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File metadata and controls

162 lines (118 loc) · 9.52 KB

dexa Changelog




  • added npmignore to exclude files from published package
  • Refactor stack-manager to use top-level await when loading all the stacks. Every time a stack is loaded/created, its init/add/generate templates are loaded with an async method loadTemplates that combines default information with any custom properties defined in the optional dexa.js file of the stack.


  • rename the render method as apply, since not every template will copy/render files. Some might provide a custom overriden action and just use execa to for example npx fastify-cli init


  • add optional description for stack in dexa.js, use it as program.description when wiring all the dx init commands. (would need to refactor current dx-add.js to create a command per stack)
  • add custom pre/post actions in stack's dexa.js. Call same signature than the .action (since its based on defined arguments/options)


  • allow extra config/metadata to be defined in dexa.js.
    • description
    • The same pre/postAction than in init are available


  • allow extra config/metadata to be defined in dexa.js.
    • description
    • The same pre/postAction than in init are available



  • Rewrite to ES6. This will better align the project so customizations in stacks are also preferably done in ES modules, as well as supporting top-level async-await

Stack management

  • Can now add stacks from a local folder using dx stack add (previously only stack from git repos could be added). This will help testing stacks while they are created/updated, as well as testing features of dexa like prompt to install stack when executing dx add/generate commands.

Add command

  • First implementation of the command now available. Stacks can define their own "add" commands by just adding template folders inside their /add, for example adding ./add/unit-test makes dx add unit-test available for projects using that stack. There is zero config or metadata needed other than the template folder.
  • The dx add command has to be run in the context of the root folder of a project previously initialized with dx init (ie, a folder that contains a .dexarc file). A specific error is returned if the command is run in other folders
  • In case the .dexarc file references a stack not found locally, the dx add command will automatically prompt the user to install the stack.

Generate command

  • First implementation of the command now available. Stacks can define their own "generate" commands by just adding template folders inside their /generate, for example adding ./generate/api makes dx generate api available for projects using that stack. There is zero config or metadata needed other than the template folder.
  • All the dx generate commands will take a [name] required argument as in dx generate page my-new-page.
  • The dx generate command has to be run in the context of the root folder of a project previously initialized with dx init (ie, a folder that contains a .dexarc file). A specific error is returned if the command is run in other folders
  • In case the .dexarc file references a stack not found locally, the dx generate command will automatically prompt the user to install the stack.



  • DONE - introduce project/stack classes
  • DONE - create a dexarc file after generating the project



  • DONE - create project from one of the current stacks init template
  • DONE - add integration tests


  • DONE add stack from git repo, using degit
  • DONE move predefined stacks away from "stacks.json" (which should be gitignored and just created on save by stacks-manager)
  • DONE add "init only" stack from git repo (ie, repo that doesnt have init/add/generate folders, the entire repo is just an init template)
  • DONE remove stack
  • DONE Add tests for add/init/remove stack from git
  • DONE allow specifying a "path" inside the repo, to support repos defining multiple stacks




  • DONE - Rename the Template class as Command. Rename its _render method as renderTemplate. Extract renderTemplate and renderSingleFile to a new Template class that also includes all the current private utilities in template-utils
  • DONE - Rewrite README docs so instead of "generators" we talk of commands, which can be of 2 types: "stack features" (aka dx add) or "code generators" (aka dx generate)
  • DONE rename the Command.apply() method as


  • Conditional rendering of files:
    • add makeVariant method to manually handle scenarios where a template like generate/api-crud has subfolders like /common, /mongo or /postgre with some logic based on the project features and/or user provided options to determine which ones to render. This way in the overriding template's action method, the received template object can be used to const commonTemplate = makeVariant('./common') and later call commonTemplate.render(...) (and similar for the other variants) based on arbitrary logic as implemented by the stack.
    • allow conditional rendering of template files based on the user options. This could be done either through the file name with a convention like unitTests=true$$myfile.hbs meaning this file is only rendered when the user option unitTests == true. Alternatively, the extended options in dexa.js for a given template could contain an optional function to filter files based on user options (could receive an array of file paths and return a filtered array, or just return an array of regex/globs that template class will use to filter those files which match any regex/glob)


  • DONE - override default action (render template) in dexa.js. After this overriden action, still have to initialize dexarc project file
  • optionally create new git repo and first commit


  • allow extra config/metadata to be defined in dexa.js.
    • A defineCLICommand method receives the commander program so users can add additional parameters/options.
    • override default action as in init template


  • allow extra config/metadata to be defined in dexa.js.
    • A defineCLICommand method receives the commander program so users can add additional parameters/options.
    • override default action as in init template



  • allow initializing directly from a git repo without first having to dx install the stack. This should install the stack in the background, then initialize the new project
  • add custom helpers for the templates via a property in the dexa.js file of the stack
  • add predefined helpers like camelCase, kebapCase, and relative path between files


  • allow users to optionally include available "add" commands when initializing a project (with a prompt showing them so users can select them)
  • allow command to depend on other add commands (fail if not added before or prompt user to add?)


  • allow command to depend on some add command(s) (fail if not added before or prompt user to add?)



  • manage versions of stacks (new command to update stack, keep track of version used with project). Stack version taken from the hash parameter of the source (as in #v1.0.3). Update command can be invoked as dx stack update foo so downloads and overrides the default version, or dx stack update foo branch-or-tag so it downloads version #branch-or-tag


  • commands are version aware. If project was created with a specific stack version and that version isnt installed locally, it will download before executing the command


  • commands are version aware. If the project was created with a specific stack version and that version isnt installed locally, it will download before executing the command



  • projects can override specific generators by adding a .dexa folder at its root, with a similar structure than that of a regular stack. Any generate commands defined here take precedence over default ones in the stack
  • projects can add their own additional generate commands in a similar fashion



  • make the predefined hello-world a stack that only shows when enabling development/debug mode. Could be an environment variable, or check if process.env.npm_lifecycle_script exists and contains "mocha"?
  • once we have a repo with example stacks, repoint tests so we dont depend on 3rd party repos/templates that might change


  • predefined "init" only stack to create your own stack

Sample stacks:

  • commander CLI stack
  • vite + fastify stack (can init templates be replaced by invoking vue-cli and fastify-cli???)
  • terraform stack



  • Create vuepress docs site
  • Move questions to FAQ
  • Usage - how to create stacks, folder structure, static and handlebar files
  • Usage - how to create stacks, optional dexa.js metadata
  • Usage - how to create stacks, use predefined dx init dexa-stack stack
  • Usage - managing stacks. (Add from either git or local folder, list and delete stacks)
  • Usage - using stacks, how to create a project with a stack
  • Usage - using stacks, how to invoke add/generate commands with a stack
  • API - cli commands
  • API - stack definition, optional metadata structure
  • API - stack definition, arguments for metadata methods: defineCLICommand, pre/postAction, action
  • API - stack definition, parameters passed to handlebars files
  • Examples - predefined dexa-stack to create your own stacks
  • Examples - add dexa-stacks repository with stacks for: node-cli, vue-fastify, terraform


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