Doubly linked list procs accept ordinary conses too; cpr operations throw errors.
The empty doubly linked list is plain ().
All procedures containing "list" are changed to "dlist", like "proper-dlist". Other procedures are prefixed with "d", like "dcons, dcar" etc. The mark % indicates that a -reversed also exists.
Dlists can be dotted at either end or both. Need constructor for doubly dotted dlists.
This is SRFI 1, not yet filtered. Consing requires that the cpr/cdr of the cdr/cpr be changed. Figure out if this actually works or if we have to prohibit consing.
cons% list%
xcons% cons*% make-list list-tabulate
list-copy circular-list iota
pair? null?
proper-list?% circular-list? dotted-list?%
not-pair? null-list?
car cdr cpr
... cppadr cppppr list-ref%
first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth (all %)
take% drop%
take-right% drop-right%
take!% drop-right!%
split-at% split-at!%
last% last-pair%
length length+
append% concatenate% reverse%
append!% concatenate!% reverse!%
append-reverse% append-reverse!%
zip unzip1 unzip2 unzip3 unzip4 unzip5 (all %)
map for-each
fold% unfold% pair-fold% reduce%
fold-right unfold-right pair-fold-right reduce-right (all %?)
append-map% append-map!%
map!% pair-for-each% filter-map% map-in-order%
filter partition remove
filter! partition! remove!
member memq memv
find find-tail
any every
take-while drop-while take-while!
span break span! break!
delete delete-duplicates
delete! delete-duplicates!
assoc assq assv
alist-cons alist-copy
alist-delete alist-delete!
lset<= lset= lset-adjoin
lset-union lset-union!
lset-intersection lset-intersection!
lset-difference lset-difference!
lset-xor lset-xor!
lset-diff+intersection lset-diff+intersection!
set-car! set-cdr! set-cpr!