An arcade-style gamepad based on Teensy 2.0 (also compatible with Teensy++ 2.0).
This project lets a Teensy microcontroller take input from arcade controller components, convert the input to key strokes and send them to a computer. The gamepad is connected to the computer via USB.
- Teensy 2.0 (PJRC, AliExpress) or Teensy++ 2.0 (PJRC, AliExpress)
- A set of arcade buttons (e.g. these)
- Joystick (e.g. this)
You can probably find even cheaper sources for the hardware if you search at sites like AliExpress or DealExtreme.
The code can be compiled and uploaded to the Teensy 2.0 board through Teensyduino, which is available for Linux, Mac and Windows.
- Select the correct board model (Teensy 2.0 or Teensy++ 2.0) in the Arduino IDE under Tools -> Board
- Select the right COM port under Tools -> Serial Port
- Set the correct USB type (Serial + Keyboard + Mouse + Joystick) under Tools -> USB Type
- Compile and upload TeensyGamepad.ino
Pin 2 - Button 0 (W)
Pin 3 - Button 1 (A)
Pin 4 - Button 2 (S)
Pin 5 - Button 3 (D)
Pin 7 - Joystick 0 (LEFT)
Pin 8 - Joystick 1 (UP)
Pin 9 - Joystick 2 (RIGHT)
Pin 10 - Joystick 3 (DOWN)