C0322(no-space-before-operator)] Operator not preceded by a space",
-    "ugly/string/test.py:16: [C0103(invalid-name)] Invalid name \"whats up\" for type constant (should match (([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)|(__.*__)|log|urlpatterns)$)",
-    "multiple/lines/test.py:72: [C0322(no-space-before-operator)] Operator not preceded by a space\nFOO_BAR='pipeline.storage.NonPackagingPipelineStorage'\n                   ^"
diff --git a/pavelib/paver_tests/test_assets.py b/pavelib/paver_tests/test_assets.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f7100a7f03c3..000000000000
--- a/pavelib/paver_tests/test_assets.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-"""Unit tests for the Paver asset tasks."""
-import json
-import os
-from pathlib import Path
-from unittest import TestCase
-from unittest.mock import patch
-import ddt
-import paver.easy
-from paver import tasks
-import pavelib.assets
-from pavelib.assets import Env
-REPO_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent
-    "WEBPACK_CONFIG_PATH": "webpack.fake.config.js",
-    "STATIC_ROOT": "/fake/lms/staticfiles",
-    "WEBPACK_CONFIG_PATH": "webpack.fake.config",
-    "STATIC_ROOT": "/fake/cms/staticfiles",
-    "JS_ENV_EXTRA_CONFIG": json.dumps({"key1": [True, False], "key2": {"key2.1": 1369, "key2.2": "1369"}}),
-def _mock_get_django_settings(django_settings, system, settings=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    return [(LMS_SETTINGS if system == "lms" else CMS_SETTINGS)[s] for s in django_settings]
-@patch.object(Env, 'get_django_settings', _mock_get_django_settings)
-@patch.object(Env, 'get_django_json_settings', _mock_get_django_settings)
-class TestDeprecatedPaverAssets(TestCase):
-    """
-    Simple test to ensure that the soon-to-be-removed Paver commands are correctly translated into the new npm-run
-    commands.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        super().setUp()
-        self.maxDiff = None
-        os.environ['NO_PREREQ_INSTALL'] = 'true'
-        tasks.environment = tasks.Environment()
-    def tearDown(self):
-        super().tearDown()
-        del os.environ['NO_PREREQ_INSTALL']
-    @ddt.data(
-        dict(
-            task_name='pavelib.assets.compile_sass',
-            args=[],
-            kwargs={},
-            expected=["npm run compile-sass --"],
-        ),
-        dict(
-            task_name='pavelib.assets.compile_sass',
-            args=[],
-            kwargs={"system": "lms,studio"},
-            expected=["npm run compile-sass --"],
-        ),
-        dict(
-            task_name='pavelib.assets.compile_sass',
-            args=[],
-            kwargs={"debug": True},
-            expected=["npm run compile-sass-dev --"],
-        ),
-        dict(
-            task_name='pavelib.assets.compile_sass',
-            args=[],
-            kwargs={"system": "lms"},
-            expected=["npm run compile-sass -- --skip-cms"],
-        ),
-        dict(
-            task_name='pavelib.assets.compile_sass',
-            args=[],
-            kwargs={"system": "studio"},
-            expected=["npm run compile-sass -- --skip-lms"],
-        ),
-        dict(
-            task_name='pavelib.assets.compile_sass',
-            args=[],
-            kwargs={"system": "cms", "theme_dirs": f"{REPO_ROOT}/common/test,{REPO_ROOT}/themes"},
-            expected=[
-                "npm run compile-sass -- --skip-lms " +
-                f"--theme-dir {REPO_ROOT}/common/test --theme-dir {REPO_ROOT}/themes"
-            ],
-        ),
-        dict(
-            task_name='pavelib.assets.compile_sass',
-            args=[],
-            kwargs={"theme_dirs": f"{REPO_ROOT}/common/test,{REPO_ROOT}/themes", "themes": "red-theme,test-theme"},
-            expected=[
-                "npm run compile-sass -- " +
-                f"--theme-dir {REPO_ROOT}/common/test --theme-dir {REPO_ROOT}/themes " +
-                "--theme red-theme --theme test-theme"
-            ],
-        ),
-        dict(
-            task_name='pavelib.assets.update_assets',
-            args=["lms", "studio", "--settings=fake.settings"],
-            kwargs={},
-            expected=[
-                (
-                    "WEBPACK_CONFIG_PATH=webpack.fake.config.js " +
-                    "NODE_ENV=production " +
-                    "STATIC_ROOT_LMS=/fake/lms/staticfiles " +
-                    "STATIC_ROOT_CMS=/fake/cms/staticfiles " +
-                    'JS_ENV_EXTRA_CONFIG=' +
-                    '"{\\"key1\\": [true, false], \\"key2\\": {\\"key2.1\\": 1369, \\"key2.2\\": \\"1369\\"}}" ' +
-                    "npm run webpack"
-                ),
-                "python manage.py lms --settings=fake.settings compile_sass lms ",
-                "python manage.py cms --settings=fake.settings compile_sass cms ",
-                (
-                    "( ./manage.py lms --settings=fake.settings collectstatic --noinput ) && " +
-                    "( ./manage.py cms --settings=fake.settings collectstatic --noinput )"
-                ),
-            ],
-        ),
-    )
-    @ddt.unpack
-    @patch.object(pavelib.assets, 'sh')
-    def test_paver_assets_wrapper_invokes_new_commands(self, mock_sh, task_name, args, kwargs, expected):
-        paver.easy.call_task(task_name, args=args, options=kwargs)
-        assert [call_args[0] for (call_args, call_kwargs) in mock_sh.call_args_list] == expected
diff --git a/pavelib/paver_tests/utils.py b/pavelib/paver_tests/utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1db26cf76a4c..000000000000
--- a/pavelib/paver_tests/utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-"""Unit tests for the Paver server tasks."""
