- use plone.api to get the registry refs #11 [cdw9]
- Update german translations [pbauer]
- Clear before crawling site [pbauer]
- Catch error when auth is empty [pbauer]
- Add fallbacks when trying to remove empty entries [pbauer]
- Nothing changed yet.
- Allow to export the report about broken links report in various formats. Call @@linkcheck-export?export_type=json for the view. Supported formats are csv, xlsx, xls, tsv, yaml, html and json. [pbauer]
- Add a setting to select workflow-states to check on crawl and update. [pbauer]
- Add timeout setting. [pbauer]
- Allow recent versions of Requests. [pbauer]
- Add a setting to select portal_types to check on crawl and update. [lewicki]
- Add a view @@linkcheck to check links from object context [lewicki]
- Add setting to disable event triggering on each request. [lewicki]
- Handle mailto links [Jörg Kubaile]
- Handle relative urls [Toni Fischer]
- Add link to remove entry from the report list [Jörg Kubaile]
- Added german translations [petschki]
- Added .gitignore [petschki]
- Add upgrade step for new registry entry [petschki]
- Fixed an issue where URLs containing unquotable characters would cause the controlpanel to break.
- Discard anchor (#) and query string (?) URL components.
- Resolve links with parent pointers ("../") to avoid duplicate indexing.
- Always enter run loop and routinely poll for new sites.
- Fixed issue where the composite queue implementation would be used incorrectly.
Don't store path (location in document) information; it's useless and it takes up too much disk space.
Added option to limit number of referers to store (default: 5).
Datastructure optimization.
Use bucket-based data types when possible, and avoid copying strings (instead using an integer-based lookup table).
Note: Migration required. Please run the upgrade step.
- Add whitelist (ignore) option. This is a list of regular expressions that match on links to prevent them from being recorded by the tool.
- Make report sortable.
- Quote URLs passed to the "Enqueue" action.
- Added support for HEAD request.
- Use
library to correctly read and decompress zlib-compressed responses.
- Initial public release.