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Information model

you speak NGSI?

A tenet of KITT4SME is that artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to increase the profitability of small and medium manufacturing enterprises (SMEs) by improving product quality (e.g., through anomaly detection and correction), by optimising production line configuration (e.g., rapid reconfiguration to achieve lot-size-one production) and by levelling up staff productivity (e.g., through stress relief suggestions and personalised training). To enact such positive changes, the KITT4SME platform needs to acquire heterogeneous data sets from a variety of sources and have that information flow to AI components which can process it. Within the platform itself, components which were not originally designed to work together have to exchange information in order to perform KITT4SME workflow tasks. For data to be exchanged and processed meaningfully in a distributed system, processes have to agree on data formats and semantics as well as on a communication mechanism. This section explains how the KITT4SME platform achieves data interoperability through the adoption of the NGSI standard, whereas later sections address inter-process communication.

Taming heterogeneous data

In relation to the Sense phase of the KITT4SME workflow, the platform is expected to be able to acquire data from the shop floor through a diverse range of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and cyber-physical systems such as wearable devices, environmental sensors, cameras and robots. Data can flow in the other direction too, i.e. from the platform to the shop floor, as AI components issue commands to control devices or suggest corrective actions during the Intervene phase of the KITT4SME workflow. Additionally, part of the data held in existing information systems in operation at the factory, typically demand & supply systems and MES, may need to be integrated into the platform.

Each IoT device or robot typically produces raw data (e.g. a temperature reading) in a proprietary format which may vary over time even within the same device (e.g., think of a firmware upgrade) and a similar degree of data format volatility can be expected of information systems (e.g., think of a database schema change). Thus, to acquire data from those environments, a plethora of diverse data formats will need to be understood by the platform, at least at its boundary where information is exchanged with external systems. Moreover, new formats may have to be accommodated as shop floors are connected to the platform. The same line of reasoning applies to data semantics too as the structure and interpretation of the data has to be known by platform components which extract information from those data.

To avoid the engineering effort required to adapt platform components to work directly with external, heterogeneous information models, the KITT4SME platform adopts NSGI as a standard information model to represent shared data within the platform, i.e. data which multiple components need to process, not necessarily data that different owners decided to share. Furthermore, NGSI makes provisions for components to access, modify and exchange data in a uniform fashion. To wit, NGSI extends well-known Web standards, such as Representational state transfer (REST) and Linked Data, to develop an ontology and interoperability framework for IoT. In particular, entities and relationships which constitute the system data (the so-called IoT "context" in NGSI parlance) become Web resources, each identified by a unique Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and retrievable through an HTTP call by constructing a suitable Uniform Resource Locator (URL) from the resource's URI. Those Web resources are made available through a Web service, the FIWARE Context Broker, which provides a standard mechanism for clients to discover what resources are available in the IoT context that it manages. In somewhat more detailed terms, a client can request a number of well-known top-level nodes (resources) in the information graph (IoT context) from which other nodes are reachable by following the edges (links) returned along with those nodes.

Thus, for the sake of interoperability, platform data can be thought of as a graph where nodes are instances of NGSI data structures and edges are instances of links among NGSI data structures in a given NGSI data model. The KITT4SME project will develop NGSI data models for the manufacturing industry in order to achieve semantic interoperability of platform components. (As separate document detailing said data models will be provided in due course.) A data translation layer at the platform's boundary maps external data to instances of NGSI entities in accordance with the KITT4SME NGSI data models. The building blocks of this layer are the FIWARE agents, software components that can interface with external systems using widely implemented standards such as OPC UA and ROS. Agents can be easily configured to translate data coming from external systems into a common format that the rest of the platform components know how to handle, namely the NGSI data format. It should also be noted that the NGSI specification is a widely adopted open-source standard. Therefore, the KITT4SME platform will be interoperable with any external Web service capable of understanding the NGSI data format. Furthermore, data sets originating from different NGSI sites can be combined in a multi-site distributed system using the federation framework provided by Context Broker.

TODO: refs/cites ⟶ specs, papers, etc.

Core data model

Having introduced interoperability through NGSI as an abstract concept, we are now ready to present a more concrete view of the data model on which FIWARE components operate. The material presented here constitutes the developer's view of the data model and is applicable to both NGSI specifications currently implemented by the FIWARE platform, namely NGSI v2 and NGSI LD. Moreover, we conceptualise elements of the FIWARE data model which are not in the NGSI specifications but are essential for practical purposes nonetheless. In this regard, this material represents a practical, unified view of the core data model adopted by the KITT4SME platform for the sake of interoperability.