-import os
-from unittest import TestCase
-from uuid import uuid4
-from paver import tasks
-from paver.easy import BuildFailure
-class PaverTestCase(TestCase):
-    """
-    Base class for Paver test cases.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        super().setUp()
-        # Show full length diffs upon test failure
-        self.maxDiff = None  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-        # Create a mock Paver environment
-        tasks.environment = MockEnvironment()
-        # Don't run pre-reqs
-        os.environ['NO_PREREQ_INSTALL'] = 'true'
-    def tearDown(self):
-        super().tearDown()
-        tasks.environment = tasks.Environment()
-        del os.environ['NO_PREREQ_INSTALL']
-    @property
-    def task_messages(self):
-        """Returns the messages output by the Paver task."""
-        return tasks.environment.messages
-    @property
-    def platform_root(self):
-        """Returns the current platform's root directory."""
-        return os.getcwd()
-    def reset_task_messages(self):
-        """Clear the recorded message"""
-        tasks.environment.messages = []
-class MockEnvironment(tasks.Environment):
-    """
-    Mock environment that collects information about Paver commands.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.dry_run = True
-        self.messages = []
-    def info(self, message, *args):
-        """Capture any messages that have been recorded"""
-        if args:
-            output = message % args
-        else:
-            output = message
-        if not output.startswith("--->"):
-            self.messages.append(str(output))
-def fail_on_eslint(*args, **kwargs):
-    """
-    For our tests, we need the call for diff-quality running eslint reports
-    to fail, since that is what is going to fail when we pass in a
-    percentage ("p") requirement.
-    """
-    if "eslint" in args[0]:  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=no-else-raise
-        raise BuildFailure('Subprocess return code: 1')
-    else:
-        if kwargs.get('capture', False):
-            return uuid4().hex
-        else:
-            return
-def fail_on_npm_install():
-    """
-    Used to simulate an error when executing "npm install"
-    """
-    return 1
-def unexpected_fail_on_npm_install(*args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    """
-    For our tests, we need the call for diff-quality running pycodestyle reports to fail, since that is what
-    is going to fail when we pass in a percentage ("p") requirement.
-    """
-    if ["npm", "install", "--verbose"] == args[0]:  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=no-else-raise
-        raise BuildFailure('Subprocess return code: 50')
-    else:
-        return
diff --git a/pavelib/prereqs.py b/pavelib/prereqs.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4453176c94da..000000000000
--- a/pavelib/prereqs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-Install Python and Node prerequisites.
-import hashlib
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-from distutils import sysconfig  # pylint: disable=deprecated-module
-from paver.easy import sh, task  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=unused-import
-from .utils.envs import Env
-from .utils.timer import timed
-PREREQS_STATE_DIR = os.getenv('PREREQ_CACHE_DIR', Env.REPO_ROOT / '.prereqs_cache')
-NO_PREREQ_MESSAGE = "NO_PREREQ_INSTALL is set, not installing prereqs"
-NO_PYTHON_UNINSTALL_MESSAGE = 'NO_PYTHON_UNINSTALL is set. No attempts will be made to uninstall old Python libs.'
-COVERAGE_REQ_FILE = 'requirements/edx/coverage.txt'
-# If you make any changes to this list you also need to make
-# a corresponding change to circle.yml, which is how the python
-# prerequisites are installed for builds on circleci.com
-toxenv = os.environ.get('TOXENV')
-if toxenv and toxenv != 'quality':
-    PYTHON_REQ_FILES = ['requirements/edx/testing.txt']
-    PYTHON_REQ_FILES = ['requirements/edx/development.txt']
-# Developers can have private requirements, for local copies of github repos,
-# or favorite debugging tools, etc.
-PRIVATE_REQS = 'requirements/edx/private.txt'
-if os.path.exists(PRIVATE_REQS):
-def str2bool(s):
-    s = str(s)
-    return s.lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', '1')
-def no_prereq_install():
-    """
-    Determine if NO_PREREQ_INSTALL should be truthy or falsy.
-    """
-    return str2bool(os.environ.get('NO_PREREQ_INSTALL', 'False'))
-def no_python_uninstall():
-    """ Determine if we should run the uninstall_python_packages task. """
-    return str2bool(os.environ.get('NO_PYTHON_UNINSTALL', 'False'))
-def create_prereqs_cache_dir():
-    """Create the directory for storing the hashes, if it doesn't exist already."""
-    try:
-        os.makedirs(PREREQS_STATE_DIR)
-    except OSError:
-        if not os.path.isdir(PREREQS_STATE_DIR):
-            raise
-def compute_fingerprint(path_list):
-    """
-    Hash the contents of all the files and directories in `path_list`.
-    Returns the hex digest.
-    """
-    hasher = hashlib.sha1()
-    for path_item in path_list:
-        # For directories, create a hash based on the modification times
-        # of first-level subdirectories
-        if os.path.isdir(path_item):
-            for dirname in sorted(os.listdir(path_item)):
-                path_name = os.path.join(path_item, dirname)
-                if os.path.isdir(path_name):
-                    hasher.update(str(os.stat(path_name).st_mtime).encode('utf-8'))
-        # For files, hash the contents of the file
-        if os.path.isfile(path_item):
-            with open(path_item, "rb") as file_handle:
-                hasher.update(file_handle.read())
-    return hasher.hexdigest()
-def prereq_cache(cache_name, paths, install_func):
-    """
-    Conditionally execute `install_func()` only if the files/directories
-    specified by `paths` have changed.
