Welcome to the welcome file.
This script runs on the welcome page, which welcomes new users, to make it more welcoming. If you haven't already, I welcome you to view the more important main script.
Also, if you haven't noticed yet, I'm trying my best to use the word welcome as many times as I can just to welcome you.
First off, the buttons big, green, welcoming buttons on the bottom of the welcome page are assigned event listeners so that they can make the page show more welcoming information.
for nextButton in document.getElementsByClassName "next"
nextButton.addEventListener "click", advance = ->
# The box holding the individual pages that ge scrolled
# when pressing the "next" button is assigned to a varialbe.
container = document.body
# show the next page
view = +container.getAttribute("data-view")
window.scrollTo(0,0) # Scoll to top of the page
history.pushState {page: view+1}, "", "?page=#{view}" # Make the broswer register a page shift
(npage = document.querySelector("section:nth-child(#{view+2})")).style.display = "inline-block"
npage.style.transform = npage.style.webkitTransform = npage.style.MozTransform = "translateX(#{view*100}%)"
# increase the data-view attribute by 1. The rest is handled by the css.
container.setAttribute "data-view", view+1
setTimeout ->
#After animating is done, don't display the first page
npage.style.transform = npage.style.webkitTransform = npage.style.MozTransform = "translateX(#{view+1}00%)"
document.querySelector("section:nth-child(#{view+1})").style.display = "none"
, 50
Additionally, the active class needs to be added when text fields are selected (for the login box) [copied from main script].
for input in document.querySelectorAll "input[type=text], input[type=password], input[type=email], input[type=url], input[type=tel], input[type=number], input[type=search]"
input.addEventListener "change", (evt) ->
evt.target.parentNode.querySelector("label").classList.add "active"
input.addEventListener "focus", (evt) ->
evt.target.parentNode.querySelector("label").classList.add "active"
input.addEventListener "blur", (evt) ->
if evt.target.value.length is 0
evt.target.parentNode.querySelector("label").classList.remove "active"
An event listener is attached to the window so that when the back button is pressed, a more welcoming page is displayed. Most of the code is the same from next button event listener, except that the page is switched the previous one, not the next one.
window.onpopstate = (event) ->
container = document.body
view = if event.state? then event.state.page else 0
window.scrollTo(0,0) # Scoll to top of the page
(npage = document.querySelector("section:nth-child(#{view+1})")).style.display = "inline-block"
npage.style.transform = npage.style.webkitTransform = npage.style.MozTransform = "translateX(#{view*100}%)"
# increase the data-view attribute by 1. The rest is handled by the css.
container.setAttribute "data-view", view
setTimeout ->
#After animating is done, don't display the first page
npage.style.transform = npage.style.webkitTransform = npage.style.MozTransform = "translateX(#{view}00%)"
document.querySelector("section:nth-child(#{view+2})").style.display = "none"
, 50
When there is an error with parsing the data for Athena, a welcoming warning needs to be displayed (and the data needs to be saved too).
This code below is copied from the main script with two unwelcome lines commented out.
parseAthenaData = (dat) ->
if dat is ""
athenaData = null
localStorage.removeItem "athenaData"
d = JSON.parse dat
athenaData2 = {}
for course,n in d.body.courses.courses
courseDetails = d.body.courses.sections[n]
athenaData2[course.course_title] =
link: "https://athena.harker.org"+courseDetails.link
logo: courseDetails.logo.substr(0, courseDetails.logo.indexOf("\" alt=\"")).replace("<div class=\"profile-picture\"><img src=\"", "").replace("tiny", "reg")
period: courseDetails.section_title
athenaData = athenaData2
localStorage["athenaData"] = JSON.stringify athenaData
document.getElementById("athenaDataError").style.display = "none"
#document.getElementById("athenaDataRefresh").style.display = "block"
catch e
document.getElementById("athenaDataError").style.display = "block"
#document.getElementById("athenaDataRefresh").style.display = "none"
document.getElementById("athenaDataError").innerHTML = e.message
The text box also needs to execute this function when anything is typed / pasted.
