I love IPython but really enjoy IDE syntax highlighting and custom colors. This functionality is now available with the qtconsole in IPython 0.11! Multi-line editing and syntax highlighting IPython is my go-to editor.
Here are basic instructions to create a custom style theme for IPython.
Happy theming! :)
Syntax highlighting depends on the Pygments package.
Styles are a .py file stored in: site-packages/pygments/styles/
The element you want to color is called a "token". See the list of available tokens
Make sure to include all the tokens in a line:
from pygments.token import <your tokens>
The name of the style class is particular. Use the same name as your file name, first letter capitalized + "Style" Example: - darkblue.py, class DarkblueStyle(Style)
CAUTION! I don't think all file names work. Using underscores gave me problems. I don't know what else may be prohibited. This doesn't work: dark_blue.py, class Dark_blueStyle(Style)
Example: Create file:
Stored in:
class MycolorsStyle(Style): background_color = '#000' highlight_color = '#ffff55' styles = { Text: "#A7ADDB", Number.Float: "#2200FF", Number.Integer: "#E5FF00" }
Run the style with this line:
ipython qtconsole --style=mycolors
or, set the option in your ipython_qtconsole_config.py file:
# If not empty, use this Pygments style for syntax highlighting. Otherwise, the # style sheet is queried for Pygments style information. c.IPythonWidget.syntax_style = u'mycolors'