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Blending a Google Sheet with Wikidata

There is interest in the Wikidata community in accessing external tabular data in a SPARQL query. While that development looks like it is ongoing you can already access tabular data in a SPARQL query with SPARQL Anything.

Here is the Google Sheet we'll use in this example:

item_name item_Q item_note
hair brush Q1642980 can be used to remover tangles
tooth brush soft bristles are the best
tweezers Q192504 some wee hands
diode Q11656

Which lives here:

First you have to run SPARQL Anything. There are instruction in the project's README and here for a docker deployment (which is how I run it for this example).

The query (wrapped in a curl call so you can run it in a bash shell) is below. It uses the Wikidata Q number in the sheet to enrich the rows in the sheet with information about the type of thing each item is and the use of each item.

The query:

curl --silent 'http://localhost:3000/sparql.anything'  \
--header "Accept: text/csv" \
--data-urlencode 'query=
PREFIX xyz: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX fx: <>
PREFIX wd:       <>         # Wikibase entity - item or property. 
PREFIX wdt:      <>    # Truthy assertions about the data, links entity to value directly. 
PREFIX wikibase: <>
PREFIX bd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?item_name ?item_q ?item_note ?item_use_label ?item_superclass ?item_superclass_label
   SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:media-type=text/csv,csv.headers=true,location=> {
fx:properties fx:csv.null-string "" .
   ?item xyz:item_name ?item_name .
   optional{?item xyz:item_Q         ?item_q } .
   optional{?item xyz:item_note      ?item_note } .
   bind(if(bound(?item_q),iri(concat(str(wd:),?item_q)),"this will not match anything in the subject position") as ?item_q_uri) .
optional {
    service <>{
    ?item_q_uri wdt:P279 ?item_superclass .  
    optional {
        ?item_superclass rdfs:label ?item_superclass_label .
        filter(lang(?item_superclass_label) = "en")
    optional {
        ?item_q_uri wdt:P366 ?item_use .  
        ?item_use rdfs:label ?item_use_label .
        filter(lang(?item_use_label) = "en")

The output:

item_name item_q item_note item_use_label item_superclass item_superclass_label
diode Q11656 electrical resistance http://www\.wikidata\.org/entity/Q11653 electronic component
hair brush Q1642980 can be used to remover tangles hair care http://www\.wikidata\.org/entity/Q10528974 personal hygiene item
hair brush Q1642980 can be used to remover tangles hairdressing http://www\.wikidata\.org/entity/Q10528974 personal hygiene item
hair brush Q1642980 can be used to remover tangles hair care http://www\.wikidata\.org/entity/Q5639584 hairstyling tool
hair brush Q1642980 can be used to remover tangles hairdressing http://www\.wikidata\.org/entity/Q5639584 hairstyling tool
hair brush Q1642980 can be used to remover tangles hair care http://www\.wikidata\.org/entity/Q614467 brush
hair brush Q1642980 can be used to remover tangles hairdressing http://www\.wikidata\.org/entity/Q614467 brush
tweezers Q192504 some wee hands motion http://www\.wikidata\.org/entity/Q1378235 forceps
tweezers Q192504 some wee hands motion http://www\.wikidata\.org/entity/Q1074814 surgical instrument
tweezers Q192504 some wee hands motion http://www\.wikidata\.org/entity/Q834028 laboratory equipment
tweezers Q192504 some wee hands motion http://www\.wikidata\.org/entity/Q2578402 hand tool
tooth brush soft bristles are the best

SPARQL Anything supports more than just blending of tabular data (see its README). While you could certainly do something like this example with your favorite programming language I think it is quite convenient to have the ability to access non-graph sources of data in a SPARQL query.