By default unit tests use MySQL database but PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQL Server databases are supported as well. Set MONDRIAN_DRIVER environment variable to “mysql” (default), “postgresql”, “oracle”, “luciddb”, “mssql” (jTDS) or “sqlserver” (Microsoft JDBC) to specify database driver that should be used.
If using MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQL Server database then create database user mondrian_test with password mondrian_test, create database mondrian_test and grant full access to this database for mondrian_test user. By default it is assumed that database is located on localhost (can be overridden with DATABASE_HOST environment variable).
If using Oracle database then create database user mondrian_test with password mondrian_test. By default it is assumed that database orcl is located on localhost (can be overridden with DATABASE_NAME and DATABASE_HOST environment variables).
If using LucidDB database then create schema MONDRIAN_TEST and create user MONDRIAN_TEST with password mondrian_test and with default schema MONDRIAN_TEST. By default it is assumed that database is located on localhost (can be overridden with DATABASE_HOST environment variable).
See spec/spec_helper.rb for details of default connection parameters and how to override them.
Install necessary gems with
bundle install
Create tables with test data using
rake db:create_data
or specify which database driver to use
rake db:create_data MONDRIAN_DRIVER=mysql rake db:create_data MONDRIAN_DRIVER=postgresql rake db:create_data MONDRIAN_DRIVER=oracle rake db:create_data MONDRIAN_DRIVER=mssql rake db:create_data MONDRIAN_DRIVER=sqlserver
In case of LucidDB data are not generated and inserted directly into database but are imported from MySQL mondrian_test database (because inserting individual records into LucidDB is very inefficient). Therefore at first generate test data with mysql (using default database settings) and then run data creation task for LucidDB.
rake db:create_data MONDRIAN_DRIVER=mysql rake db:create_data MONDRIAN_DRIVER=luciddb
Run tests with
rake spec
or specify which database driver to use
rake spec MONDRIAN_DRIVER=mysql rake spec MONDRIAN_DRIVER=postgresql rake spec MONDRIAN_DRIVER=oracle rake spec MONDRIAN_DRIVER=luciddb rake spec MONDRIAN_DRIVER=mssql rake spec MONDRIAN_DRIVER=sqlserver
or also alternatively with
rake spec:mysql rake spec:postgresql rake spec:oracle rake spec:luciddb rake spec:mssql rake spec:sqlserver
You can also run all tests on all databases with
rake spec:all
It is recommended to use RVM ( to run tests with different JRuby implementations. mondrian-olap is being tested with latest versions of JRuby 1.6 and 1.7 on Java 6 and 7.