- FIX: force placeholder cache clearing (from branch: fix/placeholder-field-cache-clear)
- FIX: publishing static placeholders outside of CMS (from branch: fix/static-placeholder-publishing)
- FEAT: redirect to login url on restricted pages (from branch: feat/redirect-on-restriction)
- FIX: Include request full path in placeholder cache key compute
Open source enterprise content management system based on the Django framework.

Please use the develop
branch as the target for pull requests for on-going development.
Security fixes will be backported to older branches by the core team as appropriate.
- hierarchical pages
- extensive built-in support for multilingual websites
- multi-site support
- draft/publish workflows
- version control
- a sophisticated publishing architecture, that's also usable in your own applications
- frontend content editing
- a hierarchical content structure for nested plugins
- an extensible navigation system that your own applications can hook into
- SEO-friendly URLs
- designed to integrate thoroughly into other applications
Developing applications that integrate with and take advantage of django CMS features is easy and well-documented.
More information on our website.
See the Python/Django requirements for the current release version in our documentation.
We maintain documentation for several versions of the project. Key versions are:
- stable (default), for the current release version
- latest, representing the latest build of the release-3.4.x branch
- develop, representing the latest build of the develop branch
For more information about our branch policy, see Branches.
Our documentation is hosted courtesy of Read the Docs.
You can use the django CMS installer:
$ pip install --upgrade virtualenv $ virtualenv env $ source env/bin/activate (env) $ pip install djangocms-installer (env) $ mkdir myproject && cd myproject (env) $ djangocms -f -p . my_demo (env) $ python manage.py
Please head over to our IRC channel, #django-cms, on irc.freenode.net or write to our mailing list.
If you don't have an IRC client, you can join our IRC channel using the KiwiIRC web client, which works pretty well.
This project is backed by Divio. If you need help implementing or hosting django CMS, please contact us: [email protected].
- Includes icons from FamFamFam.
- Python tree engine powered by django-treebeard.
- JavaScript tree in admin uses jsTree.
- Many thanks to all the contributors to django CMS!