For changelog for the 2.x branch, please see readme.txt
- Bug fix; fixes problem with saving "Random from preset values" setting
- Bux fix; removed jquery 1.7.x dependent functions
- Bug fix; tag cloud showed up empty after update from 1.3.12
- Added setting to hide the title of the widget
- Custom post type support, replaces page tagging feature
- Internal optimizations and improved code quality
- Fixed bug which made the default "data" tab disappear when adding the widget to a sidebar
- Added setting for link hover font color
- Added option to save or load configuration
- Proper namespacing of the CSS classes to prevent interference with other plugins
- Fixed shortcode problem where the content would appear at the top of a post/page instead of where the shortcode was placed.
- Fixed shortcode problem where you couldn't possibly enter some values as array types, now accepting a comma separated list for $tags_list, $color_set and $authors
- Updated spelling error in the documentation which caused some confusion
- Added shortcode [utcw]
- Improved the tabbed settings when using multiple tag clouds
- Improved the tabbed settings so that the same tab is reloaded after saving the settings
- Updated screenshot
- Bugfix; The help texts now also shows after saving the settings
- Added a setting for separator, prefix and suffix
- Added more detailed descriptions of all the settings
- Added the tabs for the sections in the widget settings
- Switched from deprecated function get_users_of_blog() to get_users() for WP 3.1+
- Added a setting for row spacing
- Added a setting for post age
- Now also showing private posts when signed in.
- Added support for page tagging (thanks again Andreas Bogavcic)
- Added a setting for including debug information to help troubleshooting
- Added new styling options upon requests from the forum
- Testing out the new HTML5 input type "number" in the settings form
- Fixed bug in the SQL query making the plugin also count posts that isn't published
- Added a new option to set the minimum amount of posts a tag should have to be included
- Added Swedish translation
- Minor internationalization changes
- As requested, support for calling a function to display the widget was added. Se other notes for information on how to use it.
- Javascript changes in order to fix problems with the options page in WP 3.1 beta 1
- Removed all the PHP short tags
- Can now sort by name, slug, id or color (!) case sensitive or case insensitive
- Exclude now takes either tag name or id
- Fixed bug with options page
- Improved link generation to create correct tag links
- Initial release