Arctic is a POSIX compliant micro-kernel currently targeting the x86 architecture
- Make
- Qemu
- Cross-Compiler toolchain
Arctic uses Make as it's build system, the following commands can be used to build/run Arctic
Action | Command |
Build | make all |
Build & Run in VGA text mode | make run-text |
Build & Run in VBE graphics mode | make run-graphics |
You are also required to specify the path to the various tools to get Arctic up and running!
Paramater | Command |
Qemu path (required) | make QEMU='path/to/qemu' |
C++ compiler (required) | make CC='path/to/c++' |
Linker (required) | make LD='path/to/linker' |
Linker (required) | make ASM='path/to/assembler' |
Contributing is most welcome! We currently accept pull-requests