Written by @vannsl.
What we did:
- We setup two projects - one with the old vue-cli and one with the brand new vue-cli 3.0 which was published coincidentally on the same day.
- Saw how approachable Vue.js is
- Discussed how Code Sharing is possible with Mixins and Slots
- Talked about functional components and pure components and renderless components (So many components!)
- Discussed differences between Vue.js and React
- Talked about Jest and vue-test-utils and Testing in general (to prevent poorly written code)
My takeaway:
- We've learned that Vue.js is.. maybe still a bit magic, but still quite similar to Web Components, which is, in my opinion, great! Nowadays everybody seems to be an jQuery/Angular/React expert, but a lot less people can read plain Vanilla JavaScript code as quickly as Framework code.
As promised I've shared the slides from other talks on my website: vannsl.io