-    If the code executes successfully (no exceptions are thrown), the cache
-    is updated with the new hash.
-    """
-    # Retrieve the old hash
-    cache_filename = cache_name.replace(" ", "_")
-    cache_file_path = os.path.join(PREREQS_STATE_DIR, f"{cache_filename}.sha1")
-    old_hash = None
-    if os.path.isfile(cache_file_path):
-        with open(cache_file_path) as cache_file:
-            old_hash = cache_file.read()
-    # Compare the old hash to the new hash
-    # If they do not match (either the cache hasn't been created, or the files have changed),
-    # then execute the code within the block.
-    new_hash = compute_fingerprint(paths)
-    if new_hash != old_hash:
-        install_func()
-        # Update the cache with the new hash
-        # If the code executed within the context fails (throws an exception),
-        # then this step won't get executed.
-        create_prereqs_cache_dir()
-        with open(cache_file_path, "wb") as cache_file:
-            # Since the pip requirement files are modified during the install
-            # process, we need to store the hash generated AFTER the installation
-            post_install_hash = compute_fingerprint(paths)
-            cache_file.write(post_install_hash.encode('utf-8'))
-    else:
-        print(f'{cache_name} unchanged, skipping...')
-def node_prereqs_installation():
-    """
-    Configures npm and installs Node prerequisites
-    """
-    # Before July 2023, these directories were created and written to
-    # as root. Afterwards, they are created as being owned by the
-    # `app` user -- but also need to be deleted by that user (due to
-    # how npm runs post-install scripts.) Developers with an older
-    # devstack installation who are reprovisioning will see errors
-    # here if the files are still owned by root. Deleting the files in
-    # advance prevents this error.
-    #
-    # This hack should probably be left in place for at least a year.
-    # See ADR 17 for more background on the transition.
-    sh("rm -rf common/static/common/js/vendor/ common/static/common/css/vendor/")
-    # At the time of this writing, the js dir has git-versioned files
-    # but the css dir does not, so the latter would have been created
-    # as root-owned (in the process of creating the vendor
-    # subdirectory). Delete it only if empty, just in case
-    # git-versioned files are added later.
-    sh("rmdir common/static/common/css || true")
-    # NPM installs hang sporadically. Log the installation process so that we
-    # determine if any packages are chronic offenders.
-    npm_log_file_path = f'{Env.GEN_LOG_DIR}/npm-install.log'
-    npm_log_file = open(npm_log_file_path, 'wb')  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=consider-using-with
-    npm_command = 'npm ci --verbose'.split()
-    # The implementation of Paver's `sh` function returns before the forked
-    # actually returns. Using a Popen object so that we can ensure that
-    # the forked process has returned
-    proc = subprocess.Popen(npm_command, stderr=npm_log_file)  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=consider-using-with
-    retcode = proc.wait()
-    if retcode == 1:
-        raise Exception(f"npm install failed: See {npm_log_file_path}")
-    print("Successfully clean-installed NPM packages. Log found at {}".format(
-        npm_log_file_path
-    ))
-def python_prereqs_installation():
-    """
-    Installs Python prerequisites
-    """
-    # 	edx-platform installs some Python projects from within the edx-platform repo itself.
-    sh("pip install -e .")
-    for req_file in PYTHON_REQ_FILES:
-        pip_install_req_file(req_file)
-def pip_install_req_file(req_file):
-    """Pip install the requirements file."""
-    pip_cmd = 'pip install -q --disable-pip-version-check --exists-action w'
-    sh(f"{pip_cmd} -r {req_file}")
-def install_node_prereqs():
-    """
-    Installs Node prerequisites
-    """
-    if no_prereq_install():
-        print(NO_PREREQ_MESSAGE)
-        return
-    prereq_cache("Node prereqs", ["package.json", "package-lock.json"], node_prereqs_installation)
-# To add a package to the uninstall list, just add it to this list! No need
-# to touch any other part of this file.
-    "MySQL-python",                 # Because mysqlclient shares the same directory name
-    "South",                        # Because it interferes with Django 1.8 migrations.
-    "edxval",                       # Because it was bork-installed somehow.
-    "django-storages",
-    "django-oauth2-provider",       # Because now it's called edx-django-oauth2-provider.
-    "edx-oauth2-provider",          # Because it moved from github to pypi
-    "enum34",                       # Because enum34 is not needed in python>3.4
-    "i18n-tools",                   # Because now it's called edx-i18n-tools
-    "moto",                         # Because we no longer use it and it conflicts with recent jsondiff versions
-    "python-saml",                  # Because python3-saml shares the same directory name
-    "pytest-faulthandler",          # Because it was bundled into pytest
-    "djangorestframework-jwt",      # Because now its called drf-jwt.
-def uninstall_python_packages():
-    """
-    Uninstall Python packages that need explicit uninstallation.
-    Some Python packages that we no longer want need to be explicitly
-    uninstalled, notably, South.  Some other packages were once installed in
-    ways that were resistant to being upgraded, like edxval.  Also uninstall
-    them.
-    """
-    if no_python_uninstall():
-        return
-    # So that we don't constantly uninstall things, use a hash of the packages
-    # to be uninstalled.  Check it, and skip this if we're up to date.
