- Session by Tobi
- Notes by @FQ400
The universal architecture can be divided into three parts:
- Happy Zone
- Demilitariezed Zone
- Outer World
- everything is known and certain
- the dev can have everything tested (fast)
- units or integration of units
- here should be most of the business logic
- never talk to to the outer world without protection
- this zone should be as big as possible
- this zone protects the happy zone
- it talks to the outer world usind defined interfaces
- testing is harder and slower
- integration or end-2-end tests
- this zone should be as thin as possible
- this is out of control of the dev
- for example:
- File sysyem (IO),
- DOM, window/global
- new Date
- network (fetch)
You shouldn't check in a red test for setup purpose. Everything that can be tested can also be scripted and should be automated.
A video from J. B. Rainsberger Integrated Tests Are A Scam.
It is a nice addition to the testing pyramid.