document.getElementById("athenaData").addEventListener "input", (evt) ->
parseAthenaData evt.target.value
To avoid some unwelcoming errors, some constants are defined.
loginURL = ""
loginHeaders = {}
viewData = {} # The data to send when switching PCR views
The following code is copied from the main script and slightly modified since there is no login dialog.
send = (url, respType, headers, data, progress=false) ->
return new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
req = new XMLHttpRequest()
req.open (if data? then "POST" else "GET"), url, true
progressElement = document.getElementById "progress"
progressInner = progressElement.querySelector "div"
if progress
progressElement.offsetWidth # Wait for it to render
progressElement.classList.add "active"
if progressInner.classList.contains "determinate"
progressInner.classList.remove "determinate"
progressInner.classList.add "indeterminate"
load = localStorage["load"] or 170000
req.onload = (evt) ->
localStorage["load"] = evt.loaded
progressElement.classList.remove "active" if progress
if req.status is 200
resolve req
reject Error req.statusText
req.onerror = ->
progressElement.classList.remove "active" if progress
reject Error "Network Error"
if progress
req.onprogress = (evt) ->
if progressInner.classList.contains "indeterminate"
progressInner.classList.remove "indeterminate"
progressInner.classList.add "determinate"
progressInner.style.width = 100 * evt.loaded / (if evt.lengthComputable then evt.total else load) + "%"
if respType?
req.responseType = respType;
if headers?
for headername, header of headers
req.setRequestHeader headername, header
if data?
req.send data
getCookie = (cname) ->
name = cname + "="
ca = document.cookie.split(";")
i = 0
while i < ca.length
c = ca[i]
while c.charAt(0) is " "
c = c.substring(1)
if c.indexOf(name) isnt -1
return c.substring(name.length, c.length)
"" # Blank if cookie not found
setCookie = (cname, cvalue, exdays) ->
d = new Date
d.setTime d.getTime() + exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
expires = "expires=" + d.toUTCString()
document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires
snackbar = (message, action, f) ->
snack = element "div", "snackbar"
snackInner = element "div", "snackInner", message
snack.appendChild snackInner
if action? and f?
actionE = element "a", [], action
actionE.addEventListener "click", ->
snack.classList.remove "active"
snackInner.appendChild actionE
add = ->
document.body.appendChild snack
snack.classList.add "active"
setTimeout ->
snack.classList.remove "active"
setTimeout ->
, 900
, 5000
existing = document.querySelector(".snackbar")
if existing?
existing.classList.remove "active"
setTimeout add, 300
element = (tag, cls, html, id) ->
e = document.createElement tag
if typeof cls is "string"
e.classList.add cls
for c in cls
e.classList.add c
if html?
e.innerHTML = html
if id?
e.setAttribute "id", id
dologin = (val, submitEvt=false) ->
document.getElementById("login").classList.remove "active"
# setTimeout ->
# document.getElementById("loginBackground").style.display = "none"
# , 350
postArray = [] # Array of data to post
localStorage["username"] = if val? and not submitEvt then val[0] else document.getElementById("username").value
# updateAvatar()
for h of loginHeaders # Loop through the input elements contained in the login page. As mentioned before, they will be sent to PCR to log in.
if h.toLowerCase().indexOf("user") isnt -1
loginHeaders[h] = if val? and not submitEvt then val[0] else document.getElementById("username").value
if h.toLowerCase().indexOf("pass") isnt -1
loginHeaders[h] = if val? and not submitEvt then val[1] else document.getElementById("password").value
postArray.push encodeURIComponent(h) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(loginHeaders[h])
# Now send the login request to PCR
if location.protocol is "chrome-extension:"
console.time "Logging in"
send loginURL, "document", { "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, postArray.join("&"), true
.then (resp) ->
console.timeEnd "Logging in"
if resp.responseURL.indexOf("Login") isnt -1
# If PCR still wants us to log in, then the username or password enterred were incorrect.
document.getElementById("loginIncorrect").style.display = "block"
document.getElementById("password").value = ""
#document.getElementById("login").classList.add "active"
#document.getElementById("loginBackground").style.display = "block"
# Otherwise, we are logged in
if document.getElementById("remember").checked #Is the "remember me" checkbox checked?