-    hasher = hashlib.sha1()
-    hasher.update(repr(PACKAGES_TO_UNINSTALL).encode('utf-8'))
-    expected_version = hasher.hexdigest()
-    state_file_path = os.path.join(PREREQS_STATE_DIR, "Python_uninstall.sha1")
-    create_prereqs_cache_dir()
-    if os.path.isfile(state_file_path):
-        with open(state_file_path) as state_file:
-            version = state_file.read()
-        if version == expected_version:
-            print('Python uninstalls unchanged, skipping...')
-            return
-    # Run pip to find the packages we need to get rid of.  Believe it or not,
-    # edx-val is installed in a way that it is present twice, so we have a loop
-    # to really really get rid of it.
-    for _ in range(3):
-        uninstalled = False
-        frozen = sh("pip freeze", capture=True)
-        for package_name in PACKAGES_TO_UNINSTALL:
-            if package_in_frozen(package_name, frozen):
-                # Uninstall the pacakge
-                sh(f"pip uninstall --disable-pip-version-check -y {package_name}")
-                uninstalled = True
-        if not uninstalled:
-            break
-    else:
-        # We tried three times and didn't manage to get rid of the pests.
-        print("Couldn't uninstall unwanted Python packages!")
-        return
-    # Write our version.
-    with open(state_file_path, "wb") as state_file:
-        state_file.write(expected_version.encode('utf-8'))
-def package_in_frozen(package_name, frozen_output):
-    """Is this package in the output of 'pip freeze'?"""
-    # Look for either:
-    #
-    #   PACKAGE-NAME==
-    #
-    # or:
-    #
-    #   blah_blah#egg=package_name-version
-    #
-    pattern = r"(?mi)^{pkg}==|#egg={pkg_under}-".format(
-        pkg=re.escape(package_name),
-        pkg_under=re.escape(package_name.replace("-", "_")),
-    )
-    return bool(re.search(pattern, frozen_output))
-def install_coverage_prereqs():
-    """ Install python prereqs for measuring coverage. """
-    if no_prereq_install():
-        print(NO_PREREQ_MESSAGE)
-        return
-    pip_install_req_file(COVERAGE_REQ_FILE)
-def install_python_prereqs():
-    """
-    Installs Python prerequisites.
-    """
-    if no_prereq_install():
-        print(NO_PREREQ_MESSAGE)
-        return
-    uninstall_python_packages()
-    # Include all of the requirements files in the fingerprint.
-    files_to_fingerprint = list(PYTHON_REQ_FILES)
-    # Also fingerprint the directories where packages get installed:
-    # ("/edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/lib/python2.7/site-packages")
-    files_to_fingerprint.append(sysconfig.get_python_lib())
-    # In a virtualenv, "-e installs" get put in a src directory.
-    if Env.PIP_SRC:
-        src_dir = Env.PIP_SRC
-    else:
-        src_dir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "src")
-    if os.path.isdir(src_dir):
-        files_to_fingerprint.append(src_dir)
-    # Also fingerprint this source file, so that if the logic for installations
-    # changes, we will redo the installation.
-    this_file = __file__
-    if this_file.endswith(".pyc"):
-        this_file = this_file[:-1]      # use the .py file instead of the .pyc
-    files_to_fingerprint.append(this_file)
-    prereq_cache("Python prereqs", files_to_fingerprint, python_prereqs_installation)
-def install_prereqs():
-    """
-    Installs Node and Python prerequisites
-    """
-    if no_prereq_install():
-        print(NO_PREREQ_MESSAGE)
-        return
-    if not str2bool(os.environ.get('SKIP_NPM_INSTALL', 'False')):
-        install_node_prereqs()
-    install_python_prereqs()
-    log_installed_python_prereqs()
-def log_installed_python_prereqs():
-    """  Logs output of pip freeze for debugging. """
-    sh("pip freeze > {}".format(Env.GEN_LOG_DIR + "/pip_freeze.log"))
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/__init__.py b/pavelib/utils/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1..000000000000
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/cmd.py b/pavelib/utils/cmd.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a350c90a6a96..000000000000
--- a/pavelib/utils/cmd.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Helper functions for constructing shell commands.
-def cmd(*args):
-    """
-    Concatenate the arguments into a space-separated shell command.
-    """
-    return " ".join(str(arg) for arg in args if arg)
-def django_cmd(sys, settings, *args):
-    """
-    Construct a Django management command.
-    `sys` is either 'lms' or 'studio'.
-    `settings` is the Django settings module (such as "dev" or "test")
-    `args` are concatenated to form the rest of the command.
-    """
-    # Maintain backwards compatibility with manage.py,
-    # which calls "studio" "cms"
-    sys = 'cms' if sys == 'studio' else sys
-    return cmd("python manage.py", sys, f"--settings={settings}", *args)
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/envs.py b/pavelib/utils/envs.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dc9870fbdea..000000000000
--- a/pavelib/utils/envs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-Helper functions for loading environment settings.
-import configparser
-import json
-import os
-import sys
-from time import sleep
-from lazy import lazy
-from path import Path as path
-from paver.easy import BuildFailure, sh
-from pavelib.utils.cmd import django_cmd
-def repo_root():
-    """
-    Get the root of the git repository (edx-platform).
