The default ant target "build" will create a distribution at /build/dist. You may configure it by using the ant file configure.xml:
cd build/dist
export DATABASE_DIR=/tmp
export ADMIN_USER=admin
export ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin
ant -f configure.xml
Afterwards, point the DocumentRoot of your Apache (or similar) to build/dist/web/public
sudo -s
add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
apt-get update
apt-get install ant nodejs
npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower
The build will create a directory build/dist where you find a Execute it and you got the project running at http://localhost:9080
vagrant up
and then you can access the dist via http://localhost:9080 ;)
/core => Core PHP Applicatipn
/web => Web Binding
/web/app => Angular-App with static html
/web/php => JSON-Rest-API to publish data from the Core