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Jörg Liebig edited this page Mar 4, 2014 · 10 revisions

Project setup

FeatureHouse's (FH) examples and case studies are in separate git reposories. To get them also, run git submodule init and git submodule update.

After cloning the project, the only thing You need to adapt is the execution of the build.xml file in subproject fstgen.

build.xml setup

There are a couple of run scripts in fstcomp and fstmerge for convience.

Adding a new language

To add a new language to the FH framework, the following steps have to be performed:

  1. Add an appropriate grammar (JavaCC) to the fstgen subproject (folder test). If You start with a new fresh grammar, there is a large number of examples already available (Java, C, Haskell, ...).
  2. To generate a parser from the grammar specification, extend the ant build.xml script with a new build target. The best way is to copy and edit one of the existing rules. Afterwards select the new build target from the context menu and run ant. To simplify grammar development, each grammar usually comes with a test (as part of the build process using ant or in the form of dedicated JUnit tests). We encourage developers of new languages to the FH framework to add test cases for the generated parsers. They will be checked automatically as part of continuous integration (see travis-ci website).
  3. Within the fstcomp (for language composition) and the fstmerge (for language merging), You need to add builder and printer classes for the new language. Finnally, You need to register the new language in the FSTGenProcessor class.

Good luck. In case of problems contact someone of us.

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