-    This sometimes fails on Docker Devstack, so it's been broken
-    down with some additional error handling.  It usually starts
-    working within 30 seconds or so; for more details, see
-    https://openedx.atlassian.net/browse/PLAT-1629 and
-    https://github.com/docker/for-mac/issues/1509
-    """
-    file_path = path(__file__)
-    attempt = 1
-    while True:
-        try:
-            absolute_path = file_path.abspath()
-            break
-        except OSError:
-            print(f'Attempt {attempt}/180 to get an absolute path failed')
-            if attempt < 180:
-                attempt += 1
-                sleep(1)
-            else:
-                print('Unable to determine the absolute path of the edx-platform repo, aborting')
-                raise
-    return absolute_path.parent.parent.parent
-class Env:
-    """
-    Load information about the execution environment.
-    """
-    # Root of the git repository (edx-platform)
-    REPO_ROOT = repo_root()
-    # Reports Directory
-    REPORT_DIR = REPO_ROOT / 'reports'
-    METRICS_DIR = REPORT_DIR / 'metrics'
-    QUALITY_DIR = REPORT_DIR / 'quality_junitxml'
-    # Generic log dir
-    GEN_LOG_DIR = REPO_ROOT / "test_root" / "log"
-    # Python unittest dirs
-    PYTHON_COVERAGERC = REPO_ROOT / ".coveragerc"
-    # Which Python version should be used in xdist workers?
-    PYTHON_VERSION = os.environ.get("PYTHON_VERSION", "2.7")
-    # Directory that videos are served from
-    VIDEO_SOURCE_DIR = REPO_ROOT / "test_root" / "data" / "video"
-    PRINT_SETTINGS_LOG_FILE = GEN_LOG_DIR / "print_settings.log"
-    # Detect if in a Docker container, and if so which one
-    DEVSTACK_SETTINGS = 'devstack_docker' if USING_DOCKER else 'devstack'
-    TEST_SETTINGS = 'test'
-    # Mongo databases that will be dropped before/after the tests run
-    MONGO_HOST = 'localhost'
-    # Test Ids Directory
-    TEST_DIR = REPO_ROOT / ".testids"
-    # Configured browser to use for the js test suites
-    SELENIUM_BROWSER = os.environ.get('SELENIUM_BROWSER', 'firefox')
-        KARMA_BROWSER = 'ChromeDocker' if SELENIUM_BROWSER == 'chrome' else 'FirefoxDocker'
-    else:
-        KARMA_BROWSER = 'FirefoxNoUpdates'
-    # Files used to run each of the js test suites
-    # TODO: We have [temporarily disabled] the three Webpack-based tests suites. They have been silently
-    #       broken for a long time; after noticing they were broken, we added the DieHardPlugin to
-    #       webpack.common.config.js to prevent future silent breakage, but have not yet been able to
-    #       fix and re-enable the suites. Note that the LMS suite is all Webpack-based even though it's
-    #       not in the name.
-    #       Issue: https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/issues/35956
-        REPO_ROOT / 'cms/static/karma_cms.conf.js',
-        REPO_ROOT / 'cms/static/karma_cms_squire.conf.js',
-        ## [temporarily disabled] REPO_ROOT / 'cms/static/karma_cms_webpack.conf.js',
-        ## [temporarily disabled] REPO_ROOT / 'lms/static/karma_lms.conf.js',
-        REPO_ROOT / 'xmodule/js/karma_xmodule.conf.js',
-        ## [temporarily disabled] REPO_ROOT / 'xmodule/js/karma_xmodule_webpack.conf.js',
-        REPO_ROOT / 'common/static/karma_common.conf.js',
-        REPO_ROOT / 'common/static/karma_common_requirejs.conf.js',
-    ]
-    JS_TEST_ID_KEYS = [
-        'cms',
-        'cms-squire',
-        ## [temporarily-disabled] 'cms-webpack',
-        ## [temporarily-disabled] 'lms',
-        'xmodule',
-        ## [temporarily-disabled] 'xmodule-webpack',
-        'common',
-        'common-requirejs',
-        'jest-snapshot'
-    ]
-    JS_REPORT_DIR = REPORT_DIR / 'javascript'
-    # Directories used for pavelib/ tests
-    IGNORED_TEST_DIRS = ('__pycache__', '.cache', '.pytest_cache')
-    LIB_TEST_DIRS = [path("pavelib/paver_tests"), path("scripts/xsslint/tests")]
-    # Directory for i18n test reports
-    I18N_REPORT_DIR = REPORT_DIR / 'i18n'
-    # Directory for keeping src folder that comes with pip installation.
-    # Setting this is equivalent to passing `--src <dir>` to pip directly.
-    PIP_SRC = os.environ.get("PIP_SRC")
-    # Service variant (lms, cms, etc.) configured with an environment variable
-    # We use this to determine which envs.json file to load.
