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File metadata and controls

622 lines (530 loc) · 19.5 KB


This document aims to provide information about how to work with Snowsight, where the primary use case is working with Worksheets (previously called Numeracy).

For everything else that Snowsight offers such as database information, activity, query history, task history etc - you can use SQL to query these directly instead of relying on internal APIs.

Snowsight UI

You can perform the following actions for Worksheets:

Example Implementation

There is an example implementation for Python 3.x at

This aims to provide an example of how to Authenticate and return Worksheets.


Authentication Workflow Summary

Snowsight requires authentication in two ways:

  1. Login via Username/Password (steps below)
  2. Login via Username/Password, with Duo for MFA
  3. Login via SSO SAML 2.0, using an IdP

It would be FANTASTIC to use Private Key Authentication, if anyone knows how.. please reach out.

This is done using cookies, as these endpoints are aimed for users using browsers instead of consuming a "normal" API.

The /v1/ endpoints return token via /session/v1/login-request when authenticating, Snowsight requires cookies. See snowflake_drivers_workflow for more information about v1.

The authentication workflow looks like this:

  1. POST to session/v1/login-request, which returns a redirectURI
  2. GET the redirectURL, which returns a set-cookie in the header used to authenticate future requests.

Login Request






  • Content-Type: application/json

Request Body

        "LOGIN_NAME": "{USERNAME}",
        "PASSWORD": "{PASSWORD}",
        "CLIENT_APP_ID": "Snowflake UI",
        "CLIENT_APP_VERSION": 1234

Request Notes

  1. ACCOUNT_NAME is your actual account name, without the region, as you're authenticating against the endpoint already.
  2. LOGIN_NAME is your username.
  3. PASSWORD is your password.
  4. {REGION} - Your Snowflake region.
  5. CLIENT_APP_ID - When set to Snowflake UI, a redirectURI is returned in the JSON. You'll need this when authenticating to Snowsight. Otherwise, if you pass any other value, the endpoint returns a masterToken/token.


Example Valid Response
  "data" : {
  "authnSubject" : {
    "loginUser" : {
      "loginName" : "YYY",
      "firstName" : "YOURNAME",
      "lastName" : "LASTNAME",
      "email" : "[email protected]",
      "createdOn" : 1600000000000,
      "defaultRole" : "SOMEROLE",
      "defaultNameSpace" : null,
      "defaultWarehouse" : "WAREHOUSE_NAME",
      "validationState" : "VALIDATED",
      "lastSucLogin" : 1600000000001
  "state" : "AUTHN_SUCCESS",
  "response" : null,
  "authnMethod" : "USERNAME_PASSWORD",
  "authnResInfo" : {
    "oauthAuthzServerIntegrationId" : 0,
    "accessTokenSnowflakeRoles" : null,
    "accessTokenRoles" : null,
    "oauthAccessTokenBeWithoutScopes" : false,
    "clientRequestAnyRoles" : false,
    "clientRequestDefaultRole" : false,
    "secureTokens" : false,
    "expirationTime" : -9223372036854775808,
    "userFriendlyConnectionName" : null,
    "connectionOrg" : null,
    "uiLandingPage" : "SNOWFLAKE_APP",
    "accessTokenIssuedByOAuthAuthzServer" : false,
    "accountActivation" : false
  "integrationId" : -1,
  "authnEvent" : {
    "errorCodeStr" : null,
    "errorCode" : null,
    "externalId" : null,
    "clientVersion" : "1",
    "clientIP" : "",
    "typeStr" : "LOGIN",
    "clientTypeStr" : "SNOWFLAKE_UI",
    "authnFactor1Str" : "PASSWORD",
    "authnFactor2Str" : null,
    "timestamp" : 1600000000002,
    "authnEventId" : 123,
    "userName" : "YYY"
  "authnId" : null,
  "redirectURI" : "https://apps-api.c1.{REGION}{SOMECODE}",
  "accountName" : "{ACCOUNTNAME}"
  "code" : null,
  "message" : null,
  "success" : true
  1. createdOn etc is a UNIX timestamp, millisecond precision.
  2. redirectURI is used in the next step.


The hostname from redirectURI is used in future requests as the primary endpoint, used for querying Bootstrap, Worksheets etc. -If it is https://apps-api.c1.{REGION}{CODE}, the hostname is apps-api.c1.{REGION}

Complete OAuth Request





{CODE} - Using the returned code from above, but just use redirectURL returned from the login-request - it's easier as this might.

The state part is needed, it's the URL of your instance.

