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AWS Template for creating microservices


This template includes:

  • The setup from the base aws typescript template
  • AWS local lib for working online/offline
  • BitBucket pipelines for deploying production and staging
  • Localstack packages for local development
  • Dockerised local development so you don't have to install the serverless client or localstack
  • Step though debugging support for VSCode



Aliased NPM


  • Docker
  • Docker-compose
  • (Optional) Visual Studio Code with Docker extension installed.

This ensures all serverless commands are run inside the serverless docker container so that you don't need to install node, npm and serverless globally.

Add the following to your .bashrc or .zshrc file:

# Normal aliases for normal usage & interacting with online AWS
alias node-run='docker run --rm -it --volume ~/.aws:/home/node/.aws --volume ~/.npm:/home/node/.npm --volume $PWD:/app aligent/serverless'
alias serverless='node-run serverless'
alias npm='node-run npm'
alias aws='node-run aws'

# Local aliases for interacting with localstack
alias local-run='docker run --rm -it --volume ~/.aws:/home/node/.aws --volume ~/.npm:/home/node/.npm --volume $PWD:/app --network localstack-net aligent/serverless:latest'
alias sls-local='local-run npm run serverless-local --'
alias sls-local-deploy='sls-local deploy --verbose --aws-profile localstack --stage dev'
alias sls-local-invoke='sls-local invoke --verbose --aws-profile localstack --stage dev'
alias sls-local-invoke-stepf='sls-local invoke stepf --verbose --aws-profile localstack --stage dev'
alias aws-local='local-run aws --endpoint-url='


  • You will then need to reload your bashrc file, either by running . ~/.bashrc (or . ~/.zshrc) or starting a new terminal session.
  • These aliases only works when you are inside the project folder.
  • For the local aliases to work, you need the localstack container running in background. Check Offline Usage for more details.

Local NPM

Install serverless globally see:

Quick start

Start with the template:

serverless create --template-url --path my-project

Then install dependencies:

cd my-project
npm install

If you want to use the pre-configured VSCode debugging setup:

mkdir .vscode
cp .vscode-configs/. .vscode

Development Environment

This template comes with jest, tslint and prettier configured. Each can be run for the entire repository with npm scripts in package.json e.g.

node-run npm run jest - run all tests and produce coverage statistics. Use the --silent flag to suppress console logs in output

node-run npm run lint - lint all typescript files and report warnings/errors

node-run npm run format - format and save all source files according to prettier configuration

Step through debug with VSCode

This template comes with some pre-configured. This setup is a combination of:

  1. Docker extension - makes it easy to build, manage, and deploy containerized applications from VSCode
  2. .vscode-configs folder:
    • launch.json - launch VSCode debugger and attached to our docker container for debugging by invoke local or by running a test.
    • tasks.json - tasks used by launch.json or support deploy to localstack.
  3. debug folder:
    • .dev.env - contain some environment variables that support debugging.
    • dev.invoke.json - contain dummy data that can be used for invoke local or invoke stepf.
  4. src/lib/localstack.ts - support connection to localstack from our main docker container.
  5. docker-compose.yml - contain definition for localstack.
  6. Dockerfile - support building debug docker image from aligent/serverless:latest (expose Nodejs debug port 9229).
  7. package.json file:
    • jest-test-debug - support debug against a Jest test case by running Jest Test Debug configuration.
    • invoke-local-debug - support debug through invoke local by running Invoke Local Debug configuration.
    • serverless-local - support running serverless command against localstack.
  8. serverless.yml - enable/disable minify and sourcemap for esbuild based on environment variable.

Online usage

Add AWS profile credentials to ~/.aws/credentials

Deploy the serverless stack serverless deploy --aws-profile profileName --stage staging

Invoke the step function serverless invoke stepf --name helloWorld --aws-profile profileName --stage staging

Invoke the step function with data serverless invoke stepf --name helloWorld --data='{}' --aws-profile profileName --stage staging

Invoke the step function with json file serverless invoke stepf --name helloWorld --path='input.json' --aws-profile profileName --stage staging

Invoke individual lambdas serverless invoke --function hello --aws-profile profileName --stage staging

Invoke individual lambdas with data serverless invoke --function hello --data='{}' --aws-profile profileName --stage staging

Invoke individual lambdas json file serverless invoke --function hello --path='input.json' --aws-profile profileName --stage staging

Replace profileName with your AWS profile and staging with another stage, if desired

Refer to the [](Serverless CLI Reference for AWS) for further details.

Offline Usage

Add localstack credentials block to ~/.aws/credentials (creds don't matter)

aws_access_key_id = localstack
aws_secret_access_key = localstack

Add localstack profile block to ~/.aws/config

[profile localstack]
region = ap-southeast-2
output = json

Start up the localstack environment

docker-compose --env-file ./debug/.dev.env up [-d]
# or run the `sls-docker: start-localstack` task in VSCode

Deploy the serverless stack to localstack

# or run the `sls-docker: deploy-localstack` task in VSCode

Invoke individual lambdas in localstack

sls-local-invoke -f hello

Invoke individual lambdas in localstack with data

sls-local-invoke -f hello -d '{}'

Invoke individual lambdas in localstack with json file

sls-local-invoke -f hello -p 'input.json'

Invoke the step function in localstack

sls-local-invoke-stepf -n helloWorld

Invoke the step function in localstack with data

sls-local-invoke-stepf -n helloWorld -d '{}'
# or run the `sls-docker: invoke-stef-local-data` task in VSCode

Invoke the step function in localstack with json file

sls-local-invoke-stepf -n helloWorld -p 'input.json'
# or run the `sls-docker: invoke-stef-local-file` task in VSCode

Whenever using an AWS service, ensure you use the params defined in the .lib/localstack.ts file, eg:


import { S3Params } from './lib/localstack';

const s3 = new S3(S3Params);


import { DynamoDBParams } from './lib/localstack';

const db = new DynamoDB(DynamoDBParams);

This will ensure that it uses a localstack instance in this case when invoked with invoke local.

SSM Parameters

The .localstack-init folder contains a bash script that is run after localstack has successfully started up. In it you can add the creation of any AWS resource you want using the awslocal cli tool.

The script currently contains an example on how to create an SSM value:

awslocal ssm put-parameter --name "/example/ssm/param" --type String --value "some-value" --overwrite

Which can be used in your serverless.yml file like:

example: ${ssm:/example/ssm/param}

VSCode debugger

Debugging with VSCode debugger is supported by a mix of invoke local and localstack. Localstack is used to simulate AWS resources. If you don't use them, no need to spin up localstack docker container.

Start up the localstack environment

docker-compose --env-file ./debug/.dev.env up [-d]
# or run the `sls-docker: start-localstack` task in VSCode

Deploy the serverless stack to localstack (for usage of AWS resources like DynamoDB)

# or run the `sls-docker: deploy-localstack` task in VSCode

Launch VSCode debugger using the Invoke Local Debug configuration to debug with invoke local. Having a failed test and you don't know why? Try out the Jest Test Debug configuration.