Brainstorm for aspects of your proposal [X]
Develop metrics that will help inform the domain decisions [X]
Get familiar with the content of potential datasets; understand what might inform your metrics, and what holes there still are
Consider best way to communicate metrics; for example:
- Should you use time-series graphs? Density/heat-maps? You're certainly not limited in the number of visualizations you can include.
- Should your report only be at one level of detail, or should you include a break-down by sub-geography (neighborhood, district, etc)?
Write proposal and develop wireframes [X]
- Include boxes for metrics and sample prose on wireframes [X]
Develop scripts to extract data from sources and load into PostgreSQL and/or BigQuery i.Retrieve datasets: i.Population (Zipcodes)
Create the structure for your Airflow pipeline and add your extract/load scripts to it i.Deploy airflow - create environment file (.yaml) i.Extract processes: i.Dataset 1 = Daily cases i.Dataset 2 = Vaccinations i.Dataset 3 = Hospitalizations i.Dataset 4 = Deaths * Build and test on local machines, then move to GCP
Deploy your pipeline to a cloud server (and document your deployment steps for when -- not if -- you forget them) i.Entity Relationship diagram(?)
Dive deeper into data
- Experiment and develop queries for metrics, using tools such as PGAdmin, BigQuery, or Jupyter Notebooks
- Note useful data transformations and queries i.Transformations - two ways to do it:
- SQL (Complex(?))
- Python - may be easier
Convert explorations into SQL and Python scripts to transform ingested data
Experiment with visualizations of metrics
Create "live mockup(s)" in HTML of dashboard page(s)
Configure a GCS
Convert mockup(s) to template(s)
Create scripts to render template(s) for dashboard page(s)
Meeting 11/19/21: Action items:
- Kelly will get extract processes for datasets up and running on local machine
- Johnathan will get Airflow up and running on GCP for group to use
- Lan will develop a timeline & look at Mjumbe's example project to see what we need to do in the future