diff --git a/quimb/tensor/fitting.py b/quimb/tensor/fitting.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b11e6539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quimb/tensor/fitting.py
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+"""Tools for computing distances between and fitting tensor networks."""
+from autoray import dag, do
+from .contraction import contract_strategy
+from ..utils import check_opt
+def tensor_network_distance(
+ tnA,
+ tnB,
+ xAA=None,
+ xAB=None,
+ xBB=None,
+ method="auto",
+ normalized=False,
+ **contract_opts,
+ r"""Compute the Frobenius norm distance between two tensor networks:
+ .. math::
+ D(A, B)
+ = | A - B |_{\mathrm{fro}}
+ = \mathrm{Tr} [(A - B)^{\dagger}(A - B)]^{1/2}
+ = ( \langle A | A \rangle - 2 \mathrm{Re} \langle A | B \rangle|
+ + \langle B | B \rangle ) ^{1/2}
+ which should have matching outer indices. Note the default approach to
+ computing the norm is precision limited to about ``eps**0.5`` where ``eps``
+ is the precision of the data type, e.g. ``1e-8`` for float64. This is due
+ to the subtraction in the above expression.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ tnA : TensorNetwork or Tensor
+ The first tensor network operator.
+ tnB : TensorNetwork or Tensor
+ The second tensor network operator.
+ xAA : None or scalar
+ The value of ``A.H @ A`` if you already know it (or it doesn't matter).
+ xAB : None or scalar
+ The value of ``A.H @ B`` if you already know it (or it doesn't matter).
+ xBB : None or scalar
+ The value of ``B.H @ B`` if you already know it (or it doesn't matter).
+ method : {'auto', 'overlap', 'dense'}, optional
+ How to compute the distance. If ``'overlap'``, the default, the
+ distance will be computed as the sum of overlaps, without explicitly
+ forming the dense operators. If ``'dense'``, the operators will be
+ directly formed and the norm computed, which can be quicker when the
+ exterior dimensions are small. If ``'auto'``, the dense method will
+ be used if the total operator (outer) size is ``<= 2**16``.
+ normalized : bool, optional
+ If ``True``, then normalize the distance by the norm of the two
+ operators, i.e. ``2 * D(A, B) / (|A| + |B|)``. The resulting distance
+ lies between 0 and 2 and is more useful for assessing convergence.
+ contract_opts
+ Supplied to :meth:`~quimb.tensor.tensor_core.TensorNetwork.contract`.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ D : float
+ """
+ check_opt("method", method, ("auto", "dense", "overlap"))
+ tnA = tnA.as_network()
+ tnB = tnB.as_network()
+ oix = tnA.outer_inds()
+ if set(oix) != set(tnB.outer_inds()):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Can only compute distance between tensor "
+ "networks with matching outer indices."
+ )
+ if method == "auto":
+ d = tnA.inds_size(oix)
+ if d <= 1 << 16:
+ method = "dense"
+ else:
+ method = "overlap"
+ # directly from vectorizations of both
+ if method == "dense":
+ tnA = tnA.contract(..., output_inds=oix, preserve_tensor=True)
+ tnB = tnB.contract(..., output_inds=oix, preserve_tensor=True)
+ # overlap method
+ if xAA is None:
+ xAA = (tnA | tnA.H).contract(..., **contract_opts)
+ if xAB is None:
+ xAB = (tnA | tnB.H).contract(..., **contract_opts)
+ if xBB is None:
+ xBB = (tnB | tnB.H).contract(..., **contract_opts)
+ dAB = do("abs", xAA - 2 * do("real", xAB) + xBB) ** 0.5
+ if normalized:
+ dAB *= 2 / (do("abs", xAA)**0.5 + do("abs", xBB)**0.5)
+ return dAB
+def tensor_network_fit_autodiff(
+ tn,
+ tn_target,
+ steps=1000,
+ tol=1e-9,
+ autodiff_backend="autograd",
+ contract_optimize="auto-hq",
+ distance_method="auto",
+ inplace=False,
+ progbar=False,
+ **kwargs,
+ """Optimize the fit of ``tn`` with respect to ``tn_target`` using
+ automatic differentation. This minimizes the norm of the difference
+ between the two tensor networks, which must have matching outer indices,
+ using overlaps.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ tn : TensorNetwork
+ The tensor network to fit.