setCookie "userPass", window.btoa(document.getElementById("username").value + ":" + document.getElementById("password").value), 14 # Set a cookie with the username and password so we can log in automatically in the future without having to prompt for a username and password again
# loadingBar.style.display = "none"
t = Date.now()
localStorage["lastUpdate"] = t
#document.getElementById("lastUpdate").innerHTML = formatUpdate t
parse resp.response # Parse the data PCR has replied with
display() # Added
catch e
console.log e
alert "Error parsing assignments. Is PCR on list or month view?"
, (error) ->
console.log "Could not log in to PCR. Either your network connection was lost during your visit or PCR is just not working. Here's the error:", error
console.log postArray
send "/api/login?remember=#{document.getElementById("remember").checked}", "json", { "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, postArray.join("&"), true
.then (resp) ->
console.debug "Logging in:",resp.response.time
if resp.response.login
# If PCR still wants us to log in, then the username or password enterred were incorrect.
document.getElementById("loginIncorrect").style.display = "block"
document.getElementById("password").value = ""
# document.getElementById("login").classList.add "active"
# document.getElementById("loginBackground").style.display = "block"
t = Date.now()
localStorage["lastUpdate"] = t
#document.getElementById("lastUpdate").innerHTML = formatUpdate t
window.data = resp.response.data
localStorage["data"] = JSON.stringify(data)
, (error) ->
console.log "Could not log in to PCR. Either your network connection was lost during your visit or PCR is just not working. Here's the error:", error
attachmentify = (element) ->
attachments = []
# Get all links
as = element.getElementsByTagName('a')
a = 0
while a < as.length
if as[a].id.indexOf('Attachment') isnt -1
attachments.push [
as[a].search + as[a].hash
a-- # subtract because all elements have shifted down
urlify = (text) ->
text.replace /// (
https?:\/\/ # http:// or https://
[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]* # Any number of url-OK characters
[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]+ # At least one url-OK character except ?, !, :, ,, ., and ;
)///ig, (str, str2, offset) -> # Function to replace matches
if /href\s*=\s*./.test(text.substring(offset - 10, offset)) then str else '<a href="' + str + '">' + str + '</a>'
findId = (element, tag, id) ->
for e in element.getElementsByTagName(tag)
if e.id.indexOf(id) isnt -1
return e
parse = (doc) ->
console.time "Handling data" # To time how long it takes to parse the assignments
handledDataShort = [] # Array used to make sure we don"t parse the same assignment twice.
window.data = {classes: [], assignments: [], monthView: doc.querySelector(".rsHeaderMonth").parentNode.classList.contains("rsSelected")} # Reset the array in which all of your assignments are stored in.
for e in doc.getElementsByTagName("input")
viewData[e.name] = e.value or ""
# Now, the classes you take are parsed (these are the checkboxes you see up top when looking at PCR).
classes = findId(doc, "table", "cbClasses").getElementsByTagName("label")
for c in classes
window.data.classes.push c.innerHTML
assignments = doc.getElementsByClassName("rsApt rsAptSimple")
# Now parse the assignments
for ca in assignments
assignment = {}
# The starting date and ending date of the assignment are parsed first
range = findId(ca, "span", "StartingOn").innerHTML.split(" - ")
assignment.start = Math.floor (Date.parse range[0])/1000/3600/24
assignment.end = if range[1]? then Math.floor (Date.parse range[1])/1000/3600/24 else assignment.start
# Then, the name of the assignment is parsed
t = findId(ca, "span", "lblTitle")
title = t.innerHTML
# The actual body of the assignment and its attachments are parsed next
b = t.parentNode.parentNode
divs = b.getElementsByTagName("div")
for d in [0...2]
ap = attachmentify(b) # Separates attachments from the body
assignment.attachments = ap
assignment.body = urlify(b.innerHTML).replace(/^(?:\s*<br\s*\/?>)*/, "").replace(/(?:\s*<br\s*\/?>)*\s*$/, "").trim() # The replaces remove leading and trailing newlines
# Finally, we separate the class name and type (homework, classwork, or projects) from the title of the assignment
assignment.type = title.match(/\(([^\(\)]*)\)$/)[1].toLowerCase().replace("& quizzes", "").replace("tests", "test")
assignment.baseType = (ca.title.substring 0, ca.title.indexOf "\n").toLowerCase().replace("& quizzes", "")
for c, pos in window.data.classes
if title.indexOf(c) isnt -1
assignment.class = pos
title = title.replace(c,"")
assignment.title = title.substring(title.indexOf(": ") + 2).replace(/\([^\(\)]*\)$/,"").trim()
# To make sure there are no repeats, the title of the assignment (only letters) and its start & end date are combined to give it a unique identifier.
