This page contains the list of all the provider configurations that you
can set in airflow.cfg
file or using environment variables.
For more information on setting the configuration, see :doc:`howto/set-config`
.. jinja:: config_ctx {% for section in configs %} [{{ section["name"] }}] {{ "=" * (section["name"]|length + 2) }} {% if section["description"] %} {{ section["description"] }} {% endif %} {% for option in section["options"] %} .. _config:{{ section["name"] }}__{{ option["name"] }}: {{ option["name"] }} {{ "-" * option["name"]|length }} {% if option["version_added"] %} .. versionadded:: {{ option["version_added"] }} {% endif %} {% if option["description"] %} {{ option["description"] }} {% endif %} {% if option.get("see_also") %} .. seealso:: {{ option["see_also"] }} {% endif %} :Type: {{ option["type"] }} :Default: ``{{ "''" if option["default"] == "" else option["default"] }}`` :Environment Variable: ``AIRFLOW__{{ section["name"] | upper }}__{{ option["name"] | upper }}`` {% if option["example"] %} :Example: ``{{ option["example"] }}`` {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}