A Hazelcast Jet connector for InfluxDb which enables Hazelcast Jet pipelines to read/write data points from/to InfluxDb.
Atrribute | Value |
Has Source | Yes |
Batch | Yes |
Stream | No |
Distributed | No |
Atrribute | Value |
Has Sink | Yes |
Distributed | Yes |
The InfluxDb Connector artifacts are published on the Maven repositories.
Add the following lines to your pom.xml to include it as a dependency to your project:
or if you are using Gradle:
compile group: 'com.hazelcast.jet.contrib', name: 'influxdb', version: ${version}
InfluxDb batch source (InfluxDbSources.influxDb()
) executes the
query and emits the results as they arrive.
Following is an example pipeline which queries from InfluxDb, maps the first and second column values on the row to a tuple and logs them.
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
InfluxDbSources.influxDb("SELECT * FROM db..cpu_usages",
(name, tags, columns, row) -> tuple2(row.get(0), row.get(1))))
Check out InfluxDbSourceTest test class for a more complete setup.
InfluxDb sink (InfluxDbSinks.influxDb()
) is used to write data points from
Hazelcast Jet Pipeline to InfluxDb .
Following is an example pipeline which reads out measurements from Hazelcast
List, maps them to Point
instances and writes them to InfluxDb.
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
.map(index -> Point.measurement("mem_usage")
.time(System.nanoTime(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
.addField("value", index)
.writeTo(InfluxDbSinks.influxDb(DB_URL, DATABASE_NAME, USERNAME, PASSWORD));
Check out InfluxDbSinkTest test class for a more complete setup.
To run the tests run the command below:
./gradlew test