Example cURL Command:

curl 'https://apps-api.c1.{REGION}{CODE}&state=%7B%22url%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2F{ACCOUNTNAME}.{REGION}'

Complete OAuth Response

The response is HTML, but we only care about the cookie headers:

set-cookie: S8_SESSION_{USERNAME}__https___{ACCOUNTNAME}_{REGION}_snowflakecomputing_com=yyyy; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
set-cookie: user-xxx="yyy="; Version=1; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly; Max-Age=86400; Expires=Tue, 19-Dec-2000 00:00:00 GMT

Store all the cookies you receive for future requests.


Snowflake requires an OrganizationID and csrfToken for Snowsight endpoints, which you can retrieve from the bootstrap endpoint.


This endpoint also returns other useful information about the logged in user if you need that for other purposes. (though you can get this information from views in the Snowflake database).

Bootstrap Request





  • X-Snowflake-Context: {USERNAME}::https://{ACCOUNTNAME}.{REGION}


This header + cookies are required on all future requests.

Example cURL Request:

curl 'https://apps-api.c1.{REGION}' \
-H 'X-Snowflake-Context: {USERNAME}::https://{ACCOUNTNAME}.{REGION}' \
--cookie '{COOKIES}'

Bootstrap Response

The response is quite large, here is a sample of the organisation information:

        "defaultOrgId": "12345",
        "orgId": "12345",
                "id": "12345"
        "id": "12345"
        "csrfToken": "5cb94c74",

OrganizationID is from either:

  1. Org -> id.
  2. That value can be null/empty, fall back to User -> defaultOrgId/orgId.

Snowsight Request Requirements

Now you have the following:

  1. Cookies
  2. csrfToken
  3. organizationID

You can actually perform requests against Snowsight.

Every Snowsight request requires the following headers:

  1. X-Snowflake-Context: {USERNAME}::https://{ACCOUNTNAME}.{REGION}
  2. X-CSRF-Token: {CSRFTOKEN}

As well as the cookies.


Get all Worksheets


Returns all worksheets/folders/folders. Snowflake seems to call these entities, as it can contain multiple types.





  • Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  • Accept: application/json

  • Returns: JSON

Get all Worksheets Request Notes

  1. The limit for this endpoint seems to be 500.
  2. types are query, dashboard, folder.
  3. col seems to be modified (when the item was last modified) and viewed (when the item was last viewed)

Get all Worksheets Request Body

This request requires a form body, see the Mozilla Docs about HTTP Post for more information.

The unencoded request looks like this:


The options part in the request must be URL encoded:


Example cURL request:

