Releases: joshstevens19/ethereum-abi-types-generator
First release
Initial stable release.
Features 🚀
🚀 Compile time errors, never make easy dynamic mistakes again.
🚀 Easy 1 line solution to get working
🚀 Use the same interfaces as the provider your use to, no changes in how you develop
🚀 Works with just a simple ABI json file
🚀 Supports ethers and web3 out the box
🚀 0 bundle increase, its all dev dependencies so get all the benefit with no negative impact on your build size
🚀 Nice easy CLI to allow you to generate these however you like, build scripts, watch file change events its up to you
🚀 Supported multidimensional return types aka bytes32[4] >[string, string, string, string, string]`
🚀 Automatic documentation generated on each method outputting all the details about it which is on the ABI - no jumping back and forth