+ tn_target : TensorNetwork
+ The target tensor network to fit ``tn`` to.
+ steps : int, optional
+ The maximum number of autodiff steps.
+ tol : float, optional
+ The target norm distance.
+ autodiff_backend : str, optional
+ Which backend library to use to perform the gradient computation.
+ contract_optimize : str, optional
+ The contraction path optimized used to contract the overlaps.
+ distance_method : {'auto', 'dense', 'overlap'}, optional
+ Supplied to :func:`~quimb.tensor.tensor_core.tensor_network_distance`,
+ controls how the distance is computed.
+ inplace : bool, optional
+ Update ``tn`` in place.
+ progbar : bool, optional
+ Show a live progress bar of the fitting process.
+ kwargs
+ Passed to :class:`~quimb.tensor.tensor_core.optimize.TNOptimizer`.
+ See Also
+ --------
+ tensor_network_distance, tensor_network_fit_als
+ """
+ from .optimize import TNOptimizer
+ from .tensor_core import tensor_network_distance
+ xBB = (tn_target | tn_target.H).contract(
+ ...,
+ output_inds=(),
+ optimize=contract_optimize,
+ )
+ tnopt = TNOptimizer(
+ tn=tn,
+ loss_fn=tensor_network_distance,
+ loss_constants={"tnB": tn_target, "xBB": xBB},
+ loss_kwargs={"method": distance_method, "optimize": contract_optimize},
+ autodiff_backend=autodiff_backend,
+ progbar=progbar,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ tn_fit = tnopt.optimize(steps, tol=tol)
+ if not inplace:
+ return tn_fit
+ for t1, t2 in zip(tn, tn_fit):
+ t1.modify(data=t2.data)
+ return tn
+def _tn_fit_als_core(
+ var_tags,
+ tnAA,
+ tnAB,
+ xBB,
+ tol,
+ contract_optimize,
+ steps,
+ enforce_pos,
+ pos_smudge,
+ solver="solve",
+ progbar=False,
+ from .tensor_core import group_inds
+ # shared intermediates + greedy = good reuse of contractions
+ with contract_strategy(contract_optimize):
+ # prepare each of the contractions we are going to repeat
+ env_contractions = []
+ for tg in var_tags:
+ # varying tensor and conjugate in norm
+ tk = tnAA["__KET__", tg]
+ tb = tnAA["__BRA__", tg]
+ # get inds, and ensure any bonds come last, for linalg.solve
+ lix, bix, rix = group_inds(tb, tk)
+ tk.transpose_(*rix, *bix)
+ tb.transpose_(*lix, *bix)
+ # form TNs with 'holes', i.e. environment tensors networks
+ A_tn = tnAA.select((tg,), "!all")
+ y_tn = tnAB.select((tg,), "!all")
+ env_contractions.append((tk, tb, lix, bix, rix, A_tn, y_tn))
+ if tol != 0.0:
+ old_d = float("inf")
+ if progbar:
+ import tqdm
+ pbar = tqdm.trange(steps)
+ else:
+ pbar = range(steps)
+ # the main iterative sweep on each tensor, locally optimizing
+ for _ in pbar:
+ for tk, tb, lix, bix, rix, A_tn, y_tn in env_contractions:
+ Ni = A_tn.to_dense(lix, rix)
+ Wi = y_tn.to_dense(rix, bix)
+ if enforce_pos:
+ el, ev = do("linalg.eigh", Ni)
+ el = do("clip", el, el[-1] * pos_smudge, None)
+ Ni_p = ev * do("reshape", el, (1, -1)) @ dag(ev)
+ else:
