The original port from Matlab to Julia was done by Yimin Lin. Subsequent development was done by Jesse Chan.
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The original port from Matlab to Julia was done by Yimin Lin. Subsequent development was done by Jesse Chan.
This document was generated with Documenter.jl version 0.27.25 on Wednesday 1 November 2023. Using Julia version 1.9.3.
The original port from Matlab to Julia was done by Yimin Lin. Subsequent development was done by Jesse Chan.
This document was generated with Documenter.jl version 0.27.25 on Wednesday 1 November 2023. Using Julia version 1.9.3.
— Methodabctorst(elem::Pyr,a,b,c)
Converts from Stroud coordinates (a,b,c) on [-1,1]^3 to reference element coordinates (r,s,t).
— Functionbasis(elem::Pyr,N,r,s,t,tol=1e-12)
Computes orthonormal semi-nodal basis on the biunit pyramid element.
Warning: nodal derivative matrices may contain errors for nodes at t = 1. A way to avoid this is to use weak differentiation matrices computed using quadrature rules with only interior nodes.
— Methodbasis(elem::AbstractElemShape, N, rst...)
Computes orthonormal basis of degree N at tuple of coordinate arrays (r,s,t).
— Methodbasis(elem::Line,N,r)
Computes the generalized Vandermonde matrix V of degree N (along with the derivative matrix Vr) at points r.
— Methodbuild_warped_nodes(elem::AbstractElemShape, N, r1D)
Computes degree N warp-and-blend interpolation nodes for elem = Tri(), Pyr(), or Tet() based on the 1D node set "r1D". Returns a tuple "rst" containing arrays of interpolation points.
— Methodedge_basis(elem::AbstractElemShape, N, rst...)
Returns the generalized Vandermonde matrix evaluated using an edge basis (e.g., degree N
polynomials over an edge, but linearly blended into the interior). The dimension of the resulting space is simply the number of total nodes on edges of a degree N
— Methodedge_basis(N, vertices, edges, basis, vertex_functions, rst...)
Computes edge basis given vertex functions and 1D basis.
— Methodequi_nodes(elem::AbstractElemShape, N)
Compute equispaced nodes of degree N.
— Methodequi_nodes(elem::Line,N)
Computes equally spaced nodes of degree N.
— Functionfunction find_face_nodes(elem, r, s, tol=50*eps())
-function find_face_nodes(elem, r, s, t, tol=50*eps())
Given volume nodes r
, s
, t
, finds face nodes. Note that this function implicitly defines an ordering on the faces.
— Methodgauss_lobatto_quad(α, β, N)
Computes Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto quadrature points and weights with Jacobi weights α,β.
— Methodgauss_quad(α, β, N)
Compute nodes and weights for Gaussian quadrature with Jacobi weights (α,β).
— Methodget_edge_list(elem::AbstractElemShape)
Returns list of edges for a specific element (elem = Tri(), Pyr(), Hex(), or Tet()).
— Methodgrad_jacobiP(r, α, β, N, tmp_array=())
Evaluate derivative of Jacobi polynomial (α, β) of order N at points r.
— Methodgrad_vandermonde(elem::AbstractElemShape, N, rst...)
Computes the generalized Vandermonde derivative matrix V of degree N at points (r,s,t).
— Methodinterp_1D_to_edges(elem::AbstractElemShape, r1D)
Interpolates points r1D to the edges of an element (elem = :Tri, :Pyr, or :Tet)
— Methodjaskowiek_sukumar_quad_nodes(elem::Tet)
Symmetric quadrature rules on the tetrahedron of degree up to 20 from:
Jaśkowiec, J, Sukumar, N., "High-order symmetric cubature rules for tetrahedra and pyramids." Int J Numer Methods Eng. 122(1): 148-171, 2021.
— Methodmeshgrid(vx) Computes an (x,y)-grid from the vectors (vx,vx). For more information, see the MATLAB documentation.
Copied and pasted directly from VectorizedRoutines.jl. Using VectorizedRoutines.jl directly causes Pkg versioning issues with SpecialFunctions.jl
— Methodmeshgrid(vx,vy,vz) Computes an (x,y,z)-grid from the vectors (vx,vy,vz). For more information, see the MATLAB documentation.
Copied and pasted directly from VectorizedRoutines.jl. Using VectorizedRoutines.jl directly causes Pkg versioning issues with SpecialFunctions.jl
— Methodmeshgrid(vx,vy) Computes an (x,y)-grid from the vectors (vx,vy). For more information, see the MATLAB documentation.
Copied and pasted directly from VectorizedRoutines.jl. Using VectorizedRoutines.jl directly causes Pkg versioning issues with SpecialFunctions.jl
— Methodnodes(elem::AbstractElemShape,N)
Computes interpolation nodes of degree N. Edge nodes coincide with (N+1)-point Lobatto points. Default routine for elem = Tet(), Pyr(), Tri().
For Quad(), Hex(), Wedge() elements, nodes(...) returns interpolation points constructed using a tensor product of lower-dimensional nodes.
— Methodnodes(elem::Line,N)
Computes interpolation nodes of degree N.
— Methodnodes(elem::Pyr,N)
Computes interpolation nodes of degree N. Edge nodes coincide with (N+1)-point Lobatto points. Triangular face nodes coincide with Tri.nodes(N), quadrilateral face nodes coincide with tensor product (N+1)-point Lobatto points.
— Methodquad_nodes(elem::AbstractElemShape, N)
Compute quadrature nodes and weights exact for (at least) degree 2N polynomials.
