Gommitlint will be a CLI-tool for validating commit messages. At the moment it is not ready for usage.
Example validations are:
Commit message header length
Developer Certificate of Origin
GPG signature
GPG signature identity check
Imperative mood
Jira issue check
Maximum of one commit ahead of
Require a commit body
Spell check
ED: Currently I’m not reading PRs as there is few base things to fix before that.
Here’s how you can contribute:
Found a bug or have a great idea? Let us know in our Issue Tracker
Want to contribute code? Check out our Contribution Guide to get started.
Check out our Issues page.
Please Note: Gommitlint is currently in Alpha. This means:
Things might change in breaking ways.
Feel free to share ideas on how we can make it better.
Gommitlint will slowly getting stable and reliable. But as with any tool in early stages, it’s always good to be careful!
Gommitlint is a hard fork of Sidero Labs Conform tool. All the heavy base work was made by them, so many creds and thanks for that.
That also means that the whole project will continue to be under the Mozila Public License, as that is the license of the most of the code base. I’m not planning to rewrite the code 100% just to be able to use another license.
Gommitlint is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.
Most of the non-code bits are under Creative Commons CC0-1.0.
For all the details, check out our LICENSE file and the headers in each file.