Correlation is a format designed to encode the basic information of a seismic cross-correlation. Correlation uses the JSON standard.
Correlation is intended for use in seismic data messaging between seismic applications and organizations.
"Type" : "Correlation",
"ID" : String,
"Site" :
"Station" : String,
"Channel" : String,
"Network" : String,
"Location" : String
"Source" :
"AgencyID" : String,
"Author" : String
"Phase" : String,
"Time" : ISO8601,
"Correlation" : Number,
"Hypocenter" :
"Latitude" : Number,
"Longitude" : Number,
"Depth" : Number,
"Time" : ISO8601,
"LatitudeError" : Number,
"LongitudeError" : Number,
"DepthError" : Number,
"TimeError" : Number
"EventType" :
"Type" : String,
"Certainty" : String
"Magnitude" : Number,
"SNR" : Number,
"ZScore" : Number,
"DetectionThreshold" : Number,
"ThresholdType" : String,
"AssociationInfo" :
"Phase" : String,
"Distance" : Number,
"Azimuth" : Number,
"Residual" : Number,
"Sigma" : Number
Required Values:
These are the values required to define a correlation.
- Type - A string that identifies this message as a correlation.
- ID - A string containing an unique identifier for this correlation.
- Site - An object containing the station the correlation was made at, see Site.
- Source - An object containing the source of the correlation, see Source.
- Phase - A string that identifies the seismic phase that was correlated.
- Time - A string containing the UTC arrival time of the phase that was correlated, in the ISO8601 format
. - Correlation - A decimal number containing the correlation value of the detection.
- Hypocenter - An object containing the hypocenter of the correlation, see Hypocenter.
Optional Values:
The following are supplementary values that may or may not be provided by various correlation algorithms.
- EventType - An object containing the event type of the correlation, see EventType.
- Magnitude - A decimal number identifying the relative magnitude of the correlation.
- SNR - A decimal number identifying Signal to Noise Ratio at the time of the correlation, capped at 1E9.
- ZScore - A decimal number identifying Z Score at the time of the correlation.
- DetectionThreshold - A decimal number identifying detection threshold that was used to declare this correlation.
- ThresholdType - A string containing the type of detection threshold that was used.
- AssociationInfo - An object containing the association information if this correlation is used as data in a Detection, see Associated.