-    SERVICE_VARIANT = os.environ.get('SERVICE_VARIANT', None)
-    # If service variant not configured in env, then pass the correct
-    # environment for lms / cms
-    if not SERVICE_VARIANT:  # this will intentionally catch "";
-        if any(i in sys.argv[1:] for i in ('cms', 'studio')):
-            SERVICE_VARIANT = 'cms'
-        else:
-            SERVICE_VARIANT = 'lms'
-    @classmethod
-    def get_django_settings(cls, django_settings, system, settings=None, print_setting_args=None):
-        """
-        Interrogate Django environment for specific settings values
-        :param django_settings: list of django settings values to get
-        :param system: the django app to use when asking for the setting (lms | cms)
-        :param settings: the settings file to use when asking for the value
-        :param print_setting_args: the additional arguments to send to print_settings
-        :return: unicode value of the django setting
-        """
-        if not settings:
-            settings = os.environ.get("EDX_PLATFORM_SETTINGS", "aws")
-        log_dir = os.path.dirname(cls.PRINT_SETTINGS_LOG_FILE)
-        if not os.path.exists(log_dir):
-            os.makedirs(log_dir)
-        settings_length = len(django_settings)
-        django_settings = ' '.join(django_settings)  # parse_known_args makes a list again
-        print_setting_args = ' '.join(print_setting_args or [])
-        try:
-            value = sh(
-                django_cmd(
-                    system,
-                    settings,
-                    "print_setting {django_settings} 2>{log_file} {print_setting_args}".format(
-                        django_settings=django_settings,
-                        print_setting_args=print_setting_args,
-                        log_file=cls.PRINT_SETTINGS_LOG_FILE
-                    ).strip()
-                ),
-                capture=True
-            )
-            # else for cases where values are not found & sh returns one None value
-            return tuple(str(value).splitlines()) if value else tuple(None for _ in range(settings_length))
-        except BuildFailure:
-            print(f"Unable to print the value of the {django_settings} setting:")
-            with open(cls.PRINT_SETTINGS_LOG_FILE) as f:
-                print(f.read())
-            sys.exit(1)
-    @classmethod
-    def get_django_json_settings(cls, django_settings, system, settings=None):
-        """
-        Interrogate Django environment for specific settings value
-        :param django_settings: list of django settings values to get
-        :param system: the django app to use when asking for the setting (lms | cms)
-        :param settings: the settings file to use when asking for the value
-        :return: json string value of the django setting
-        """
-        return cls.get_django_settings(
-            django_settings,
-            system,
-            settings=settings,
-            print_setting_args=["--json"],
-        )
-    @classmethod
-    def covered_modules(cls):
-        """
-        List the source modules listed in .coveragerc for which coverage
-        will be measured.
-        """
-        coveragerc = configparser.RawConfigParser()
-        coveragerc.read(cls.PYTHON_COVERAGERC)
-        modules = coveragerc.get('run', 'source')
-        result = []
-        for module in modules.split('\n'):
-            module = module.strip()
-            if module:
-                result.append(module)
-        return result
-    @lazy
-    def env_tokens(self):
-        """
-        Return a dict of environment settings.
-        If we couldn't find the JSON file, issue a warning and return an empty dict.
-        """
-        # Find the env JSON file
-        if self.SERVICE_VARIANT:
-            env_path = self.REPO_ROOT.parent / f"{self.SERVICE_VARIANT}.env.json"
-        else:
-            env_path = path("env.json").abspath()
-        # If the file does not exist, here or one level up,
-        # issue a warning and return an empty dict
-        if not env_path.isfile():
-            env_path = env_path.parent.parent / env_path.basename()
-        if not env_path.isfile():
-            print(
-                "Warning: could not find environment JSON file "
-                "at '{path}'".format(path=env_path),
-                file=sys.stderr,
-            )
-            return {}
-        # Otherwise, load the file as JSON and return the resulting dict
-        try:
-            with open(env_path) as env_file:
-                return json.load(env_file)
-        except ValueError:
-            print(
-                "Error: Could not parse JSON "
-                "in {path}".format(path=env_path),
-                file=sys.stderr,
-            )
-            sys.exit(1)
-    @lazy
-    def feature_flags(self):
-        """
-        Return a dictionary of feature flags configured by the environment.
-        """
-        return self.env_tokens.get('FEATURES', {})
-    @classmethod
-    def rsync_dirs(cls):
-        """
-        List the directories that should be synced during pytest-xdist
-        execution.  Needs to include all modules for which coverage is
-        measured, not just the tests being run.
-        """
-        result = set()
-        for module in cls.covered_modules():
-            result.add(module.split('/')[0])
-        return result
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/process.py b/pavelib/utils/process.py
deleted file mode 100644
index da2dafa8803d..000000000000
--- a/pavelib/utils/process.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-Helper functions for managing processes.
-import atexit
-import os
-import signal
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import psutil
-from paver import tasks
-def kill_process(proc):
-    """
-    Kill the process `proc` created with `subprocess`.
-    """
-    p1_group = psutil.Process(proc.pid)
-    child_pids = p1_group.children(recursive=True)
-    for child_pid in child_pids:
-        os.kill(child_pid.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
-def run_multi_processes(cmd_list, out_log=None, err_log=None):
-    """
-    Run each shell command in `cmd_list` in a separate process,
-    piping stdout to `out_log` (a path) and stderr to `err_log` (also a path).
-    Terminates the processes on CTRL-C and ensures the processes are killed
-    if an error occurs.
-    """
-    kwargs = {'shell': True, 'cwd': None}
-    pids = []
-    if out_log:
-        out_log_file = open(out_log, 'w')  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=consider-using-with
-        kwargs['stdout'] = out_log_file
-    if err_log:
-        err_log_file = open(err_log, 'w')  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=consider-using-with
-        kwargs['stderr'] = err_log_file
-    # If the user is performing a dry run of a task, then just log
-    # the command strings and return so that no destructive operations
-    # are performed.
-    if tasks.environment.dry_run:
-        for cmd in cmd_list:
-            tasks.environment.info(cmd)
-        return
-    try:
-        for cmd in cmd_list:
-            pids.extend([subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)])
-        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-        def _signal_handler(*args):
-            """
-            What to do when process is ended
-            """
-            print("\nEnding...")