+ Ni_p = Ni
+ if solver == "solve":
+ x = do("linalg.solve", Ni_p, Wi)
+ elif solver == "lstsq":
+ x = do("linalg.lstsq", Ni_p, Wi, rcond=pos_smudge)[0]
+ x_r = do("reshape", x, tk.shape)
+ # n.b. because we are using virtual TNs -> updates propagate
+ tk.modify(data=x_r)
+ tb.modify(data=do("conj", x_r))
+ # assess | A - B | for convergence or printing
+ if (tol != 0.0) or progbar:
+ xAA = do("trace", dag(x) @ (Ni @ x)) #
+ xAB = do("trace", do("real", dag(x) @ Wi)) #
+ d = do("abs", (xAA - 2 * xAB + xBB)) ** 0.5
+ if abs(d - old_d) < tol:
+ break
+ old_d = d
+ if progbar:
+ pbar.set_description(str(d))
+def tensor_network_fit_als(
+ tn,
+ tn_target,
+ tags=None,
+ steps=100,
+ tol=1e-9,
+ solver="solve",
+ enforce_pos=False,
+ pos_smudge=None,
+ tnAA=None,
+ tnAB=None,
+ xBB=None,
+ contract_optimize="greedy",
+ inplace=False,
+ progbar=False,
+ """Optimize the fit of ``tn`` with respect to ``tn_target`` using
+ alternating least squares (ALS). This minimizes the norm of the difference
+ between the two tensor networks, which must have matching outer indices,
+ using overlaps.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ tn : TensorNetwork
+ The tensor network to fit.
+ tn_target : TensorNetwork
+ The target tensor network to fit ``tn`` to.
+ tags : sequence of str, optional
+ If supplied, only optimize tensors matching any of given tags.
+ steps : int, optional
+ The maximum number of ALS steps.
+ tol : float, optional
+ The target norm distance.
+ solver : {'solve', 'lstsq', ...}, optional
+ The underlying driver function used to solve the local minimization,
+ e.g. ``numpy.linalg.solve`` for ``'solve'`` with ``numpy`` backend.
+ enforce_pos : bool, optional
+ Whether to enforce positivity of the locally formed environments,
+ which can be more stable.
+ pos_smudge : float, optional
+ If enforcing positivity, the level below which to clip eigenvalues
+ for make the local environment positive definite.
+ tnAA : TensorNetwork, optional
+ If you have already formed the overlap ``tn.H & tn``, maybe
+ approximately, you can supply it here. The unconjugated layer should
+ have tag ``'__KET__'`` and the conjugated layer ``'__BRA__'``. Each
+ tensor being optimized should have tag ``'__VAR{i}__'``.
+ tnAB : TensorNetwork, optional
+ If you have already formed the overlap ``tn_target.H & tn``, maybe
+ approximately, you can supply it here. Each tensor being optimized
+ should have tag ``'__VAR{i}__'``.
+ xBB : float, optional
+ If you have already know, have computed ``tn_target.H @ tn_target``,
+ or it doesn't matter, you can supply the value here.
+ contract_optimize : str, optional
+ The contraction path optimized used to contract the local environments.
+ Note ``'greedy'`` is the default in order to maximize shared work.
+ inplace : bool, optional
+ Update ``tn`` in place.
