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Backbone 唯一的强制性依赖。 http://underscorejs.org
如果你想在旧版本浏览器中解析或者序列化 JSON 串,那么你需要它(比如说:Internet Explorer 浏览器) https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js
如果你需要操作 DOM 元素或者 Ajax,推荐使用。 http://jquery.com
对于移动开发,推荐用它作为 jQuery 的替代品。 http://zeptojs.com
对于模型和封装的属性提供增强的支持。Get 与 set 属性以及通过壹个 path 监听它们的更新。例如:get('user.address.ln1').
壹个让 Backbone 持续跟踪封装的属性的插件。
[Memento 模式]http://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/memento使用比 Backbone.Memento 更加灵活的 API 实现 Backbone.js 的模型。
- 提供每个属性的序列化和反序列化 (使用了 Underscore-Awesomer 的 _.toJSON 和 _.parseJSON 的功能)。
- 有用的客户端本地化的字符串查找,自定义的日期存储(针对 CouchDB 视图),属性验证以及更多内容!
- https://github.com/kmalakoff/backbone-articulation
- https://github.com/kmalakoff/underscore-awesomer
- 提供每个属性的验证
- 记录每个属性发生的错误 (例如:'error:name')
- 维护原有接口
- http://github.com/n-time/backbone.validations
- 在模型中声明验证器
- 方便的更新你的 HTML 以及用于错误处理的类和错误提示信息
- 容易用自定义的验证器来扩展
- http://github.com/thedersen/backbone.validation
- 在模型中声明验证器
- 容易用自定义的验证器来扩展
- Provides the replacement of out-of-range values with data from the defaults hash
- http://github.com/toddself/Backbone.Validator
- 当你在等待模型加载时允许你创建自己的视图。
- Notifies you when a model unloads so you can change your view state.
- Compatible with Knockback.js (https://github.com/kmalakoff/knockback)
Pretty much just a collection and model id reference. Simple, but useful.
- Finite-state machine (FSM) for for Backbone.Model. Elegant syntax, and very short. Patterned after the Ruby workflow gem.
- https://github.com/kendagriff/workflow.js
- Lets you model attributes with dot-syntax.
- e.g. song.get('album.title')
- https://github.com/amccloud/backbone-dotattr
- Enables you to override getters and setters with logic
- https://github.com/asciidisco/Backbone.Mutators
- One Collection, different model objects, mapped easy via configuration
- https://github.com/asciidisco/Backbone.Chosen
- LocalStorage adapter that overrides Backbone.Sync
- https://github.com/jeromegn/Backbone.localStorage
- Making it easy to use backbone with couchdb.
- https://github.com/pyronicide/backbone.couchdb.js
- Bind Socket.io events to backbone models & collections.
- Includes optional replacement for Backbone.sync for use with Socket.io.
- https://github.com/logicalparadox/backbone.iobind
- WebSQL adapter that overrides Backbone.sync
- https://github.com/MarrLiss/backbone-websql
- Get and set local variables that won't persist on save() calls
- https://github.com/jrs2ea/backbone.slet
- Work with SharePoint items and list as Backbone Models and Collections.
- https://github.com/lstak/Backbone.SharePoint
- Connect to SAP business data through SAP Gateway.
- https://github.com/lstak/Backbone.SAP
- Allows your Backbone.js app to work offline
- https://github.com/Ask11/backbone.offline
- Allows your Backbone.js app to fetch and store data based on the JSON-RPC protocol
- https://github.com/asciidisco/Backbone.Rpc
- Relational associations for Backbone
- https://github.com/dbrady/ligament.js
- Get and set relations (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one) for Backbone models
- https://github.com/PaulUithol/Backbone-relational
Load your collections piece by piece. Very useful for large model sets.