-        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _signal_handler)
-        print("Enter CTL-C to end")
-        signal.pause()
-        print("Processes ending")
-    # pylint: disable=broad-except
-    except Exception as err:
-        print(f"Error running process {err}", file=sys.stderr)
-    finally:
-        for pid in pids:
-            kill_process(pid)
-def run_process(cmd, out_log=None, err_log=None):
-    """
-    Run the shell command `cmd` in a separate process,
-    piping stdout to `out_log` (a path) and stderr to `err_log` (also a path).
-    Terminates the process on CTRL-C or if an error occurs.
-    """
-    return run_multi_processes([cmd], out_log=out_log, err_log=err_log)
-def run_background_process(cmd, out_log=None, err_log=None, cwd=None):
-    """
-    Runs a command as a background process. Sends SIGINT at exit.
-    """
-    kwargs = {'shell': True, 'cwd': cwd}
-    if out_log:
-        out_log_file = open(out_log, 'w')  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=consider-using-with
-        kwargs['stdout'] = out_log_file
-    if err_log:
-        err_log_file = open(err_log, 'w')  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=consider-using-with
-        kwargs['stderr'] = err_log_file
-    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=consider-using-with
-    def exit_handler():
-        """
-        Send SIGINT to the process's children. This is important
-        for running commands under coverage, as coverage will not
-        produce the correct artifacts if the child process isn't
-        killed properly.
-        """
-        p1_group = psutil.Process(proc.pid)
-        child_pids = p1_group.children(recursive=True)
-        for child_pid in child_pids:
-            os.kill(child_pid.pid, signal.SIGINT)
-        # Wait for process to actually finish
-        proc.wait()
-    atexit.register(exit_handler)
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/test/__init__.py b/pavelib/utils/test/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1..000000000000
diff --git a/pavelib/utils/timer.py b/pavelib/utils/timer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fc6f3003736a..000000000000
--- a/pavelib/utils/timer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-Tools for timing paver tasks
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import sys
-import traceback
-from datetime import datetime
-from os.path import dirname, exists
-import wrapt
-LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__file__)
-PAVER_TIMER_LOG = os.environ.get('PAVER_TIMER_LOG')
-def timed(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    """
-    Log execution time for a function to a log file.
-    Logging is only actually executed if the PAVER_TIMER_LOG environment variable
-    is set. That variable is expanded for the current user and current
-    environment variables. It also can have :meth:`~Datetime.strftime` format
-    identifiers which are substituted using the time when the task started.
-    For example, ``PAVER_TIMER_LOG='~/.paver.logs/%Y-%d-%m.log'`` will create a new
-    log file every day containing reconds for paver tasks run that day, and
-    will put those log files in the ``.paver.logs`` directory inside the users
-    home.
-    Must be earlier in the decorator stack than the paver task declaration.
-    """
-    start = datetime.utcnow()
-    exception_info = {}
-    try:
-        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
-    except Exception as exc:
-        exception_info = {
-            'exception': "".join(traceback.format_exception_only(type(exc), exc)).strip()
-        }
-        raise
-    finally:
-        end = datetime.utcnow()
-        # N.B. This is intended to provide a consistent interface and message format
-        # across all of Open edX tooling, so it deliberately eschews standard
-        # python logging infrastructure.
-        if PAVER_TIMER_LOG is not None:
-            log_path = start.strftime(PAVER_TIMER_LOG)
-            log_message = {
-                'python_version': sys.version,
-                'task': f"{wrapped.__module__}.{wrapped.__name__}",
-                'args': [repr(arg) for arg in args],
-                'kwargs': {key: repr(value) for key, value in kwargs.items()},
-                'started_at': start.isoformat(' '),
-                'ended_at': end.isoformat(' '),
-                'duration': (end - start).total_seconds(),
-            }
-            log_message.update(exception_info)
-            try:
-                log_dir = dirname(log_path)
-                if log_dir and not exists(log_dir):
-                    os.makedirs(log_dir)
-                with open(log_path, 'a') as outfile:
-                    json.dump(
-                        log_message,
-                        outfile,
-                        separators=(',', ':'),
-                        sort_keys=True,
-                    )
-                    outfile.write('\n')
-            except OSError:
-                # Squelch OSErrors, because we expect them and they shouldn't
-                # interrupt the rest of the process.
-                LOGGER.exception("Unable to write timing logs")
diff --git a/pavement.py b/pavement.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 41a6227dbfb5..000000000000
--- a/pavement.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-import sys  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=django-not-configured, missing-module-docstring
-import os
-# Ensure that we can import pavelib, and that our copy of pavelib
-# takes precedence over anything else installed in the virtualenv.
-# In local dev, we usually don't need to do this, because Python
-# automatically puts the current working directory on the system path.
-# Until we re-run pip install, the other copies of edx-platform could
-# take precedence, leading to some strange results.
