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So far, we have looked at the following ways of storing information:

  • Array
  • Linked List
  • Stack
  • Queue
  • Hashmap

Today, we will look at a new data structure called a Tree

1. The case for trees

How would you model the diagram below?


This information is presented in a new way then what we have seen before. Instead of a straightforward list, there are branching possibilities. Each element is linked not only to one element, but two different possibilities. Arrays and Linked lists only operate in one dimension (a line). Hashmaps can track groupings, but don't have any order. We are looking for a structure that can represent one object being linked to multiple objects AND keeping a sequence.

2. Defining a Tree

Trees are comprised of nodes, and are very similar to Linked Lists. Just like a LinkedListNode, a TreeNode has a value. While a LinkedListNode has only one next Node, a TreeNode can have any number of next Nodes. The most common type of tree is called a Binary Tree where each TreeNode can have up to two next Nodes.

class TreeNode {
   let val: Int
   var left: TreeNode?
   var right: TreeNode?
   init(_ val: Int) {
      self.val = val

Just like a LinkedListNode might not have a next Node, a TreeNode might not have a left or a right. Before we go on to traversing a tree, let's take a look at some key terminology.

3. Key Terminology

Example One



Example Two



  • The top of any tree is called the root
  • The left and right nodes are called children
  • The left and right nodes are siblings to each other
  • The node the holds the children is called the parent
  • You can pick any node in a tree and call it the root of its own subtree. We can start to see its recursive structure.
  • A node at the bottom of a tree is called a leaf
  • An edge is a line connecting two nodes
  • The height of the tree is the number of edges in the longest path from the top to the bottom
  • The level of a node is which row it is on. The root is at level 0, its children are at level 1, and so on.

4. Types of Trees

With this structure, we are able to create a variety of different trees. It will be helpful to use the following terminology to define what kind of tree we are working with.

Binary Tree

A Binary Tree is a tree where every node has 0,1 or 2 children.



(source: wikipedia)

Non Example


(source: wikipedia)

Full Binary Tree

A Full Binary Tree is a Binary Tree where every node has 0 or 2 children.



(source: wikipedia)

Non Example


(source: wikipedia)

Complete Binary Tree

A Complete Binary Tree is a Binary Tree where every level except possibly the last is completely filled and each node on the last level is as far left as possible. A Complete Binary Tree is allowed to have a single Node with one child, all others must have 0 or 2.



(source: wikipedia)

Non Example


(source: wikipedia)

Balanced Binary Tree

A Balanced Binary Tree is a Binary tree where the left and right subtrees height differ by at most 1 and both the left and right tree are balanced. A balanced Binary Tree is one where the height is O(log(n)), where n is the number of elements.



(source: wikipedia)

Non Example


(source: wikipedia)

Degenerate Tree

A Degenerate tree is a Tree where every parent has, at most, one child. It's effectively just a Linked List.

Degenerate Tree



Binary Search Tree

A Binary Search Tree is Binary Tree with two conditions:

  • Every node in the left child's subtree its parent
  • Every node in the right child's subtree its parent
  • (Generally BSTs are defined to have unique values)


(source: wikipedia)

Non Example


(source: wikipedia)

Min Heap

A Min Heap is a Complete Binary Tree where each parent is smaller than its children. The root is the smallest value in the tree



(source: wikipedia)

Non Example



Source: (

Max Heap

A Max Heap is a Complete Binary Tree where each parent is bigger than its children. The root is the biggest value in the tree.



(source: wikipedia)

Non Example



5. Traversing a Tree

TreeNode class

class TreeNode {
    var key: Int
    var left: TreeNode?
    var right: TreeNode?
    init(key: Int) {
        self.key = key

Building a simple tree


let root = TreeNode(key: 1)
let nodeTwo = TreeNode(key: 2)
let nodeThree = TreeNode(key: 3)
let nodeFour = TreeNode(key: 4)
let nodeFive = TreeNode(key: 5)

root.left = nodeTwo
root.right = nodeThree
nodeTwo.left = nodeFour
nodeTwo.right = nodeFive
What kind of tree is this?

A Min Heap

How can we print out all the values? Unlike an array, we can't just iterate over it. And unlike a linked list, it isn't clear which way to go next. We have two nexts and we have to go to both of them. We have two strategies for how we can look at every node.

  1. Look at all of the nodes on a single level before going to the next one (Breadth First Search)
  2. Follow a chain all the way to a leaf node before returning back to the top (Depth First Search)

We will look at each in turn.

Breadth First Search

For a Breadth First Search, we want to look at:

  • All the nodes on level 0
  • Then all the nodes on level 1
  • Then all the nodes on level 2

Here's how we can implement this in code. First, we'll need a Queue. Here's one from a few weeks ago:

class LLNode<Key> {
    let val: Key
    var next: LLNode?
    init(val: Key) {
        self.val = val
struct Queue<T> {
    private var head: LLNode<T>?
    private var tail: LLNode<T>?
    var isEmpty: Bool {
        return head == nil
    mutating func enQueue(_ newElement: T) {
        let newNode = LLNode(val: newElement)
        guard let tail = tail else {
            self.head = newNode
            self.tail = newNode
        } = newNode
        self.tail = newNode
    mutating func deQueue() -> T? {
        guard let oldHead = head else {
            return nil
        self.head =
        if == nil {
            self.tail = nil
        return oldHead.val
    func peek() -> T? {
        return self.head?.val

Now we can implement our breadth first search

func bfs<T>(root: TreeNode<T>) {
    var myQueue = Queue<TreeNode<T>>()
    while !myQueue.isEmpty {
        let visitedElement = myQueue.deQueue()!
        if let leftChild = visitedElement.left {
        if let rightChild = visitedElement.right {

This algorithm visits each node on each level before proceding to the next level.