+ progbar : bool, optional
+ Show a live progress bar of the fitting process.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ TensorNetwork
+ See Also
+ --------
+ tensor_network_fit_autodiff, tensor_network_distance
+ """
+ # mark the tensors we are going to optimize
+ tna = tn.copy()
+ tna.add_tag("__KET__")
+ if tags is None:
+ to_tag = tna
+ else:
+ to_tag = tna.select_tensors(tags, "any")
+ var_tags = []
+ for i, t in enumerate(to_tag):
+ var_tag = f"__VAR{i}__"
+ t.add_tag(var_tag)
+ var_tags.append(var_tag)
+ # form the norm of the varying TN (A) and its overlap with the target (B)
+ if tnAA is None:
+ tnAA = tna | tna.H.retag_({"__KET__": "__BRA__"})
+ if tnAB is None:
+ tnAB = tna | tn_target.H
+ if (tol != 0.0) and (xBB is None):
+ #
+ xBB = (tn_target | tn_target.H).contract(
+ ...,
+ optimize=contract_optimize,
+ output_inds=(),
+ )
+ if pos_smudge is None:
+ pos_smudge = max(tol, 1e-15)
+ _tn_fit_als_core(
+ var_tags=var_tags,
+ tnAA=tnAA,
+ tnAB=tnAB,
+ xBB=xBB,
+ tol=tol,
+ contract_optimize=contract_optimize,
+ steps=steps,
+ enforce_pos=enforce_pos,
+ pos_smudge=pos_smudge,
+ solver=solver,
+ progbar=progbar,
+ )
+ if not inplace:
+ tn = tn.copy()
+ for t1, t2 in zip(tn, tna):
+ # transpose so only thing changed in original TN is data
+ t2.transpose_like_(t1)
+ t1.modify(data=t2.data)
+ return tn
diff --git a/quimb/tensor/tensor_2d_tebd.py b/quimb/tensor/tensor_2d_tebd.py
index d24467f4..aff190d8 100644
--- a/quimb/tensor/tensor_2d_tebd.py
+++ b/quimb/tensor/tensor_2d_tebd.py
@@ -5,23 +5,24 @@
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla
-from autoray import do, dag, conj, reshape
+from autoray import conj, dag, do, reshape
-from ..utils import pairwise, default_to_neutral_style
+from ..utils import default_to_neutral_style, pairwise
+from .contraction import contract_strategy
from .drawing import get_colors
-from .tensor_core import Tensor, contract_strategy
from .optimize import TNOptimizer
from .tensor_2d import (
- gen_2d_bonds,
- calc_plaquette_sizes,
- plaquette_to_sites,
+ calc_plaquette_sizes,
+ gen_2d_bonds,
- swap_path_to_long_range_path,
+ plaquette_to_sites,
+ swap_path_to_long_range_path,
from .tensor_arbgeom_tebd import LocalHamGen, TEBDGen
+from .tensor_core import Tensor
class LocalHam2D(LocalHamGen):
diff --git a/quimb/tensor/tensor_core.py b/quimb/tensor/tensor_core.py
index 9148fe67..4648f649 100644
--- a/quimb/tensor/tensor_core.py
+++ b/quimb/tensor/tensor_core.py
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
"""Core tensor network tools.
-import os
+import collections
+import contextlib
import copy
-import uuid
+import functools
+import itertools
import math
+import operator
+import os
import string
+import uuid
import weakref
-import operator
-import functools
-import itertools
-import contextlib
-import collections
from numbers import Integral
import numpy as np
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
except ImportError:
from ..core import common_type as get_common_dtype
-from ..core import qarray, prod, realify_scalar, vdot, make_immutable
+from ..core import make_immutable, prod, qarray, realify_scalar, vdot
+from ..gen.rand import rand_matrix, rand_uni, randn, seed_rand
from ..utils import (
@@ -44,9 +45,9 @@
-from ..gen.rand import randn, seed_rand, rand_matrix, rand_uni
from . import decomp
from .array_ops import (
+ PArray,
@@ -54,22 +55,13 @@
- PArray,
-from .drawing import (
- auto_color_html,
- draw_tn,
- visualize_tensor,
- visualize_tensors,
from .contraction import (
+ array_contract,
- array_contract,
- contract_strategy,
@@ -77,6 +69,17 @@
+from .drawing import (
+ auto_color_html,
+ draw_tn,
+ visualize_tensor,
+ visualize_tensors,
+from .fitting import (
+ tensor_network_distance,
+ tensor_network_fit_als,
+ tensor_network_fit_autodiff,
_inds_to_eq = deprecated(inds_to_eq, "_inds_to_eq", "inds_to_eq")
get_symbol = deprecated(
@@ -1287,381 +1290,6 @@ def maybe_unwrap(
return maybe_realify_scalar(t.data)
-def tensor_network_distance(
- tnA,
- tnB,
- xAA=None,
- xAB=None,
- xBB=None,
- method="auto",
- normalized=False,
- **contract_opts,
- r"""Compute the Frobenius norm distance between two tensor networks:
- .. math::
- D(A, B)
- = | A - B |_{\mathrm{fro}}
- = \mathrm{Tr} [(A - B)^{\dagger}(A - B)]^{1/2}
- = ( \langle A | A \rangle - 2 \mathrm{Re} \langle A | B \rangle|
- + \langle B | B \rangle ) ^{1/2}
- which should have matching outer indices. Note the default approach to
- computing the norm is precision limited to about ``eps**0.5`` where ``eps``
- is the precision of the data type, e.g. ``1e-8`` for float64. This is due
- to the subtraction in the above expression.
