Package Managers:
asdf latest <pkg> <ver>
,asdf plugin-update <pkg> <ver>
. - AUR:
git fetch|pull
,makepkg -sirc
. - Fwupd:
fwupdmgr get-devices|refresh|get-updates|update
. - Node.js/NPM:
npm outdated -g
,npm update -g <pkg>
. - Pacman:
sudo pacman -Sy && pacman -Qu
,sudo pacman -Syu
. - Python/pip:
pip list --user --outdated
,pip install --user --upgrade <pkg>
. - Vim plugins:
Some packages have their own install scripts and must be manually updated:
- For Azure Data Studio see here.
- For Hosts see here.
- For JAI see release emails from Jonathan Blow.
- For MongoDB Compass see here.
- For MSSQL ODBC and Tools see here.
- For Nerd Fonts see here.
- For NVFLASH see here.
After the first boot:
- Set the energy policy:
energypolicy powersave
. - Install the SSH keys:
sudo cryptsetup open <device> stash
,sudo cryptsetup close stash
. - Connect to WiFi:
. - Enable NTP:
timedatectl set-ntp true
To create new SSH keys:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C <host> -f id_ed25519
.ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 8192 -C <host> -f id_rsa
.- For files:
chmod u=r,g=,o= id_*
. For folders:chmod u=rx,g=,o= *
Useful commands:
- See the dependencies of a given package:
pacman -Sii <pkg>
. - See which installed packages depend on another one:
pacman -Qi <pkg>
Useful packages not installed by default:
- Development: hey, perf, strace, sysbench, systat, tokei, valgrind.
- System: arch-audit, bind, ctop, lfs, turbostat, usbutils.
- Utils: archiso, croc, edk2-ovmf, entr, pdfgrep, qemu-full, qemu-emulators-full, mosh, tree, woeusb-ng@master.
- Create a shell function simplify miniserve setup.
- Set BIOS undervolt for 9900K, 3950X.
- When mounting a partition, try to use its label to name the mount point.
Check the
switch oflsblk
and usejq
to parse the output. - Customize vim-visual-multi.
- Move the boot partition to an external USB disk.
- Consider using an Unified Kernel Image. and Secure Boot
- Check
for compressed/mountable backups. - Check
as an alternative tofzf
for file system navigation. - Check
as an alternative tobat
. - Check
as an alternative tofzf
, when the input doesn't change. - Check
as an alternative toalsa
. - Improve GPG helper functions to encrypt/decrypt text or binary files.
- Create PKGBUILDs for GCC10 and GCC11.
- Check ArchLinux's GCC12 PKGBUILD for optimizations like PGO, -march=native, ...
- Don't build Ada and Fortran.
- Fix the URL of ISL.
- Find out to have GCC build that build/link apps for other instruction sets.
- Consider installing yt-dlp It integrates with MPV allowing it to play media from Twitter, YouTube, etc ...
- Consider obs-glcapture and obs-vkcapture to record OpenGL/Vulkan frame buffers w/ minimal performance penalties.
- nuc8i3: Controlled through
- nuc8i7: Controlled through
- nuc8hvk: TODO
- 8700k: TODO
- 9900k: TODO
- 3950x: TODO
- List of Chromium's CLI switches.