Critical fix to avoid untrusted code to run and not auto-install vscode.
Plus if you have a M1 based machine jbang will no longer fail on first run.
jbang will now download Java 17 by default as Java 11 is not yet available from Adoptium.
🐛 Fixes
- 99ed4b8 support M1 initial macs java downloads (#1269)
- ef36242 do not trust nor install editor by default (#1262)
- 81fa1f6 upgrade to latest gradle plugin (#1251)
📝 Documentation
- fd86798 Make explicit why groovy is needed (#1270)
- 5f903c5 Use reload4j in the example instead of log4j (#1266)
- b87d386 [patch] bugfix
We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
Chromico Rek, Max Rydahl Andersen, GitHub, Jérémie Bresson