- Parameters
- ----------
- tnA : TensorNetwork or Tensor
- The first tensor network operator.
- tnB : TensorNetwork or Tensor
- The second tensor network operator.
- xAA : None or scalar
- The value of ``A.H @ A`` if you already know it (or it doesn't matter).
- xAB : None or scalar
- The value of ``A.H @ B`` if you already know it (or it doesn't matter).
- xBB : None or scalar
- The value of ``B.H @ B`` if you already know it (or it doesn't matter).
- method : {'auto', 'overlap', 'dense'}, optional
- How to compute the distance. If ``'overlap'``, the default, the
- distance will be computed as the sum of overlaps, without explicitly
- forming the dense operators. If ``'dense'``, the operators will be
- directly formed and the norm computed, which can be quicker when the
- exterior dimensions are small. If ``'auto'``, the dense method will
- be used if the total operator (outer) size is ``<= 2**16``.
- normalized : bool, optional
- If ``True``, then normalize the distance by the norm of the two
- operators, i.e. ``2 * D(A, B) / (|A| + |B|)``. The resulting distance
- lies between 0 and 2 and is more useful for assessing convergence.
- contract_opts
- Supplied to :meth:`~quimb.tensor.tensor_core.TensorNetwork.contract`.
- Returns
- -------
- D : float
- """
- check_opt("method", method, ("auto", "dense", "overlap"))
- tnA = tnA.as_network()
- tnB = tnB.as_network()
- oix = tnA.outer_inds()
- if set(oix) != set(tnB.outer_inds()):
- raise ValueError(
- "Can only compute distance between tensor "
- "networks with matching outer indices."
- )
- if method == "auto":
- d = tnA.inds_size(oix)
- if d <= 1 << 16:
- method = "dense"
- else:
- method = "overlap"
- # directly from vectorizations of both
- if method == "dense":
- tnA = tnA.contract(..., output_inds=oix, preserve_tensor=True)
- tnB = tnB.contract(..., output_inds=oix, preserve_tensor=True)
- # overlap method
- if xAA is None:
- xAA = (tnA | tnA.H).contract(..., **contract_opts)
- if xAB is None:
- xAB = (tnA | tnB.H).contract(..., **contract_opts)
- if xBB is None:
- xBB = (tnB | tnB.H).contract(..., **contract_opts)
- dAB = do("abs", xAA - 2 * do("real", xAB) + xBB) ** 0.5
- if normalized:
- dAB *= 2 / (do("abs", xAA)**0.5 + do("abs", xBB)**0.5)
- return dAB
-def tensor_network_fit_autodiff(
- tn,
- tn_target,
- steps=1000,
- tol=1e-9,
- autodiff_backend="autograd",
- contract_optimize="auto-hq",
- distance_method="auto",
- inplace=False,
- progbar=False,
- **kwargs,
- """Optimize the fit of ``tn`` with respect to ``tn_target`` using
- automatic differentation. This minimizes the norm of the difference
- between the two tensor networks, which must have matching outer indices,
- using overlaps.
- Parameters
- ----------
- tn : TensorNetwork
- The tensor network to fit.
- tn_target : TensorNetwork
- The target tensor network to fit ``tn`` to.
- steps : int, optional
- The maximum number of autodiff steps.
- tol : float, optional
- The target norm distance.
- autodiff_backend : str, optional
- Which backend library to use to perform the gradient computation.
- contract_optimize : str, optional
- The contraction path optimized used to contract the overlaps.
- distance_method : {'auto', 'dense', 'overlap'}, optional
- Supplied to :func:`~quimb.tensor.tensor_core.tensor_network_distance`,
- controls how the distance is computed.