assignment.id = assignment.title.replace(/[^\w]*/g, "") + (assignment.start + assignment.end)
if handledDataShort.indexOf(assignment.id) is -1 # Make sure we haven't already parsed the assignment
handledDataShort.push assignment.id
window.data.assignments.push assignment
console.timeEnd "Handling data"
# Now allow the view to be switched
document.body.classList.add "loaded"
#display() # Display the data
localStorage["data"] = JSON.stringify(data) # Store for offline use
A slightly modified fetch function is then called
do ->
if location.protocol is "chrome-extension:"
console.time "Fetching assignments"
send "https://webappsca.pcrsoft.com/Clue/SC-Assignments-End-Date-Range/7536", "document"
.then (resp) ->
console.timeEnd "Fetching assignments"
if resp.responseURL.indexOf("Login") isnt -1
# We have to log in now
loginURL = resp.responseURL
for e in resp.response.getElementsByTagName("input")
loginHeaders[e.name] = e.value or ""
console.log "Need to log in"
### up = getCookie("userPass") # Attempts to get the cookie *userPass*, which is set if the "Remember me" checkbox is checked when logging in through CheckPCR
if up is ""
document.getElementById("loginBackground").style.display = "block"
document.getElementById("login").classList.add "active"
dologin window.atob(up).split(":") # Because we were remembered, we can log in immediately without waiting for the user to log in through the login form
# Add login button event listeners and enable the login button
document.getElementById("login").classList.add "ready"
document.getElementById("login").addEventListener "submit", (evt) ->
dologin(null, true)
# Logged in now
console.log "Fetching assignments successful"
t = Date.now()
localStorage["lastUpdate"] = t
# document.getElementById("lastUpdate").innerHTML = formatUpdate t
parse resp.response
catch e
console.log e
alert "Error parsing assignments. Is PCR on list or month view?"
document.getElementById("loginNext").style.display = ""
document.getElementById("login").classList.add "done"
, (error) ->
console.log "Could not fetch assignments; You are probably offline. Here's the error:", error
snackbar "You must be online to set up Check PCR. Please refresh when the internet works."
send "/api/start", "json"
.then (resp) ->
console.debug "Fetching assignments:",resp.response.time
if resp.response.login
loginHeaders = resp.response.loginHeaders
# document.getElementById("loginBackground").style.display = "block"
# document.getElementById("login").classList.add "active"
# Add login button event listeners and enable the login button
document.getElementById("login").classList.add "ready"
document.getElementById("login").addEventListener "submit", (evt) ->
dologin(null, true)
console.log "Fetching assignments successful"
t = Date.now()
localStorage["lastUpdate"] = t
# document.getElementById("lastUpdate").innerHTML = formatUpdate t
window.data = resp.response.data
localStorage["data"] = JSON.stringify(data)
document.getElementById("loginNext").style.display = ""
document.getElementById("login").classList.add "done"
, (error) ->
console.log "Could not fetch assignments; You are probably offline. Here's the error:", error
snackbar "Could not fetch your assignments", "Retry", fetch
The display function is set to advance the setup proccess so there aren't any unwelcoming errors.
display = advance