Entities and relationships

We begin with the elements of the data model which allow to encode objects (concepts, things, etc.) and relationships among them. The Entity data structure identifies a certain concept of interest in a model and describes its properties. Each Entity object must have an id field containing a URI that uniquely identifies it and a type field to classify the object. An Entity contains one or more Attributes, each with a value and a type field. The value field holds the actual value of an object's property whereas the type field contains a text label which specifies the data type of that value. When processing an entity, some FIWARE components attempt to interpret an attribute's value according to the type label, thus it is important to use a label suitable for the value at hand. Most FIWARE components support boolean types (type = Boolean), numeric types (Integer, Float, Number), text (String, Text), time (Date, Time, DateTime), geometry (points, lines, etc.), arrays (Array) and instances of arbitrary data structures (StructuredValue). Additionally, an attribute having a type of Relationship is interpreted as a pointer to other entities and its value should be one or more URIs identifying other entities in the system. Thus, these "Relation" attributes play a special role among attributes in that they allow to encode an entity graph where nodes are Entity instances and edges are Relation attributes.

JSON representation

FIWARE services exchange data by means of JSON documents. Each Entity instance is encoded as a JSON object with id and type string fields and an object field in correspondence of each Attribute. By way of example, the JSON document below encodes an instance of a milling machine entity owned by a company named Smithereens. One attribute of this entity is the temperature of the machine's spindle and the other is a pointer to a separate entity representing the shop floor where the milling machine is located.

    "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:smithereens:MillingMachine:1f3d-8776-a3d5-671b",
    "type": "MillingMachine",
    "spindleTemperature": {
        "type": "Float",
        "value": 64.8
    "refShopFloor": {
        "type": "Relationship",
        "value": "urn:ngsi-ld:smithereens:ShopFloor:2"

Another special kind of attribute is the "Metadata" attribute which can be nested inside an attribute to convey additional information about the attribute's value. The JSON fragment below contains the same spindleTemperature attribute from the previous example but with two additional metadata fields to provide an accuracy rating for the measured temperature and a timestamp indicating when the reading was taken.

    "spindleTemperature": {
        "type": "Float",
        "value": 64.8
        "metadata": {
            "accuracy": {
                "value": 2,
                "type": "Number"
            "timestamp": {
                 "value": "2021-04-12T07:20:27.378Z",
                 "type": "DateTime"

Entity hierarchies and multi-tenancy

Entities are organised in a hierarchy tree where inner nodes are identified by text labels and leaf nodes are entities. FIWARE services let clients operate on entity data through HTTP requests. When a client requests an entity operation, it specifies a path on the tree to restrict the scope of the operation to the entities below the last inner node in the path. This path is specified through the fiware-servicepath HTTP header and is a string assembled by joining the labels identifying the inner nodes in the path from the root to the last node using a slash character as a separator. For instance, the tree path root ⟶ factory1 ⟶ floor2 would be encoded as /factory1/floor2. The concept of a Service furnishes the data architect with an even stronger mechanism to separate entities into disjoint groups: all the entities in the system are partitioned by service. Thus, entities in one service partition are isolated from the entities in any other partition. Often FIWARE-based cloud solutions exploit this mechanism to implement multi-tenancy: a tenant (typically a company utilising the cloud's services) is identified with a FIWARE Service so that their data, i.e. the entity hierarchies they own, are not accessible to other tenants (FIWARE Service instances) in the system. FIWARE Services are identified by unique text labels which clients wanting to access entity data must specify through the fiware-service HTTP header. The UML class diagram below models the concepts of entities, attributes, entity hierarchies and services as explained thus far and introduces some new concepts regarding device provisioning and a publish-subscribe mechanism to which we are going to turn our attention next.

FIWARE core data model.

Agents and device provisioning

A fundamental concept of any IoT system is that of a physical object (a "thing") equipped with hardware and software which allows it to sense its environment, exchange data and possibly perform actions in response to software commands. Any such external device can be connected to a FIWARE system so that FIWARE services can use any data which it produces or issue commands to operate it. The process of interfacing a device with a FIWARE system is often referred to as "provisioning" the device. The two key data structures to enable this process in FIWARE are the Device and the ServiceGroup. The Device structure holds the information needed to interface with a physical device. Its id field uniquely identifies the physical device within a FIWARE system whereas the protocol field specifies the communication protocol to be used to interact with the device, e.g. OPC UA. As explained earlier, within FIWARE data are encoded through Entity structures and external data need to be converted to Entity instances for FIWARE services to be able to use those data. Consequently, a Device is paired with an Entity and specifies a translation map to be used by FIWARE Agents to convert external data to an instance of the Entity associated with the Device. In most cases, the translation map is a list of transformation instructions from external data fields to Attributes, however it is also possible to specify more sophisticated data transformations.

