following basic set up without expo
Installing Node 14 or newer
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Installing Java Development Kit
(React Native currently recommends version 11 of the JDK)
for multiple jdk versions - what can be necessary since the version 11 is not the newest one - you can useupdate-alternatives
Java can be installed on Ubuntu by the command
apt get install openjdk-11-jdk
then it could be set using update-alternatives like this
sudo update-alternatives --config java
where you choose the java 11 by the number -
Download Android studio
- there is how to on the official web page
- or you can use an unofficial repo and follow these steps - this could be more comfortable
Install the Android SDK
(Android 13 (Tiramisu) is required for React Native build)
Can be installed through SDK manager in Android Studio -
Set ANDROID_HOME environment variable
install Watchman - not necessary, highly recommended
React Native Command Line Interface
install detox command line tools
npm install detox-cli --global
maybe you would need to usesudo
as well
- remove a global
package if installed to avoid unexpected issues - run
npx [email protected] init AwesomeProject
(we used the version 0.70.7, it is the highest officially supported by Detox for now),
replaceAwesome Project
by your preferred project name
- we can run the app on either physical device connected to the PC by USB or on an Android Virtual Device (AVD) which we need to create in Android Studio before
- first we need to start Metro - the javascript bundle shipped with React Native
npx react-native start
- now, we can run the app by
npx react-native run-android
go to the project folder and all next steps do there (e.g. cd AwesomeProject
- install
(according to Detox documentation the most popular testing framework for React Native)
npm install "jest@^29" --save-dev
- install detox itself
npm install detox --save-dev
- initialize detox
detox init
(if you did not install detox command line tools than runnpx detox inti
we should see the output like this
Create a file at path: .detoxrc.js
Create a file at path: e2e/jest.config.js
Create a file at paht: e2e/starter.test.js
- check the build path - if you use classic React Native app the config should be good, but for Expo or an app with flavours you will probably need to adjust
entries in.detoxrc.js
- in the file
fill the avdName by an actual name of a configured avd
the list of avds could be obtained byemulator -list-avds
the above steps were not enough to run Detox on an android emulator, so we had to do some more Android specific steps:
buildscript {
ext {
kotlinVersion = "1.7.20"
dependencies {
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
where 1.7.20
is the current kotlin version
android {
defaultConfig {
testBuildType System.getProperty('testBuildType', 'debug')
testInstrumentationRunner 'androidx.test.runner.AndroidJunitRunner'
buildTypes {
release {
proguardFile "${rootProject.projectDir}/../node_modules/detox/android/detox/"
dependencies {
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0'
- add auxiliary android test
on the pathandroid/app/src/androidTest/java/com/<your.package>/
package com.<your.package>; // (1)
import com.wix.detox.Detox;
import com.wix.detox.config.DetoxConfig;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4;
import androidx.test.filters.LargeTest;
import androidx.test.rule.ActivityTestRule;
public class DetoxTest {
@Rule // (2)
public ActivityTestRule<MainActivity> mActivityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class, false, false); // 18
public void runDetoxTests() {
DetoxConfig detoxConfig = new DetoxConfig();
detoxConfig.idlePolicyConfig.masterTimeoutSec = 90;
detoxConfig.idlePolicyConfig.idleResourceTimeoutSec = 60;
detoxConfig.rnContextLoadTimeoutSec = (BuildConfig.DEBUG ? 180 : 60);
Detox.runTests(mActivityRule, detoxConfig);
lines 1 and 18 need to be changed according to the project (the package name and the main activity class name)
- enabling unencrypted traffic for Detox
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
<domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>
<domain includeSubdomains="true">localhost</domain>
detox build --configuration android.emu.debug
if you did not install detox cli, you could try to run it with the prefix npx
the test is for now not working properly and will 99% fail but you can run it by calling:
npx react-native start
or npm start
if it is configured properly
now you can run the tests by:
detox test --configuration android.emu.debug
there will be probably an error similar to this:
FAIL e2e/starter.test.js (25.916 s)
✕ should have welcome screen (662 ms)
✕ should show hello screen after tap (236 ms)
✕ should show world screen after tap (236 ms)
● Example › should have welcome screen
Test Failed: No elements found for “MATCHER(id == “welcome”)”
HINT: To print view hierarchy on failed actions/matches, use log-level verbose or higher.
9 |
10 | it('should have welcome screen', async () => {
> 11 | await expect(element('welcome'))).toBeVisible();
| ^
12 | });
13 |
14 | it('should show hello screen after tap', async () => {
at Object.toBeVisible (e2e/starter.test.js:11:45)