curl 'https://apps-api.c1.{REGION}{ORGANIZATIONID}/entities/list' \
-H 'X-Snowflake-Context: {USERNAME}::https://{ACCOUNTNAME}.{REGION}' \
-H 'X-CSRF-Token: {CSRFTOKEN}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--cookie '{COOKIE}' \
--data-raw 'options=%7B%22sort%22%3A%7B%22col%22%3A%22modified%22%2C%22dir%22%3A%22desc%22%7D%2C%22limit%22%3A500%2C%22owner%22%3Anull%2C%22types%22%3A%5B%22query%22%5D%2C%22showNeverViewed%22%3A%22if-invited%22%7D&location=worksheets'
Example entities/list Response
            "entityId": "{entityId}",
            "entityType": "query",
                "name": "myexample",
                "slug": "{SLUG}",
                "version": 0,
                "content": "",
                "folderId": null,
                "folderName": null,
                "folderType": null,
                "visibility": "private",
                "ownerId": 111111111111,
                "modified": "2023-12-18T16:01:29.67626Z",
                "created": "2023-12-18T16:01:20.221961Z",
                "viewed": null,
                "queryLanguage": "sql",
                "role": "{ROLE}",
                "url": "/{prefix}/{accountname}/{SLUG}#query"
            "match": null
    "hasRecentEntities": true,
                "id": "{folderId}",
                "orgId": "211111111111",
                "name": "Some Folder",
                "ownerId": "111111111111",
                "type": "list",
                "visibility": "private",
                "refreshing": false,
                "refreshed": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
                "modified": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
                        "rows": null,
                        "manualRefresh": false,
                            "role": "",
                            "warehouse": "",
                            "database": "",
                            "schema": "",
                            "secondaryRoles": ""
                    "unsavedParams": null
                "isImported": false,
                "isRefreshDead": false,
                "lastRefreshJobId": null,
                "hbVersion": null,
                "slug": "someslug",
                "editable": true,
                "runnable": true,
                "resultsViewable": true,
                "url": "/{prefix}/{accountname}/#/someslug",
                        "memberType": "user",
                        "userId": "111111111111",
                        "memberId": "111111111111",
                        "role": "owner",
                        "hasRole": true
                    "role": "{ROLE}",
                    "warehouse": "",
                    "database": "",
                    "schema": "",
                    "secondaryRoles": "NONE"
                "snowflakeRequestId": "eeeeeeee-eeee-eeee-eeee-eeeeeeeeeeee",
                "snowflakeQueryId": "ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff",
                "runner": "111111111111",
                "query": "select 2 as bar",
                    "role": "{ROLE}",
                    "warehouse": "{WAREHOUSE}",
                    "database": "",
                    "schema": "",
                    "secondaryRoles": "NONE"
                    "start": 0,
                    "end": 15,
                    "allowRewrites": false
                "startDate": "2023-12-18T00:00:00.000000000Z",
                "endDate": "2023-12-18T00:00:00.000000000Z",
                        "query": "select 2 as bar",
                        "queryRange": null,
                            "role": "{ROLE}",
                            "warehouse": "{WAREHOUSE}",
                            "database": "",
                            "schema": "",
                            "secondaryRoles": "NONE"
                        "queryLanguage": "sql",
                        "appSessionId": 2000000000000
                    "111111111111": 1702915289669
                "queryLanguage": "sql",
                "appSessionId": 2000000000000,
                    "startTime": 1700000000000,
                    "endTime": 1700000000000,
                    "sqlText": "select 2 as bar",
                    "state": "SUCCEEDED",
                    "statesDuration": "[16,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,11,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]",
                        "compilationTime": 16,
                        "gsExecTime": 1
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "totalDuration": 28,
                    "warehouseName": "{WAREHOUSE}"
                "pid": "{entityId}",
                "name": "myexample",
                "orgId": "211111111111",
                "ownerId": "111111111111",
                "folderId": null,
                "visibility": "private",
                        "topHeight": 0,
                        "mode": "CUSTOM"
                        "topHeight": 0,
                        "mode": "CUSTOM"
                        "topHeight": 0,
                        "mode": "OPEN_SPLIT"
                        "topHeight": 0,
                        "mode": "OPEN_SPLIT"
                        "topHeight": 0,
                        "mode": "OPEN_SPLIT"
                "modified": "2023-12-18T00:00:00.00000Z",
                "version": 2,
                "isParamQuery": false,
                "projectType": "query",
                    "role": "{ROLE}",
                    "warehouse": "{WAREHOUSE}",
                    "database": "",
                    "schema": "",
                    "secondaryRoles": "NONE"
                "editable": true,
                "runnable": true,
                "resultsViewable": true,
                "url": "/{prefix}/{accountname}/{SLUG}#query",
                "slug": "{SLUG}",
                        "memberType": "user",
                        "userId": "111111111111",
                        "memberId": "111111111111",
                        "role": "owner",
                        "hasRole": true
                "hasRequiredRole": true
                "query": "select 2 as bar",
                "queryRange": null,
                    "role": "MYROLE",
                    "warehouse": "MYWAREHOUSE",
                    "database": "",
                    "schema": "",
                    "secondaryRoles": "NONE"
                "queryLanguage": "sql",
                "appSessionId": 1011111111111,
                "version": 2,
                "modifiedTime": 16000000000021
    "next": ""

Worksheets Response

Returns a JSON response containing an object of entities/models.

This seems to have Worksheets in the following objects:

  1. entities entities is a list of objects containing information about queries, has very bare information:
            "entityId": "{entityId}",
            "entityType": "query",
                "name": "myexample",
                "slug": "{SLUG}",
                "version": 0,
                "content": "",
                "folderId": null,
                "folderName": null,
                "folderType": null,
                "visibility": "private",
                "ownerId": 111111111111,
                "modified": "2023-12-18T16:01:29.67626Z",
                "created": "2023-12-18T16:01:20.221961Z",
                "viewed": null,
                "queryLanguage": "sql",
                "role": "{ROLE}",
                "url": "/{prefix}/{accountname}/{SLUG}#query"
            "match": null
  1. models

models is an object containing folders , queries, dbSchemas, worksheetImports (from classic console?) and drafts.

For an example JSON response, see the above Example entities/list Response.

To get the full Worksheet information such as SQL, timings, etc, you'll need to iterate over models.queries, noting that queries are objects and not a list.