Depth First Search

There are three ways in which we can implement a depth first search. We will see each in turn below.

Pre-order Depth First Search

func dfs<T>(root: TreeNode<T>?) {
    guard let root = root else { return }
    dfs(root: root.left)
    dfs(root: root.right)

In-order Depth First Search

func dfs<T>(root: TreeNode<T>?) {
    guard let root = root else { return }
    dfs(root: root.left)
    dfs(root: root.right)

Post-Order Depth First Search

func dfs<T>(root: TreeNode<T>?) {
    guard let root = root else { return }
    dfs(root: root.left)
    dfs(root: root.right)

Slightly Fancier Handling

Instead of just printing each node's key, we can have a custom closure that handles it however we want:

func dfs<T>(root: TreeNode<T>?, process: (T) -> Void = {print($0)}) {
    guard let root = root else { return }
    dfs(root: root.left, process: process)
    dfs(root: root.right, process: process)

Enum implementation

enum BinaryTree<T> {
  case empty
  indirect case node(BinaryTree, T, BinaryTree)

Further reading from raywenderlich

6. Binary Search Tree Big O


Search / Access : O(log(n))

Search for 27



Insert: O(log(n))


Remove: O(log(n))

Three cases:

1. Node to be removed is a leaf node



2. Node to be removed has one child





3. Node to be removed has two children




Worst case

The worst case runtime for each of these operations is O(n). This occurs when you have a degenerate binary search tree that looks like a linked list.

Why are insertion and deletion O(1) on a linked list and O(n) for a degenerate binary search tree?

Binary Search Trees have to keep a sorted order, which means it can only insert an element in the place it belongs in the tree, which could be at the bottom.

More Tree Notes

In computer science, a tree is a widely used abstract data type (ADT)—or data structure implementing this ADT—that simulates a hierarchical tree structure, with a root value and subtrees of children with a parent node, represented as a set of linked nodes.

A tree data structure can be defined recursively as a collection of nodes (starting at a root node), where each node is a data structure consisting of a value, together with a list of references to nodes (the "children"), with the constraints that no reference is duplicated, and none points to the root.

Tree Structure

Let's implement the following hierarchical tree structure in Swift

Animal Hierarchy

Basic TreeNode class, doen't have the ability to add children nodes yet, let's implement this next.

class TreeNode<T> {
  var value: T
  var parent: TreeNode?
  var children = [TreeNode]()

  init(value: T) {
    self.value = value

Here we have added a addChild() method on the TreeNode class to have the ability to add children to the tree.

class TreeNode<T> {
  var value: T
  var parent: TreeNode?
  var children = [TreeNode]()

  init(value: T) {
    self.value = value

  public func addChild(node: TreeNode) {
    node.parent = self

We can now add children to our animal created Tree, however when we print our animal Tree the print console does not give us a human readeable print statement as seen below. We will have to conform to CustomStringConvertible and provide implement the description variable to return a more verbose string representing our current Tree structure.

class TreeNode<T> {
  var value: T
  var parent: TreeNode?
  var children = [TreeNode]()

  init(value: T) {
    self.value = value

  public func addChild(node: TreeNode) {
    node.parent = self

let tree = TreeNode<String>(value: "animal")
let mammalNode = TreeNode<String>(value: "mammal")
let reptileNode = TreeNode<String>(value: "reptile")
tree.children = [mammalNode, reptileNode]
print(tree) // __lldb_expr_23.TreeNode<Swift.String>

After conforming to CustomStringConvertible we can now get a more readable print statement representing the current animal Tree.

class TreeNode<T>: CustomStringConvertible {
  var value: T
  var parent: TreeNode?
  var children = [TreeNode]()

  var description: String {
    guard !children.isEmpty else {
      return "\(value)"
    return "\(value)" + "{" + "\({ $0.description }.joined(separator: ", ") )" + "}"

  init(value: T) {
    self.value = value

  public func addChild(node: TreeNode) {
    node.parent = self

let tree = TreeNode<String>(value: "animal")
let mammalNode = TreeNode<String>(value: "mammal")
let reptileNode = TreeNode<String>(value: "reptile")
tree.children = [mammalNode, reptileNode]
print(tree) // animal{mammal, reptile}

Full Tree Implemenation including Search

class TreeNode<T: Equatable>: CustomStringConvertible {
  var value: T
  var parent: TreeNode?
  var children = [TreeNode]()

  var description: String {
    guard !children.isEmpty else {
      return "\(value)"
    return "\(value)" + "{" + "\({ $0.description }.joined(separator: ", ") )" + "}"

  init(value: T) {
    self.value = value

  public func addChild(node: TreeNode) {
    node.parent = self

  public func search(value: T) -> TreeNode? {
    if self.value == value {
      return self
    for child in children {
      if let foundNode = value) {
        return foundNode
    return nil

let tree = TreeNode<String>(value: "animal")

let mammalNode = TreeNode<String>(value: "mammal")
let reptileNode = TreeNode<String>(value: "reptile")

let giraffeNode = TreeNode<String>(value: "giraffe")
let tigerNode = TreeNode<String>(value: "tiger")

let snakeNode = TreeNode<String>(value: "snake")
let turtleNode = TreeNode<String>(value: "turtle")

tree.children = [mammalNode, reptileNode]
mammalNode.children = [giraffeNode, tigerNode]
reptileNode.children = [snakeNode, turtleNode]

print(tree) // animal{mammal{giraffe, tiger}, reptile{snake, turtle}}

The height of the Animal tree above is 2.
The depth of the reptile node is 1.


Tree - Data Structure - Wikipedia
Trees - Ray Wenderlich

Exercise - Create the following Tree, search and print the Primate Node