Use [rating-system-posts] to show like & dislike for a page, post,bbPress,buddyPress etc (DO NOT USE FOR COMMENTS).
Use [rating-system-posts-disable-dislike] to show only the like button for a page, post,bbPress,buddyPress etc (DO NOT USE FOR COMMENTS).
Use [rating-system-comments] to show like & dislike for comments (USE ONLY FOR STANDARD WORDPRESS COMMENTS).
Use [rating-system-comments-disable-dislike] to show only the like button for commens (USE ONLY FOR STANDARD WORDPRESS COMMENTS).
Use [rating-system-top-posts] to display all posts ordered by their likes.
Shortcode parameters for [rating-system-top-posts]:
number = the number of posts to be dislayed (type a number here)(default 5)
display_counter = display the number of likes after the title (type yes or no)(default yes)
display_content = display the content for each post (type yes or no)(default no)
link_to_post = make the title of the post a link to original post (type yes or no)(default yes)
category_slugs = only display posts from certain categories (type categories slugs here)(default empty)
Display top 5 posts: [rating-system-top-posts number="5"]
Display top 5 posts without link to original post: [rating-system-top-posts number="5" link_to_post="no"]
Display top 5 posts from category with slug cats: [rating-system-top-posts number="5" category_slugs="cats"]
Display top 10 posts from multiple categories: [rating-system-top-posts number="10" category_slugs="cats,dogs,planes"]
Display top 10 posts from multiple categories with content and no counter: [rating-system-top-posts display_counter="no" display_content="yes" number="10" category_slugs="cats,dogs,planes"]
To get the number of likes/dislike you can use
$post_id = 1; //the post id
$likes = get_post_meta($post_id,'vortex_system_likes',true);
$dislikes = get_post_meta($post_id,'vortex_system_dislikes',true);
Custom WP_QUERY arguments to oder by likes
$args = array ( 'posts_per_page' => '10', 'order' => 'DESC', 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num', 'meta_key' => 'vortex_system_likes' );