- inplace : bool, optional
- Update ``tn`` in place.
- progbar : bool, optional
- Show a live progress bar of the fitting process.
- kwargs
- Passed to :class:`~quimb.tensor.tensor_core.optimize.TNOptimizer`.
- See Also
- --------
- tensor_network_distance, tensor_network_fit_als
- """
- from .optimize import TNOptimizer
- xBB = (tn_target | tn_target.H).contract(
- ...,
- output_inds=(),
- optimize=contract_optimize,
- )
- tnopt = TNOptimizer(
- tn=tn,
- loss_fn=tensor_network_distance,
- loss_constants={"tnB": tn_target, "xBB": xBB},
- loss_kwargs={"method": distance_method, "optimize": contract_optimize},
- autodiff_backend=autodiff_backend,
- progbar=progbar,
- **kwargs,
- )
- tn_fit = tnopt.optimize(steps, tol=tol)
- if not inplace:
- return tn_fit
- for t1, t2 in zip(tn, tn_fit):
- t1.modify(data=t2.data)
- return tn
-def _tn_fit_als_core(
- var_tags,
- tnAA,
- tnAB,
- xBB,
- tol,
- contract_optimize,
- steps,
- enforce_pos,
- pos_smudge,
- solver="solve",
- progbar=False,
- # shared intermediates + greedy = good reuse of contractions
- with contract_strategy(contract_optimize):
- # prepare each of the contractions we are going to repeat
- env_contractions = []
- for tg in var_tags:
- # varying tensor and conjugate in norm
- tk = tnAA["__KET__", tg]
- tb = tnAA["__BRA__", tg]
- # get inds, and ensure any bonds come last, for linalg.solve
- lix, bix, rix = group_inds(tb, tk)
- tk.transpose_(*rix, *bix)
- tb.transpose_(*lix, *bix)
- # form TNs with 'holes', i.e. environment tensors networks
- A_tn = tnAA.select((tg,), "!all")
- y_tn = tnAB.select((tg,), "!all")
- env_contractions.append((tk, tb, lix, bix, rix, A_tn, y_tn))
- if tol != 0.0:
- old_d = float("inf")
- if progbar:
- import tqdm
- pbar = tqdm.trange(steps)
- else:
- pbar = range(steps)
- # the main iterative sweep on each tensor, locally optimizing
- for _ in pbar:
- for tk, tb, lix, bix, rix, A_tn, y_tn in env_contractions:
- Ni = A_tn.to_dense(lix, rix)
- Wi = y_tn.to_dense(rix, bix)
- if enforce_pos:
- el, ev = do("linalg.eigh", Ni)
- el = do("clip", el, el[-1] * pos_smudge, None)
- Ni_p = ev * do("reshape", el, (1, -1)) @ dag(ev)
- else:
- Ni_p = Ni
- if solver == "solve":
- x = do("linalg.solve", Ni_p, Wi)
- elif solver == "lstsq":
- x = do("linalg.lstsq", Ni_p, Wi, rcond=pos_smudge)[0]
- x_r = do("reshape", x, tk.shape)
- # n.b. because we are using virtual TNs -> updates propagate
- tk.modify(data=x_r)
- tb.modify(data=do("conj", x_r))
- # assess | A - B | for convergence or printing
- if (tol != 0.0) or progbar:
- xAA = do("trace", dag(x) @ (Ni @ x)) #
- xAB = do("trace", do("real", dag(x) @ Wi)) #
- d = do("abs", (xAA - 2 * xAB + xBB)) ** 0.5
- if abs(d - old_d) < tol:
- break
- old_d = d
- if progbar:
- pbar.set_description(str(d))
-def tensor_network_fit_als(
- tn,
- tn_target,
- tags=None,
- steps=100,
- tol=1e-9,
- solver="solve",
- enforce_pos=False,
- pos_smudge=None,
- tnAA=None,
- tnAB=None,
- xBB=None,
- contract_optimize="greedy",
- inplace=False,
- progbar=False,
- """Optimize the fit of ``tn`` with respect to ``tn_target`` using
- alternating least squares (ALS). This minimizes the norm of the difference
- between the two tensor networks, which must have matching outer indices,
- using overlaps.