Simple helper function that makes it easy to work with nested Backbone collections
- Source: https://gist.github.com/1610397
Provides NoSQL queries (like MongoDB) for backbone.js collections
- good readme documentation
- runs on node.js and in the browser
- https://github.com/davidgtonge/backbone_query
Provides extensive querying, filtering, and searching functionality for backbone.js collections
- includes live interactive demo
- source-code documentation only
- runs on node.js and in the browser
- supports NoSQL queries (like MongoDB)
- supports filters (applying a filter function to a collection)
- supports search strings (useful for turning search input fields into useful queries)
- supports pills for search strings (e.g.
author:ben priority:important
) - supports optional live collections (when a model is changed, added or removed, it can automatically be tested against the collections queries, filters, and search string, if it fails, remove it from the collection)
- supports parent and child collections (when a parent collection has a model removed, it is removed from the child collection too, when a parent collection has a model added or changed, it is retested against the child collection)
- https://github.com/bevry/query-engine
- A manager for templates & layouts in Backbone.js
- Source: https://github.com/tbranyen/backbone.layoutmanager
- Screencast: http://tbranyen.com/post/announcing-backbonejs-layoutmanager
Make your BackboneJS apps dance with a composite application structure!
- Better application startup structure through application initializers
- Built in event aggregator, for convenient application level events
- RegionManagers to properly display / remove view instances, including memory leak cleanup
- Source: https://github.com/derickbailey/backbone.marionette
- Reference application: http://bbclonemail.heroku.com
- Data binding that's designed to feel familiar to Backbone users
- Examples: http://tantaman.github.com/yabbe/examples/YabbeViewExamples.html
- Project: https://github.com/tantaman/yabbe
Data binding between any object, bundled support for Backbone views, models, jQuery (and thus DOM elements or via CSS selectors), Zepto and plain objects (plain objects can only observe)
new Synapse(object)
to return a Synapse object or leave off thenew
and it will return theobject
methods for more transparent usage. -
Define your own hooks for custom behavior or to support other types of objects
- Minimal example: https://github.com/bruth/synapse/blob/master/src/synapse/hooks/object.coffee
- Robust example: https://github.com/bruth/synapse/blob/master/src/synapse/hooks/jquery.coffee
- Docs here: https://github.com/bruth/synapse/blob/master/src/synapse/hooks/README.md
- Register your hooks
Synapse.addHooks(hook1, hook2, hook3, ...)
Source: https://github.com/bruth/synapse
Docs & Examples: http://bruth.github.com/synapse/docs/
Interactive Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/bruth/bufeK/
Simple, flexible and powerful bidirectional view-model binding for backbone. A javascript only solution (no markup in html) that relies on jQuery delegates for binding. Similar to how backbone view event blocks work.
- Handles partial view binding, nested views, formatting, type conversion, arbitrary html attributes and most html element types.
- JS Weekly Article
- Git
Bi-directional bindings between Backbone.View elements and Backbone.Model attributes.
- Simple binding definitions like Backbone.View.events
- Bind to any element with by selector
- Bi-directional transformation
- Tested
- https://github.com/amccloud/backbone-bindings
Awesome model binding between models and form input elements, and more
- KnockoutJS-style
attribute support - Bind form fields to models and vice-versa
- Convention based
- Pluggable with your own conventions
- Extensible to bind to more than just form input elements
Get the code and read the documentation:
Knockout bindings for Backbone.js models and collections.
includes localization hooks
integrates with Backbone.ModelRef (https://github.com/kmalakoff/backbone-modelref) for lazy loading scenarios
jsFiddle sample: http://jsfiddle.net/kmalakoff/QSkpv/
A little plugin for use in leanback apps, where someone is sat on the couch using a remote control to use your app.
- Simple use - keypad.bind("key:up", function(){//do something on up});
- Events can be triggered on anything that extends Backbone.Events
- Extensible to capture other key events
- http://tomphilip.me/index.php/backbone-on-the-couch/
Plugin that proxies jQuery/Zepto/$ functions for Backbone Views.
A small plugin that adds declarative model and collection event binding to Backbone Views.
