Just a very basic plugin for embedding images into a message.
There's no real usage guidelines. Just type in the URL to an image into a message.
class Kandan.Plugins.ImageEmbed
regex: /http.*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)/i
template: _.template '''
<div class="image-preview">
<a target="_blank" href="<%= imageUrl %>">
<img class="image-embed" src="<%= imageUrl %>" />
<div class="name"><%= subtitle %></div>
@init: ()->
Kandan.Modifiers.register @options.regex, (message, state) =>
url = message.content.match(@options.regex)[0]
fileName = url.split("/").pop()
comment = $.trim(message.content.split(url).join(""))
subtitle = null
subtitle = comment if comment.length > 0
subtitle ||= fileName
message.content = @options.template({
imageUrl: url,
subtitle: subtitle
return Kandan.Helpers.Activities.buildFromMessageTemplate(message)