When we do high performance computing (HPC) on cluster, the corresponding running environment should also be uploaded. In the other words, the programs should work in a specific container. Luckily, Singlularity is just doing this. It's a platform that can load various containers. Plus, Singularity is mainly used on Linux system. But personally I prefer to Windows system, in order to run programs on Linux, Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL) is a good choise.
- How to install WSL: See Official tutorial
Thus, this note records the installation of Singularity on WSL.
- step 1 -> Start: open terminal of WSL
- step 2 -> install Singularity: official user guide or more simple one Tutorial
- update packages
- install Go language
- install Singularity
- step 3 -> pull a container:
sudo singularity -d build --sandbox sandbox_anaconda/ docker://bitnami/python:3.9
- step 4 -> run:
sudo singularity shell --writable sandbox_gate/
- step 5 -> install libraries:
apt-get update
;apt install -y vim
;pip install opengate
- step 6 -> install missing libraries e.g.
apt-get update && apt-get install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 -y
- step 7 -> Test:
;import opengate
- step 8 -> Build the container into image:
sudo singularity build conda_single.sif sandbox_gate/
conda create -n mc python=3.9
, this can prevent from being affected by other complicated settings. To make the mc
environment as default, change the ~/.bashrc
, add a line conda activate mc
or export PATH="/opt/conda/envs/mc/bin:$PATH"
, then source ~/.bashrc
to make it into effect.
Bind a path:
sudo singularity run -B /home2/jzhang/python_code/DeepRT/ conda_single.sif
python3 main.py
Alternative way:
cd /home2/jzhang/python_code/DeepRT/
singularity exec /home2/jzhang/tensorflow_single.sif bash -c "python3 main.py"
with GPU support:
srun singularity exec --nv /home/jzhang/image_torch.sif python3 main.py
on cluster
Every CUDA toolkit also ships with an NVIDIA display driver package for convenience. This driver supports all the features introduced in that version of the CUDA Toolkit. Nvidia official guide
sudo singularity -d build --sandbox sandbox_tensorflow docker://tensorflow/tensorflow:tags
sudo singularity -d build --sandbox sandbox_torch docker://pytorch/pytorch:tags
👉 Note: the tags
depends on own requests, see DockerHub:
sudo singularity build --sandbox image_name/ image_name.sif
Convert a singularity image to a sandbox folder with superuser privileges
sudo singularity shell --writable sandbox_tensorflow/
Shell writable to image_name
sudo singularity shell --writable sandbox_torch/
pip install libname
import libname
👽 a strange finding-> ✨a sandbox is not necessary!
singularity run image.sif
pip install libname
sudo singularity build image_tensorflow.sif sandbox_tensorflow/
sudo singularity build image_torch.sif sandbox_torch/
- on the cluster
srun singularity exec --nv /home/jzhang/image_tensorflow.sif python3 test.py
shell example, runsbatch test.sh
- on the local machine
sudo singularity exec --nv /home/jzhang/image_torch.sif python3 test.py
# import torch
# print(torch.__version__)
# print(torch.cuda.is_available())
# print(torch.cuda.device_count())
# print(torch.cuda.device(0))
# print(torch.cuda.current_device())
# print(torch.cuda.get_device_name(0))
import tensorflow as tf