- https://github.com/Codecademy/backbone.declarative
- Tested and passes all Backbone tests.
KnockoutJS-inspired declarative binding solution for Backbone Views.
- KnockoutJS-compatible binding handler API
- Explicit control over dependencies (e.g. cascading select boxes)
- Unobtrusive (i.e. code-based) and declarative (i.e. markup-based) configuration
- Multiple binding contexts for separating transient and persistent models.
- Tests, TodosMVC, and examples.
- https://github.com/politician/outback
- https://github.com/juggy/backrub
- Uses Handlebars.js and Backbone.View to keep your template updated on the page. Based on Sproutcore TemplateView.
- Source: http://github.com/teleological/slickback
- Example: http://teleological.github.com/slickback
- Documentation: https://github.com/teleological/slickback/wiki
- Homepage: http://wiki.iks-project.eu/index.php/VIE
- Annotated Source: http://bergie.github.com/VIE/
Backbone.Aura is a decoupled, event-driven architecture on top of Backbone.js for developing widget-based applications
- Homepage: http://addyosmani.github.com/backbone-aura/
- Source: https://github.com/addyosmani/backbone-aura
- https://github.com/azicchetti/jquerymobile-router - a replacement for Backbone's routing, which is compatible with jQuery Mobile
- https://github.com/angelo0000/backbone_filters - provide Rails-like before & after filters on your Routers; especially useful for user access control
- https://github.com/jhudson8/backbone-query-parameters - provides query parameter support to backbone routes; especially useful for routes with optional parameters. Traditional parameters can be used in conjunction with query parameters.
- https://github.com/tbranyen/backbone-boilerplate - A set of best practices and utilities for building Backbone.js applications
- https://github.com/jamuhl/backbone.CQRS - Backbone extension to provide CQRS integration down to clientside
- http://brunch.io - provides a powerful, rails-like directory structure & includes great "wheels" (eco, stitch, jasmine)
- Provides mixin classes for a local collections (not stored on a server) and for mixing Backbone.Events into any class (including a check if they are mixed-in).
- Provides a facility to use Backbone.Events trigger('destroy') to do memory cleanup instead of a destroy method (event-based instance life-cycles).
- https://github.com/kmalakoff/mixin
- Not a JS loader like require.js, but a way to structure your code in big Backbone app projects.
- Load JS without worrying about load sequence and dependencies between modules.
- Source: https://github.com/juggy/backbone-module
- http://fahad19.github.com/singool/ - lightweight framework on top of Backbone for developing single-page web applications.
- https://github.com/dgreisen/Backbone-Traversal
- Quickly write single-page apps following a hierarchical design pattern.
- 首页: http://lorenwest.github.com/backbone-callbacks
- Github 页面: https://github.com/lorenwest/backbone-callbacks
- 运行于浏览器和 node.js (commonJS)
- 类似于 Tiddlywiki 的管理外部内容的客户端,后端是 MangoDB 。
- 仍处于开发中,欢迎提供反馈信息。
- https://github.com/mlanza/thingy-client
- 在集成测试中简单的创建 Backbone 模型。
- https://github.com/SupportBee/Backbone-Factory
- 创建壹个超出任何对象的有限状态机。
- Backbone 中具有状态的视图。
- https://github.com/sebpiq/backbone.statemachine
- 定义和调度键盘快捷键。
- 利用 keymaster.js https://github.com/madrobby/keymaster
- https://github.com/bry4n/backbone-shortcuts
- 对 Backbone 的模型和集合的修改,以便他们能在 Django-tastypie 有好的表现。包括一个通过资源列表轻松分页的方式来访问相关的元信息。
- https://github.com/amccloud/backbone-tastypie
- 如果没有包含接口中所有必须的方法时,Backbone 实例将抛出错误信息。
- 更好的代码结构,保持接口和注释独立:壹个对于你的模型、集合、视图以及路由更好的记录参考点,不要用于产品环境。
- https://github.com/luke-siedle/backbone-interface