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Mosaic Create Site

@jpmorganchase/mosaic-create-site is a CLI script which scaffolds your very own Mosaic site from pre-defined generators.

Basic Commands

npx @jpmorganchase/mosaic-create-site init

Running init will create a basic mosaic.generators.js in your current directory, this is an optional file, which enables you to add configurations to generators.

For instance, generators do not need to define any sources, additional sources can be added via mosaic.generators.js.

To add a source such as Github/BitBucket the contents might look like this. This particular config would create a package called @jpmorganchase/mosaic-demo and load the Mosaic tech docs into demo namespace.

        generatorName: 'demo',
        name: '@jpmorganchase/mosaic-demo',
        namespace: 'demo',
        description: "Mosaic Development Rig",
        homepage: '/demo',
        sources: [
            modulePath: require.resolve('@jpmorganchase/mosaic-source-git-repo'),
            namespace: 'demo', // each site has it's own namespace, think of this as your content's uid
            options: {
              // To run locally, enter your credentials to access the BitBucket repo
              // !! Polite Reminder... do not store credentials in code !!
              // For final deployments, you could put repo access credentials securely in environment variables provided by Gaia console.
              // credentials: "{process.env.FID}:{process.env.FID_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}",
              // If running locally
              // create an environment variable like MOSAIC_DOCS_CLONE_CREDENTIALS to let the user define it via the CLI
              // export MOSAIC_DOCS_CLONE_CREDENTIALS="<sid>:<Personal Access Token (PAT) provided by your Repo OR password>",
              credentials: process.env.MOSAIC_DOCS_CLONE_CREDENTIALS,
              prefixDir: 'demo',
              subfolder: 'docs', // subfolder within your branch containing the docs, typically 'docs'
              repo: '', // repo url without any protocol
              branch: 'main', // branch where docs are pulled from
              extensions: ['.mdx'], // extensions of content which should be pulled
              remote: 'origin' // what is the shorthand name of the remote repo, typically 'origin'

npx @jpmorganchase/mosaic-create-site create

Once you have created your mosaic.generators.js, we can think about configuring your first Mosaic site.

Running create will generate a Mosaic site from the configured templates. Lets see what this looks like by running the script with the --interactive (-i) and the --output (-o) flags.

npx @jpmorganchase/mosaic-create-site --interactive --ouput <path to your output directory>

You should see a menu appear giving you a list of the available Mosaic templates.

Select mosaic - Create a standard Mosaic site and a standard Mosaic site should be generated in the specified output directory. You will be asked which sources you would like to add local (pre-cloned docs) or a remote docs repo.

A standard Mosaic template creates a site, pre-configured with the Mosaic components, layout and theme.


If you don't want to run in interactive mode, you could use the CLI arguments instead.

Argument Short form Required Description
--config <path to your mosaic config> -i No Defines the path to your mosaic config file.
--generator <name of generator to run> -g No Name of generator to run (if not interactive).
--help -h No Usage info
--interactive -i No Interactive mode
--output <path to your output directory> -o Yes Defines the output directory where the site is generated.
--force -f No Force overwrite of existing files during site generation

How It Works

Running create will scaffold a Mosaic site, combining published templates with local config. To do this, we employ a config file (mosaic.generators.js) which specifies Plop JS generators and related config.

By editing mosaic.generators.js, you can extend the Mosaic design language, adding your own components, layouts or theme packages.

The generated content from create consists of a Mosaic site with no content. Mosaic is created using NextJS. The Mosaic templates create a Next JS application containing a _app.tsx file that serves as an escape hatch to configure your site, with extended layout, components or theme.

If you decide to modify _app.tsx or package.json by hand, be advised that re-running create may overwrite those changes.
Instead review the templates that mosaic-create-site provides and consider creating your own templates.


Your mosaic.generators.js config defines the dependencies created in your package.json and imports used by your Next JS _app.tsx. These are available within templates as variables, which can be referenced inside your templates using the Mustache notation.

{{{ someVariableFromYourMosaicConfig }}}

The following variables are required by Mosaic generators.


Dependencies defines and array of dependencies which will be added to your package.json

   package: <package name>,
   version: <package version>


Imports defined how we import the package.json dependencies in Next JS _app.tsxfile;

   import: <import statement for dependency>
   identifier: <import identifier that the import statement uses>
   type: [component|layout|undefined]

Helper functions

A number of helper functions are available for use in templates. They are functions, which act as formatters for template variables.


printDependencies will format the config entries for dependencies in a suitable form for the package.json.

