All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Updated version of Jest to 29.5.0
- Updated version of aws-cdk-lib to 2.87.0
- Updated version of crypto-js to 4.2.0 to resolve vulnerabilities
- Updated version of fast-xml-parser to 4.3.2 to resolve vulnerabilities
- Updated Semver to use version 7.5.2 to prevent vulnerabilities
- Updated dependencies
- Added support for all AWS partitions
- Updated to CDK v2.25.0
- Updated dependencies
- Amazon S3 Glacier Re:Freezer detects the size of the object to be copied to the target bucket and adjusts the number of Lambda calls invoking UploadPartCopy S3 API Call.
- Amazon S3 Glacier Re:Freezer detects service throttling and automatically adjusts requestArchive call rate to allow extra time to process the vault aligned to the throttled metrics
- New CloudWatch Metrics:
- BytesRequested
- BytesStaged
- BytesValidated
- BytesCompleted
- ThrottledBytes
- ThrottledErrorCount
- FailedArchivesBytes
- FailedArchivesErrorCount
- copyToDestination split from calculateTreehash as a separate SQS Queue and Lambda function
- downloading archives from Glacier is handled only by copyChunk function
- CloudWatch Metrics Dimension Name changed to "CloudFormationStack"
- CloudWatch Metrics metric names have been renamed as "ArchiveCount"
- Updated CDK Version to 1.119.0
- Retrieval requests are evenly distributed throughout the runtime period
- Updated to Athena engine version 2
- Updated CDK Version to 1.107.0
- Switched to use native StepFunctions resultSelector
- All files, initial version