- Fixed #19.
was broken. - Fixed #9.
.replaceWith(PyQuery element)
raises error
- Fixed #22: Open by filename fails when file contains invalid xml
- Bug fix in .remove_class()
- Use pep8 name for methods but keep an alias for camel case method. Eg: remove_attr and removeAttr works Fix #57
- .text() now return an empty string instead of None if there is no text node. Fix #45
- Fixed #23: removeClass adds class attribute to elements which previously lacked one
README_fixt.py was not include in the release. Fix #54.
cssselect compat. See scrapy/cssselect#22
tests improvments. no longer require a eth connection.
fix #55
Moved to github. So a few files are renamed from .txt to .rst
Added .xhtml_to_html() and .remove_namespaces()
Use requests to fetch urls (if available)
Use restkit's proxy instead of Paste (which will die with py3)
Allow to open https urls
python2.5 is no longer supported (may work, but tests are broken)
Allow to pass this in .filter() callback
Add .contents() .items()
Add tox.ini
Bug fixes: fix #35 #55 #64 #66
Fix cssselectpatch to match the newer implementation of cssselect. Fixes issue #62, #52 and #59 (Haoyu Bai)
Fix issue #37 (Caleb Burns)
Allow to use a custom css translator.
Fix issue 44: case problem with xml documents
PyQuery now use cssselect. See issue 43.
Fix issue 40: forward .html() extra arguments to lxml.etree.tostring
Minor release. Include test file so you can run tests from the tarball.
fix issues 30, 31, 32 - py3 improvements / webob 1.2+ support
fix issues 24
Python 3 compatible
Add __unicode__ method
Add root and encoding attribute
fix issues 19, 20, 22, 23
Move README.txt at package root
Add CHANGES.txt and add it to long_description
Added PyQuery.outerHtml
Added PyQuery.fn
Added PyQuery.map
Change PyQuery.each behavior to reflect jQuery api