  "dependencies": {
{{{ printDependencies dependencies }}}

would generate

"dependencies": {
  "@jpmorganchase/components": "^1.0.0",
  "@jpmorganchase/layouts": "^1.0.0",
  "@jpmorganchase/plugin-content-editor": "^1.0.0",
  "@jpmorganchase/site-components": "^1.0.0",
  "@jpmorganchase/site-store": "^1.0.0"


printImports will format the config entries for imports in a suitable form for the _app.ts.

{{{ printImports imports }}}

would generate something like (based at time of writing on the current Mosaic imports)

import { BaseUrlProvider, Image, Link, Metadata, SessionProvider } from '@jpmorganchase/site-components';
import { ImageProvider, LinkProvider, ThemeProvider } from '@jpmorganchase/components';
import { LayoutProvider } from '@jpmorganchase/site-layout';
import { useCreateStore, StoreProvider } from '@jpmorganchase/site-store';
import mosaicComponents from '@jpmorganchase/components';
import { layouts as mosaicLayouts } from '@jpmorganchase/layouts';
import '@jpmorganchase/site-preset-styles/dist/index.css';


printLayoutIdentifiers will format the layout identifers used in _app.tsx;

const layoutComponents = {{{ printLayoutIdentifiers imports }}};

would generate something like (based at time of writing on the current Mosaic imports)

const layoutComponents = [ ...mosaicLayouts ];


printComponentIdentifiers will format the component identifers used in _app.tsx;

const components = {{{ printComponentIdentifiers imports }}};

would generate something like (based at time of writing on the current Mosaic imports)

const components = [ ...mosaicComponents ];


join is used to construct a list of comma seperated values.

  "sources": [
{{{ join sources }}}

How to add your own Component, Layouts or Theme CSS

If you wish to add your own components or layouts, you simply need to add your own additional packages to the imports array, of the related template.

Inside mosaic.generators.js combine together the standard settings from the Mosaic package with your own imports using getConfig. Alternatively, you can 'roll your own' solution, although this creates the added responsibility of keeping them in sync with Mosaic.

import { getConfig } from '@jpmorganchase/mosaic-create-site';

const myMosaicAdditions = {
   mosaic: {
      imports: [
            import: `import myComponents from '@my-components-package';`,
            identifier: 'myComponents',
            type: 'component'
            import: `import myLayouts from '@my-layout-package';`,
            identifier: 'myLayouts',
            type: 'layout'
            import: "import '@my-style-package/dist/index.css';",
const myExtendedConfig = getConfig(myMosaicAdditions);
module.exports = myExtendedConfig;

The component and layout imports should have a type defined so Mosaic can attach the import identifier to the correct Provider in _app.tsx.

Note: Components and Layout packages must share the same React/Salt versions as Mosaic.

How to update Mosaic

To update Mosaic, you can choose to just pip the Mosaic dependencies inside your site's generated package.json. After re-running yarn this will re-use the existing site configuration from mosaic.generators.js with the latest Mosaic dependencies.

Occasionally you might want to re-generate your site or switch templates. For this, you will need to pip the version of @jpmorganchase/mosaic-create-site to the latest version and re-run create with a --force (-f) flag to overwrite the existing site.

npx @jpmorganchase/mosaic-create-site <-o path to your output directory> -g <generator name> -f

Aside from updating the standard config, the under-lying Mosaic dependencies for components, theme and layouts will also be updated.

Once you have updated your Mosaic site, rerun yarn serve to serve.

For the advanced use-case, where you want complete control of the configuration and decide to fork _app.tsx, you will need to manage updates yourself. A migration guide and potentially codemods will exist to support migration by hand.

Create your own templates

To convert any file into a template, just add a .hbs suffix to your file.

Refer to the Mustache docs for further info.

Once you have created a set of templates, you would need to create a Plop JS generator which uses these templates and add that
generator to your mosaic.generators.js.

You can specify the generator path as either a NPM/Artifactory package or a local path.

  import createMosaicApp from '@jpmorganchase/mosaic-create-site/dist/create.mjs';
  import { getConfig } from '@jpmorganchase/mosaic-create-site';
  import myGenerator from '@my-generator-package';
  const env = {
    generators: [ myGenerator ], // array of generators which are plopjs files
    config: getConfig(), // config object for configured generators
    defaultGenerator: 'mosaic', // name of the defaultGenerator, useful when you use the `interactive` flag is true
    force: false, // if true, overwrite existing files (default: false)
    interactive: true, // run in interactive mode (default: false)
    outputPath: './site' // path to your the target directory


A power feature of Plop JS is the ability to add prompts to your config that use Inquirer and Inquirer plugins.