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1.1.2 (Dec 16 2018)
- JENKINS-55216 Remove MaximumSessionLifetime setting
- JENKINS-55205 Review findbugs error with some OS+JDK
- JENKINS-55175 SAML Plugin fails PCT in Java 11
- JENKINS-54247 Add to TROUBLESHOOTING how to backup/restore current keys
1.1.1 (Nov 3 2018)
- JENKINS-54275 Improvements to manage 'Authentication issue instant is too old' errors
1.1.0 (Oct 15 2018)
- JENKINS-53748 SAML plugin skips Jenkins Proxy Configuration, If you have configured the Jenkins proxy setting, and you do not want to use the proxy to connect to your IdP you have to add your IdP to no-proxy hosts
1.0.9 (Sep 25 2018)
- JENKINS-53487 Periodic Update Occurs Too Frequently
1.0.7 (Jun 25, 2018)
- SECURITY-916 / CVE-2018-1000602 HTTP session fixation vulnerability in SAML Plugin
1.0.6 (Jun 13, 2018)
- JENKINS-50749 SAMLException: No valid subject assertion found in response (Azure)
- JENKINS-50004 No more Oops!!! errors
- JENKINS-49532 autogenerated keystore should not be kept in temp directory
- JENKINS-49239 Periodic work running with URL empty
- JENKINS-47966 Add option to disable request signature in saml plugin >= 1.0.2
- JENKINS-45437 DomainName attribute
1.0.5 (Jan 25, 2018)
- JENKINS-45857 Support to set the Binding type (Redirection/Post)
- JENKINS-47850 log SAMLResponse on encoding errors
- JENKINS-41907 Evaluate to obtain IdP Metadata from URL
- JENKINS-48031 SAML plugin does not accept xml tag in Idp metadata (azure)
- JENKINS-48030 SAML Azure AD exception
- JENKINS-47880 Navigating to /securityRealm/finishLogin manually shows an odd error
- JENKINS-46063 do not allow blank passwords
- JENKINS-44992 SamlException after metadata update
1.0.4 (Sep 19, 2017)
- JENKINS-46949 Downgrade bouncycastle-api to 2.16.1
1.0.3 (Aug 8, 2017)
- JENKINS-46007 Use Secret to store keystore & storepass for SamlEncryptionData
- JENKINS-46039 saml-idp.metadata.xml file not found (regresion)
1.0.2 (Aug 4, 2017)
- Requires Java 8
- Requires Jenkins 2.60.1
- JENKINS-45975 Unit test (also an ATH)
- JENKINS-45954 improvements over email attribute support
- JENKINS-40144 Validate configuration form fields
- JENKINS-39602 upgrade pac4j to 1.9.9
- JENKINS-43939 Complete the implementation of SecurityRealm
0.14 (May 30, 2017)
- JENKINS-43743 Enable to redirect to a custom logout URL
- JENKINS-37311 make the logout button works
- JENKINS-38971 Add support SAML ForceAuthn, AuthnContextClassRef, custom EntityId, and session timeout
- JENKINS-43736 Enable to set up the user email address using SAML attribute
- JENKINS-38034 SAML Plugin does not load groups when access with API Token
0.13 (Jan 25, 2017)
- JENKINS-39601 Improve log, now you could set a logger to org.jenkinsci.plugins.saml you can see a verbose trace of the login process
- Incorrect implementation of
, Users are added on demand JENKINS-38228