— Methodquad_nodes(elem::Line,N)
Computes (N+1)-point Gauss quadrature rule (exact for degree 2N+1 polynomials)
— Methodquad_nodes_tet(N)
Returns quadrature nodes and weights which exactly integrate degree N polynomials
— Methodquad_nodes_tri(N)
Returns quadrature nodes (from Gimbutas and Xiao 2010) which exactly integrate degree N polynomials
— Functionrstoab(r, s, tol = 1e-12)
Converts from reference bi-unit right triangle coordinate (r,s) to polynomial basis evaluation coordinates (a,b) on the domain [-1,1]^2
— Methodsimplex_2D(a, b, i, j)
Evaluate 2D PKDO basis phi_ij at points (a,b) on the Duffy domain [-1,1]^2
— Methodsimplex_3D(a, b, c, i, j, k)
Evaluate 3D "Legendre" basis phi_ijk at (a,b,c) coordinates on the [-1,1] cube
— Methodstroud_quad_nodes(elem::AbstractElemShape,N)
Returns Stroud-type quadrature nodes and weights constructed from the tensor product of (N+1)-point Gauss-Jacobi rules. Exact for degree 2N polynomials
— Methodvandermonde(elem::AbstractElemShape, N, rst...)
Computes the generalized Vandermonde matrix V of degree N at points (r,s,t).
This document was generated with Documenter.jl version 0.27.25 on Wednesday 1 November 2023. Using Julia version 1.9.3.
Given volume nodes r
, s
, t
, finds face nodes. Note that this function implicitly defines an ordering on the faces.
— Methodgauss_lobatto_quad(α, β, N)
Computes Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto quadrature points and weights with Jacobi weights α,β.
— Methodgauss_quad(α, β, N)
Compute nodes and weights for Gaussian quadrature with Jacobi weights (α,β).
— Methodget_edge_list(elem::AbstractElemShape)
Returns list of edges for a specific element (elem = Tri(), Pyr(), Hex(), or Tet()).
— Methodgrad_jacobiP(r, α, β, N, tmp_array=())
Evaluate derivative of Jacobi polynomial (α, β) of order N at points r.
— Methodgrad_vandermonde(elem::AbstractElemShape, N, rst...)
Computes the generalized Vandermonde derivative matrix V of degree N at points (r,s,t).
— Methodinterp_1D_to_edges(elem::AbstractElemShape, r1D)
Interpolates points r1D to the edges of an element (elem = :Tri, :Pyr, or :Tet)
— Methodjaskowiek_sukumar_quad_nodes(elem::Tet)
Symmetric quadrature rules on the tetrahedron of degree up to 20 from:
Jaśkowiec, J, Sukumar, N., "High-order symmetric cubature rules for tetrahedra and pyramids." Int J Numer Methods Eng. 122(1): 148-171, 2021.
— Methodmeshgrid(vx) Computes an (x,y)-grid from the vectors (vx,vx). For more information, see the MATLAB documentation.
Copied and pasted directly from VectorizedRoutines.jl. Using VectorizedRoutines.jl directly causes Pkg versioning issues with SpecialFunctions.jl
— Methodmeshgrid(vx,vy,vz) Computes an (x,y,z)-grid from the vectors (vx,vy,vz). For more information, see the MATLAB documentation.
Copied and pasted directly from VectorizedRoutines.jl. Using VectorizedRoutines.jl directly causes Pkg versioning issues with SpecialFunctions.jl
— Methodmeshgrid(vx,vy) Computes an (x,y)-grid from the vectors (vx,vy). For more information, see the MATLAB documentation.
Copied and pasted directly from VectorizedRoutines.jl. Using VectorizedRoutines.jl directly causes Pkg versioning issues with SpecialFunctions.jl
— Methodnodes(elem::AbstractElemShape,N)
Computes interpolation nodes of degree N. Edge nodes coincide with (N+1)-point Lobatto points. Default routine for elem = Tet(), Pyr(), Tri().
For Quad(), Hex(), Wedge() elements, nodes(...) returns interpolation points constructed using a tensor product of lower-dimensional nodes.
— Methodnodes(elem::Line,N)
Computes interpolation nodes of degree N.
— Methodnodes(elem::Pyr,N)
Computes interpolation nodes of degree N. Edge nodes coincide with (N+1)-point Lobatto points. Triangular face nodes coincide with Tri.nodes(N), quadrilateral face nodes coincide with tensor product (N+1)-point Lobatto points.
— Methodquad_nodes(elem::AbstractElemShape, N)
Compute quadrature nodes and weights exact for (at least) degree 2N polynomials.
— Methodquad_nodes(elem::Line,N)
Computes (N+1)-point Gauss quadrature rule (exact for degree 2N+1 polynomials)
— Methodquad_nodes_tet(N)
Returns quadrature nodes and weights which exactly integrate degree N polynomials
— Methodquad_nodes_tri(N)
Returns quadrature nodes (from Gimbutas and Xiao 2010) which exactly integrate degree N polynomials
— Functionrstoab(r, s, tol = 1e-12)
Converts from reference bi-unit right triangle coordinate (r,s) to polynomial basis evaluation coordinates (a,b) on the domain [-1,1]^2
— Methodsimplex_2D(a, b, i, j)
Evaluate 2D PKDO basis phi_ij at points (a,b) on the Duffy domain [-1,1]^2
— Methodsimplex_3D(a, b, c, i, j, k)
Evaluate 3D "Legendre" basis phi_ijk at (a,b,c) coordinates on the [-1,1] cube
— Methodstroud_quad_nodes(elem::AbstractElemShape,N)
Returns Stroud-type quadrature nodes and weights constructed from the tensor product of (N+1)-point Gauss-Jacobi rules. Exact for degree 2N polynomials
— Methodvandermonde(elem::AbstractElemShape, N, rst...)
Computes the generalized Vandermonde matrix V of degree N at points (r,s,t).
This document was generated with Documenter.jl version 0.27.25 on Wednesday 1 November 2023. Using Julia version 1.9.3.