Perhaps an example is in order. Recall the brief discussion from the introduction section about leveraging FIWARE to provide an interoperable communication infrastructure to support the Sense and Intervene phases of the KITT4SME workflow. The diagram accompanying the text showed the devices owned by two manufacturing companies streaming readings to the platform. One stream contained the following labelled measurements

f: 3
b: 7

supposedly sent by the foodev device through a certain protocol P. On crossing the platform boundary, the data were converted to an NGSI entity

    "id":   "urn:ngsi-ld:manufracture:Bot:1",
    "type": "Bot",
    "foo": {
        "type": "Integer",
        "value": 3
    "bar": {
        "type": "Integer",
        "value": 7

This is a typical scenario indeed and involves configuring a FIWARE Agent which can handle protocol P on the receiving end. The Agent would be provisioned with a Device instance specifying the external device ID, the target entity ID and a description of how to transform the external data fields into entity attributes as in the JSON document below.

    "device_id":   "foodev",
    "entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:manufracture:Bot:1",
    "entity_type": "Bot",
    "attributes": [
        { "object_id": "f", "name": "foo", "type": "Integer" },
        { "object_id": "b", "name": "bar", "type": "Integer" }

Each Device instance identifies a physical device. Hence, there must be one instance in correspondence of each physical device linked to the system through the provisioning process. Device instances sharing the same target Entity type are collected together in a ServiceGroup. A ServiceGroup defines the Agent service endpoint which the physical devices in the group use to communicate with FIWARE. In order to send data, physical devices need to know to which ServiceGroup they belong. The API key field of a ServiceGroup serves the purpose of identifying the group with the physical device. When sending data to the Agent endpoint, a physical device specifies the API key of the group to which it belongs. A ServiceGroup also contains the URL of the Context Broker to which data should be forwarded after having been transformed into an NGSI entity. (Recall that Context Broker is the service which maintains the entities constituting the current state of the system.) The following JSON document exemplifies how to create a ServiceGroup for an HTTP endpoint to service devices configured with a target entity type of Bot.

    "apikey":      "3z4w",
    "cbroker":     "http://orion:1026",
    "entity_type": "Bot",
    "resource":    "/iot/d"

A physical device having a corresponding Device instance in this ServiceGroup would construct the URL of the service endpoint by setting the path component to the value of the resource field and then appending a query string containing the API key and the ID of its Device instance as in the URL below which shows the path and query which the device foodev would construct to call the Agent endpoint:


IoT context change notifications

An important aspect of the KITT4SME architecture is the publish-subscribe mechanism through which changes to the IoT context (system data) held by Context Broker are propagated to other services. Any service can observe changes to the IoT context by creating a Subscription with Context Broker. To create a Subscription, the service (the Subscriber) specifies an HTTP endpoint where Context Broker can send state change notifications and an entity predicate (condition) p which, when true, will trigger the notification. More accurately, for any entity e in the IoT context if a change occurs to e (e.g., a device sends new readings) resulting in a new entity state e' and p(e') evaluates to true, then Context Broker sends e' to the subscriber. Subscribers can also instruct Context Broker to send a subset of the changed entity data instead of the whole entity e'. This is done by specifying a list of attributes [a, b, ...] in the subscription so that Context Broker will only include the corresponding attribute values in the notification. For instance, a subscriber could create a subscription to get notified of any change to entities of type Bot from the previous example but request that only the current data of the foo attribute be included in the notification.

This publish-subscribe pattern serves as the primary means through which KITT4SME services can keep abreast of any change in the shop floor and possibly react with corrective actions or recommendations as the case may be. In other words, publish-subscribe sits at the core of the communication infrastructure that supports the Sense and Intervene phases of the KITT4SME workflow. Moreover, it is also what enables the construction of time series from IoT context data. In fact, the KITT4SME platform features a time-series service whose purpose is to maintain a historical record of the IoT context which Context Broker makes available. The time-series service is notified of IoT context changes and records any modifications to NGSI entities. It constructs a time-indexed sequence of changes for each entity: { (t0, e0), (t1, e1), … }, where t0 is the time when the entity was created and e0 is the initial entity data; e1 is the entity data as it was at time t1 when the entity was modified; and so on. Thus each entity has an associated sequence of real numbers (the time index values t0, t1, …) which identify the changes to that entity over time. In other words, the entity data is versioned by the time index numbers.