- Parameters
- ----------
- tn : TensorNetwork
- The tensor network to fit.
- tn_target : TensorNetwork
- The target tensor network to fit ``tn`` to.
- tags : sequence of str, optional
- If supplied, only optimize tensors matching any of given tags.
- steps : int, optional
- The maximum number of ALS steps.
- tol : float, optional
- The target norm distance.
- solver : {'solve', 'lstsq', ...}, optional
- The underlying driver function used to solve the local minimization,
- e.g. ``numpy.linalg.solve`` for ``'solve'`` with ``numpy`` backend.
- enforce_pos : bool, optional
- Whether to enforce positivity of the locally formed environments,
- which can be more stable.
- pos_smudge : float, optional
- If enforcing positivity, the level below which to clip eigenvalues
- for make the local environment positive definite.
- tnAA : TensorNetwork, optional
- If you have already formed the overlap ``tn.H & tn``, maybe
- approximately, you can supply it here. The unconjugated layer should
- have tag ``'__KET__'`` and the conjugated layer ``'__BRA__'``. Each
- tensor being optimized should have tag ``'__VAR{i}__'``.
- tnAB : TensorNetwork, optional
- If you have already formed the overlap ``tn_target.H & tn``, maybe
- approximately, you can supply it here. Each tensor being optimized
- should have tag ``'__VAR{i}__'``.
- xBB : float, optional
- If you have already know, have computed ``tn_target.H @ tn_target``,
- or it doesn't matter, you can supply the value here.
- contract_optimize : str, optional
- The contraction path optimized used to contract the local environments.
- Note ``'greedy'`` is the default in order to maximize shared work.
- inplace : bool, optional
- Update ``tn`` in place.
- progbar : bool, optional
- Show a live progress bar of the fitting process.
- Returns
- -------
- TensorNetwork
- See Also
- --------
- tensor_network_fit_autodiff, tensor_network_distance
- """
- # mark the tensors we are going to optimize
- tna = tn.copy()
- tna.add_tag("__KET__")
- if tags is None:
- to_tag = tna
- else:
- to_tag = tna.select_tensors(tags, "any")
- var_tags = []
- for i, t in enumerate(to_tag):
- var_tag = f"__VAR{i}__"
- t.add_tag(var_tag)
- var_tags.append(var_tag)
- # form the norm of the varying TN (A) and its overlap with the target (B)
- if tnAA is None:
- tnAA = tna | tna.H.retag_({"__KET__": "__BRA__"})
- if tnAB is None:
- tnAB = tna | tn_target.H
- if (tol != 0.0) and (xBB is None):
- #
- xBB = (tn_target | tn_target.H).contract(
- ...,
- optimize=contract_optimize,
- output_inds=(),
- )
- if pos_smudge is None:
- pos_smudge = max(tol, 1e-15)
- _tn_fit_als_core(
- var_tags=var_tags,
- tnAA=tnAA,
- tnAB=tnAB,
- xBB=xBB,
- tol=tol,
- contract_optimize=contract_optimize,
- steps=steps,
- enforce_pos=enforce_pos,
- pos_smudge=pos_smudge,
- solver=solver,
- progbar=progbar,
- )
- if not inplace:
- tn = tn.copy()
- for t1, t2 in zip(tn, tna):
- # transpose so only thing changed in original TN is data
- t2.transpose_like_(t1)
- t1.modify(data=t2.data)
- return tn
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Tensor Class #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
@@ -4028,7 +3656,8 @@ def __init__(self, ts=(), *, virtual=False, check_collisions=True):
def combine(self, other, *, virtual=False, check_collisions=True):
"""Combine this tensor network with another, returning a new tensor
- network.
+ network. This can be overriden by subclasses to check for a compatible
+ structured type.
@@ -4837,8 +4466,8 @@ def geometry_hash(self, output_inds=None, strict_index_order=False):
- import pickle
import hashlib
+ import pickle
inputs, output, size_dict = self.get_inputs_output_size_dict(