Extracts the specified 7-Zip archive to the specified directory, with or without using path names. Returns zero if successful, nonzero otherwise
The archive must not be encrypted.
Uses an embedded version of the "7z ANSI-C Decoder" from the LZMA SDK by Igor Pavlov, as-is, except that Unicode support was improved.
+Uses an embedded version of the "7z ANSI-C Decoder" from the LZMA SDK by Igor Pavlov, as-is, except that Unicode support and error messages were improved and that it outputs memory requirements.
All output of the decoder is logged if logging is enabled, including error messages but excluding empty lines.
The decoder has the following limitations, as written by Igor Pavlov in the LZMA SDK:
-It reads only "FileName", "Size", "LastWriteTime" and "CRC" information for each file in archive.
diff --git a/Projects/Src/Compression.SevenZipDecoder/7zDecode/IS7zDec.c b/Projects/Src/Compression.SevenZipDecoder/7zDecode/IS7zDec.c
index a32303c82..fa3179468 100644
--- a/Projects/Src/Compression.SevenZipDecoder/7zDecode/IS7zDec.c
+++ b/Projects/Src/Compression.SevenZipDecoder/7zDecode/IS7zDec.c
@@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ int _fputs(char const* str, FILE* stream);
/* Include all needed SDK code. None of these require changes for the helper function to
work but 7zMain.c was changed for better Unicode support */
#include "../../../../Components/Lzma2/Util/7z/7zMain.c"
diff --git a/Projects/Src/Compression.SevenZipDecoder/7zDecode/IS7zDec.obj b/Projects/Src/Compression.SevenZipDecoder/7zDecode/IS7zDec.obj
index 03cf38669..c1e69b4b0 100644
Binary files a/Projects/Src/Compression.SevenZipDecoder/7zDecode/IS7zDec.obj and b/Projects/Src/Compression.SevenZipDecoder/7zDecode/IS7zDec.obj differ