- C/C++: bcc, libbpf, ebpfpub
- Go: iovisor/gobpf, cilium/ebpf, dropbox/goebpf, libbpfgo
- Python: bcc, pyebpf
- Rust: libbpf-rs, redbpf, aya
- Other: Lua (bcc), Node.js (bpf, bpfcc), Ruby (rbbcc)
- No Java or PHP (write your own :-))
- Program Types (loading and attaching)
- I/O (basic operations, additional abstractions)
- Writing Programs (helpers, native language support)
- Compiling Programs (external, clang integration, native)
- Tracing and Profiling (kprobes, uprobes, tracepoints, perf events)
- Networking
- TC
- Socket Control and Filtering
- Cgroup Resource Control (more socket control)
- Security (LSM)
- Other
- Most popular eBPF library (direct/indirect use)
- Program creation abstractions/helpers
- I/O abstractions
- Program compiler abstractions (LLVM/clang runtime dependency)
- Lots of examples and tools
- Biggest community
- Supported program types:
- Tracing and profiling programs
- XDP, TC, Socket Filtering networking programs
- Security (LSM) programs
- Verdict: Good option if you want to leverage the power of BCC and you are building system or XDP/TC-based network tracing apps
- https://github.com/iovisor/bcc
- Official eBPF library (eBPF linux kernel maintainers)
- Focus on reusable eBPF programs (CO-RE)
- No I/O, program or compiler abstractions
- Template/starter project: https://github.com/libbpf/libbpf-bootstrap
- Supported program types (explicit attach support):
- Tracing and profiling programs
- XDP networking programs
- Security (LSM) programs
- Support for generic program attach and link create calls
- Verdict: Good option if you want to use the official eBPF library and you are ok using its low level interface and you don’t need the abstractions in BCC
- https://github.com/libbpf/libbpf
- C++ libbpf wrapper library
- Tracing library created for Osquery
- Supported program types:
- Tracing and profiling programs (BPF_PROG_TYPE_TRACEPOINT, BPF_PROG_TYPE_KPROBE only)
- Verdict: Haven’t tried it yet, but the code looks clean and it looks like a good abstraction to create tracing apps in C++
- https://github.com/trailofbits/ebpfpub
- https://github.com/trailofbits/ebpf-common
- https://www.trailofbits.com/post/all-your-tracing-are-belong-to-bpf
- Official BCC wrapper
- Supported program types:
- Tracing and profiling programs
- XDP networking programs
- Partial (load only) support for TC and some Socket Control and Filtering program types
- Verdict: Good option if you want to leverage the power of BCC and you are building tracing apps
- https://github.com/iovisor/gobpf
- Pure Go library
- Initial goal use case - networking (“packet wrangling in XDP and TC”)
- Tracing/profiling wasn’t the initial goal, but now it’s supported
- Strange/clever API (Collections, Specs)
- helper library to write eBPF programs (low level instructions)bpf2go
- embed compiled programs in Go code- You are responsible for attaching many/important networking program types (e.g., XDP, TC)
- Exposes low level / raw attach program (BPF_PROG_ATTACH) and attach link (BPF_LINK_CREATE) interfaces (useful for some prog types)
- Supported program types (explicit “attach” support):
- Most tracing and profiling programs
- Few other program types (based on the vendor use cases / needs)
- Verdict: Interesting library if you want a pure Go library and you are ok with the library design
- https://github.com/cilium/ebpf
- Pure Go library
- Focus on networking
- Nice and clean
- Strange/unnecessary use of CGo in some cases
- Supported program types:
- Basic tracing and profiling programs (kprobes/kretprobes only)
- XDP networking programs
- One of the Socket filtering program types (SOCKET_FILTER)
- TC network program types (but only loading, no attach, so doesn’t count :-))
- Verdict: Interesting library if it supports the program types you need and if you want to a pure Go library
- https://github.com/dropbox/goebpf
- Thin libbpf wrapper
- Focus on tracing and other product use cases for the library vendor
- Supported program types:
- Tracing and profiling programs
- Security (LSM) programs
- TC network program types
- Verdict: Good library if it supports the program types you need and if you want to use libbpf in Go
- https://github.com/aquasecurity/libbpfgo
- Official BCC wrapper
- Program creation helpers
- I/O abstractions
- Most widely used eBPF library
- Lots of examples and python-based tools
- Verdict: Use this library if you want to leverage the power of BCC and its community. Great option to prototype your first BPF app especially if it's a tracing app!
- https://github.com/iovisor/bcc/tree/master/src/python/bcc
- BCC wrapper (with extras)
- Lets you write kprobes and I/O handlers in Python
- Dated (python2 only) and requires extra work
- Supported program types:
- Only kprobe tracing and profiling programs
- Verdict: Good library if you are looking for a project to contribute and you want to write kprobe eBPF programs in Python
- https://pypi.org/project/pyebpf
- Lightweight libbpf wrapper (almost official rust library for libbpf :-))
- Needs good examples
- Leverages
from libbpf - Explicitly supported program/attach types:
- Most tracing and profiling programs (no raw tracepoint support)
- XDP networking programs
- Security (LSM) programs
- One of the Socket filtering program types (SK_SKB/sockmap/streamparser)
- Verdict: Good option if you just want to use libbpf directly from Rust.
- https://github.com/libbpf/libbpf-rs
- https://github.com/libbpf/libbpf-bootstrap/tree/master/examples/rust
- libbpf wrapper (partial wrapper, with extras)
- Focus on networking and other product use cases for the library creators
- Supported program types:
- Some tracing and profiling programs (no raw tracepoint support)
- XDP networking programs
- Two Socket filtering program types (SOCKET_FILTER, SK_SKB/sockmap)
- “redbpf-probes” - helper library to generate eBPF programs
- Verdict: Interesting library if it supports the program types you need
- https://github.com/foniod/redbpf
- Pure Rust library
- Supported program types:
- Most tracing and profiling programs (raw tracepoint support is WIP)
- XDP networking programs
- TC classifier programs
- Several socket control and filtering programs (SOCK_FILTER, SK_SKB, SOCK_OPS, SK_MSG)
- Security (LSM) (WIP)
- Others
- Planned support for rust-based eBPF programs (no clang)
- Verdict: Early, but pretty impressive
- https://github.com/aya-rs/aya
- Official BCC wrapper library
- Quite a few examples (some work as-is, some don’t)
- Doesn't get enough attention
- Verdict: Be ready to do extra work
- https://github.com/iovisor/bcc/tree/master/src/lua
- https://github.com/iovisor/bcc/tree/master/examples/lua
- BCC wrapper
- Supports most tracing and profiling programs
- Quite a few examples
- Requires a specific libbcc version
- Verdict: Be ready to do extra work to make it work
- https://github.com/udzura/rbbcc
- node_bpf - libbpf wrapper
- Experimental / only a few MAP related functions
- node_bpfcc - BCC wrapper
- Supports most tracing and profiling programs
- No raw tracepoint support
- Needs more work.
- Verdict: Cool experiment, but you are on your own if you try to use it.
- https://github.com/mildsunrise/node_bpf
- https://github.com/mildsunrise/node_bpfcc
- BPF_PROG_TYPE_KPROBE (kprobe/kretprobe/uprobe/uretprobe)