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__))
-from pavelib import *  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=wildcard-import, wrong-import-position
diff --git a/requirements/edx/bundled.in b/requirements/edx/bundled.in
index a9394b809f55..61f6007aa507 100644
--- a/requirements/edx/bundled.in
+++ b/requirements/edx/bundled.in
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 # Follow up issue to remove this fork: https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/issues/33456
-pygments                            # Used to support colors in paver command output
 # i18n_tool is needed at build time for pulling translations
 edx-i18n-tools>=0.4.6               # Commands for developers and translators to extract, compile and validate translations
diff --git a/requirements/edx/kernel.in b/requirements/edx/kernel.in
index 60f49c5917e1..48b70f43f614 100644
--- a/requirements/edx/kernel.in
+++ b/requirements/edx/kernel.in
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 -c ../constraints.txt
 -r github.in              # Forks and other dependencies not yet on PyPI
--r paver.txt              # Requirements for running paver commands
 # Please follow these guidelines whenever you change this file:
diff --git a/requirements/edx/paver.in b/requirements/edx/paver.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 6987ede82275..000000000000
--- a/requirements/edx/paver.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# Requirements to run and test Paver
-# If you open a pull request that adds a new dependency, you should:
-#   * verify that the dependency has a license compatible with AGPLv3
-#   * confirm that it has no system requirements beyond what we already install
-#   * run "make upgrade" to update the detailed requirements files
--c ../constraints.txt
-edx-opaque-keys                     # Create and introspect course and xblock identities
-lazy                                # Lazily-evaluated attributes for Python objects
-libsass                             # Python bindings for the LibSass CSS compiler
-markupsafe                          # XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe strings
-mock                                # Stub out code with mock objects and make assertions about how they have been used
-path                                # Easier manipulation of filesystem paths
-paver                               # Build, distribution and deployment scripting tool
-psutil                              # Library for retrieving information on running processes and system utilization
-pymongo                             # via edx-opaque-keys
-python-memcached                    # Python interface to the memcached memory cache daemon
-pymemcache                          # Python interface to the memcached memory cache daemon
-requests                            # Simple interface for making HTTP requests
-stevedore                           # Support for runtime plugins, used for XBlocks and edx-platform Django app plugins
-watchdog                            # Used in paver watch_assets
-wrapt                               # Decorator utilities used in the @timed paver task decorator
diff --git a/requirements/edx/paver.txt b/requirements/edx/paver.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c9ee8f3aff49..000000000000
--- a/requirements/edx/paver.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# This file is autogenerated by pip-compile with Python 3.11
-# by the following command:
-#    make upgrade
-    # via requests
-    # via
-    #   -c requirements/edx/../constraints.txt
-    #   requests
-    # via pymongo
-    # via -r requirements/edx/paver.in
-    # via requests
-    # via -r requirements/edx/paver.in
-    # via
-    #   -c requirements/edx/../constraints.txt
-    #   -r requirements/edx/paver.in
-    # via -r requirements/edx/paver.in
-    # via -r requirements/edx/paver.in
-    # via
-    #   -c requirements/edx/../constraints.txt
-    #   -r requirements/edx/paver.in
-    # via -r requirements/edx/paver.in
-    # via stevedore
-    # via -r requirements/edx/paver.in
-    # via -r requirements/edx/paver.in
-    # via
-    #   -c requirements/edx/../constraints.txt
-    #   -r requirements/edx/paver.in
-    #   edx-opaque-keys
-    # via -r requirements/edx/paver.in
-    # via -r requirements/edx/paver.in
-    # via
-    #   libsass
-    #   paver
-    # via
-    #   -r requirements/edx/paver.in
-    #   edx-opaque-keys
-    # via edx-opaque-keys
-    # via requests
-    # via -r requirements/edx/paver.in
-    # via -r requirements/edx/paver.in
diff --git a/scripts/paver_autocomplete.sh b/scripts/paver_autocomplete.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b4e8111411c..000000000000
--- a/scripts/paver_autocomplete.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# shellcheck disable=all
-# ^ Paver in edx-platform is on the way out
-#   (https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/issues/31798)
-#   so we're not going to bother fixing these shellcheck
-#   violations.
-# Courtesy of Gregory Nicholas
-    local awkfile command cur usage
-    command=$1
-    awkfile=/tmp/paver-option-awkscript-$$.awk
-    echo '
-    opts = "";
-    for (i = 1; i <= NF; i = i + 1) {
-        # Match short options (-a, -S, -3)
-        # or long options (--long-option, --another_option)
-        # in output from paver help [subcommand]
-        if ($i ~ /^(-[A-Za-z0-9]|--[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_-]*)/) {
-            opt = $i;
-            # remove trailing , and = characters.
-            match(opt, "[,=]");
-            if (RSTART > 0) {
-                opt = substr(opt, 0, RSTART);
-            }
-            opts = opts " " opt;
-        }
-    }
-END {
-    print opts
-}' > $awkfile
-    usage=`paver help $command`
-    options=`echo "$usage"|awk -f $awkfile`
-    COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$options" -- "$cur") )
-    local cur prev
-    # Variable to hold the current word
-    cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
-    prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD - 1]}"
-    # Build a list of the available tasks from: `paver --help --quiet`
-    local cmds=$(paver -hq | awk '/^  ([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/ {print $1}')
-    subcmd="${COMP_WORDS[1]}"
-    # Generate possible matches and store them in the
-    # array variable COMPREPLY
-    if [[ -n $subcmd ]]
-    then
-        if [[ ${#COMP_WORDS[*]} == 3 ]]
-        then
-                _subcommand_opts $subcmd
-                return 0
-        else
-            if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]
-            then
-                _subcommand_opts $subcmd
-                return 0
-            else
-                COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -o nospace -- "$cur") )
-            fi
-        fi
-    fi
-    if [[ ${#COMP_WORDS[*]} == 2 ]]
-    then
-        COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${cmds}" -- "$cur") )
-    fi
-# Assign the auto-completion function for our command.
-complete -F _paver -o default paver