This file is used to list changes made in each version of the wsus-server cookbook.
- PR 9 - Fix Windows feature activation using powershell provider - Thanks @Vladyslav-M
- Fix option SQL_INSTANCE_NAME for windows 2012R2 - Thanks @jmunnik
- PR 6 - Fix bugs in freeze recipe
- PR 5 - Fix property hash initialization
- Supports Windows Server 2012 properly
- Fix powershell execution on x64 node
- Remove dependency on iis and powershell cookbooks
- Depends on Chef 11.12.0+
- Add Chefspec tests and proper documentation
- Initial release of wsus-server
- Server recipes do nothing on non-windows platform
- Add recipe to install Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008 SP1 (WSUS prerequist)
- Add server recipe that install WSUS 3.0 SP2
- Add new recipe server_configuration to configure WSUS and its notification and subscription settings.
- Add new LWRP wsus_server to configure WSUS main settings.
- Add new LWRP wsus_subscription to configure WSUS update subscription.
- Add new LWRP wsus_notification to configure WSUS e-mail notification.