- Ability to proxy Mixpanel calls (Mark Cheverton)
- Add HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR to obtain ip addresses, Heroku thing. (Alvaro Gil)
- Fix content length update, IE. Send file bug (Brad Wilson)
- Ability to insert JS scripts at the bottom of Body element (James Ferguson)
- Updated middleware with latest mixpanel javascript (eddiesiegel)
- Allow overriding of token, time, and ip address (Joe Van Dyk)
- Spelling correction (jellybob)
- Refactor Gem to live in Mixpanel::Tracker and avoid conflicts with other gems.
- Fix how the interpreter is called for asynchronous call support. (jakemack)
- Added optional asynchrony usage built in. (Logan Bowers)
- Bug fixes. (Nathan Baxter)
- Allow api calls other than track through the javascript API. (Nathan Baxter)
- Added support for mixpanel's asynchronous javascript mechanism. (Nathan Baxter)
- Add support for large ajax responses in Rails. (Jake Mallory)